True spirituality is to love God with all our heart and with all our soul and with all our mind, and to love one another as ourselves. Matthew22:37-39. When we love God, we would love what He loves also.
Such love is more vital than to be a scholar of the Bible. Knowledge is valuable and indispensable in our life. We True spirituality is to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind, and to love one another as ourselves (Matthew 22:37-39). When we love God, we will love what He loves also. Such love is more vital than to be a scholar of the Bible. Knowledge is valuable and indispensable in our life. We need to use our God-given mind to understand and love Him. But knowledge by itself does not bring life. Intelligence even can hinder us in following God if it leads to arrogance. God’s revelation goes to the humble (Matthew 11:25). Having such love is more valuable than serving as a missionary in a faraway land. Without love, even if we give all we have to the poor and suffer, we gain nothing. Without love, even if we have the faith that can achieve great things, we are nothing (Matthew 22:39, John 13:34-35, 1 John 4:20-21, 1 Corinthians 13:1-3). We need to love God more than our own ambitions or money. We cannot serve God and money simultaneously. Note that being wealthy and loving God can co-exist, and rarely do we see a beggar who does not love money (Luke 16:13). But why should we love God? We should love God because He first loves us (1 John 4:19). Meditate on the love of God. In the garden of Gethsemane, Christ was overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death (Matthew 26:38). He went through excruciating pain and was crucified on a cross. At one point, even God the Father forsook Him (Matthew 27:46). Christ went through hell so that we would not have to. Ask God to make us see clearly and comprehend deeply His love for us. We should love God because He has forgiven our sins. We have made lots of mistakes, alienating ourselves and hurting others. Our iniquities continue even after our commitment to follow Christ. Ask God to open our eyes to see the seriousness of our sins. The more we realize His mercy in forgiving our sins, the more we love Him because “whomever has been forgiven little loves little” (Luke 7:47). True spirituality is to love God and our neighbors. Summarized a sermon by Zac Poonen: 最重要的诫命 真正的属灵是尽心、尽性、尽意爱上帝,并且爱人如己(马太福音22:37)。一个爱上帝的人也会爱祂所爱。 拥有这样的爱比做圣经学者更为重要(马太福音13:52)。知识在我们的生活中是宝贵而不可缺的。我们需要使用上帝所赐的理智来理解祂,来热爱祂。但知识本身并不能带来生命。聪明才智如果带来骄傲自大,甚至会阻碍人跟随上帝。上帝的启示显明给那些谦卑的人(马太福音11:25)。 拥有这样的爱比在远方做宣教士更有价值。即使我们将所有的周济穷人而受苦,没有爱也是一无所得。即使我们的信念堅定得可以成就大事,但没有爱也是一无是处(马太福音22:39;约翰福音13:34-35;约翰壹书4:20-21;哥林多前书13:1)。 爱上帝需要胜过自己的野心勃勃,胜过对金钱的贪爱。不能同时服侍金钱和上帝。请注意富有和爱神可以共存。很少有不爱钱的乞丐(路加福音16:13)。 不过为什么要爱上帝呢? 应该爱上帝因为祂先爱我们(约翰壹书4:19)。让我们一起来默想上帝的爱。在客西马尼园里,基督被悲伤压碎,几乎要死(马太福音26:38)。祂经历了极度的痛苦,被钉在十字架上。在某一时刻,甚至父神也离弃了祂(马太福音27:46)。祈求上帝帮助我们,使我们可以清楚地看见和深入地领会祂对我们的无比大爱。 应该爱上帝因为祂赦免我们的罪。我们犯了很多错误,离开了祂,伤害自己和他人。即使立志跟随基督之后,我们的罪孽仍未曾停止。求神打开我们的眼睛,看到自己的罪何其严重。越能意识到祂赦免之怜悯,就越爱祂,因为“那赦免少的,他的愛就少”(路加福音7:47)。 真正的属灵是爱上帝和邻舍。
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