Examine your faith. Have you cast off duties, particularly difficult ones (Job 27:10), been swallowed up by worldly interest, developed inordinate affection for money or sensual enjoyment (Luke 14:26, 1 John 3:9), or shifted off the responsibility of doing what is right?
Earnestly watch, pray, and strive to be in His grace and not to fall into temptation. In light of your weakness and your powerful enemies, ask God to help us stand firm, particularly in times of trial (Acts 14:22, 11:23, 13:43; Luke 21:34, 36; Ephesians 6:13-14). Seek deeper roots (Ephesians 3:16-17) and bear fruit (2 King 19:30, Joshua 13:5-7). But many of us are like uncultivated ground, full of seeds and roots of thorns (Matthew 13:7, 22) that have never been plowed. The thorns grow spontaneously. Our worldly hearts—inordinate affections towards worldly pleasure (lust of the flesh), profits (lust of the eyes), and honor (pride of life)—choke off the words of God, so fruit cannot grow (Jeremiah 4:3, 1 John 2:15, 1 John 2:16, Mark 4:18-19, Luke 8:14). After the fall, hearts bring forth such thorns (Genesis 3:17-18). Intense worldly concern, affection and pursuits naturally grow. We focus on being superior to others, greed over gain, and carnal pleasures. Not knowing any better happiness, we pursue worldly things above all else. They become the idol we worship. Unfortunately, such naturally and spontaneously growing thorns are useless (Psalm 4:6), bearing no fruit (Isaiah 55:2, Jeremiah 17:11, Job 20:15), and ending in death (Romans 6:21). Furthermore, such pernicious growth wounds the soul, brings no peace nor rest (Ecclesiastes 5:12), and causes intense conflicts and pain among people (James 4:1, Micah 7:4, 2 Samuel 23:6-7). Our uncultivated ground needs to be plowed to create good soil (Matthew 13:7, Jeremiah 4:3). Conviction of our sins and repentance can break up our hardened hearts. See the vile nature of sin against God’s glory. Be convinced of the vanity of the world to break us from them. Deny ourselves and renounce our self-righteousness to kill the thorns. Then the seed of the gospel can flourish and bear abundant fruits. Summary of sermons by Jonathan Edwards: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=De_4qb15wQQ 荆棘窒息上帝的话 当察验我们的信仰,省察自己是否放弃了职责, 例如那些特别困难的职责(约伯记 27:10),是否被世俗兴趣所吞噬,是否对金钱或肉体上的享受过分依恋(路加福音 14:26,约翰壹书 3:9)或者逃避做正確事情的責任? 真诚地儆醒, 祷告,努力进入上帝的恩典中,不要陷入迷惑。鉴于自己的软弱和强大的敌人,我们当祈求神帮助站立得稳,尤其是在受试炼的时候(使徒行传 14:22, 11:23, 13:43;路加福音 21:34, 36;以弗所书 6:13-14 )。向下扎更深的根基(以弗所书 3:16-17),向上结出佳美的果实(列王纪下19:30,约书亚记 13:5-7)。 但许多人的心就像荒地,满了荆棘的种子和杂根(马太福音 13:7, 22),从来没有被翻耕过。 荆棘会自发地生长蔓延。我们属世的心钟情于世俗的享乐(肉体的情欲)、个人的利益(眼目的情欲)和自己的尊荣(生命的骄傲)。这些都是窒息上帝話语的荆棘,因此果实不能生长(耶利米书 4:3,约翰壹书 2:15-16,马可福音 4:18-19,路加福音 8:14)。 人心在堕落之后长出这样的荆棘(创世记3:17-18)。对世俗的忧虑,热恋和追求自然而然地增长。人热衷于超越他人、贪婪利益以及肉体的快乐。当不知道更好的幸福时,便追求世界和世界上的情欲高于一切,使之成为崇拜的偶像。 不幸的是这种自然生长的荆棘毫无用处(诗篇 4:6),不会结出任何果实(以赛亚书 55:2,耶利米书 17:11,约伯记 20:15),最后只有以死亡告终(罗马书 6:21)。此外,这种有害的生长伤害人的灵魂,使他没有平安,不得休息(传道书 5:12),并且在人与人之间造成激烈的冲突和痛苦(雅各书 4:1,弥迦书 7:4,撒母耳记 23:6-7)。 未开垦的土地需要靠耕种变成良好的土壤(马太福音 13:7,耶利米书 4:3)。类似的,只有通过认罪悔改才能粉碎我们刚硬的心。让我们为上帝所憎恨的罪深感内疚,看清它们敌对上帝荣耀的邪恶本质,识破世界的虚荣,摆脱它的辖制. 舍弃自己,弃绝自以为义,摧毁心里的荆棘,这样福音的种子才能发旺生长,结出丰硕的果实。 Comments are closed.
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