We deceive God, others, and ourselves (Jeremiah 17:9, Hebrews 3:13).
We flatter God and lie to Him (Psalm 78:36). We say we’re sinners while thinking we’re good, believing that God should answer our prayers, bless us, and reward our work. We ask God to protect us from sin, but we don’t watch over ourselves carefully. When Satan temps us, we yield easily. We say God is infinitely powerful and merciful, providing all things, yet we excessively worry and pursue earthly things. We say that God is most important, yet we don’t keep His commandments, nor the promises we made to Him in distress (Psalm 78:56-57, Hosea 7:16). Sometimes we live like God doesn’t even exist. Not only deceiving God, we deceive others also (Matthew 23:5). We are friendly to their faces but backstab them (Psalm 28:3, 12:2, 55:21; Jeremiah 9:4, 8; Proverbs 20:6). We judge their pride while we remain arrogant (Romans 2:1). Furthermore, we deceive ourselves. We distort God’s rules to justify ourselves. We covet others’ wealth and frame it as prudence. We are ignorant (Job 11:12), thinking we know something when we don’t (1 Corinthians 8:2), or we are something when we aren’t (Galatians 6:3). We don’t see our wickedness (Matthew 3:7, Psalm 58:4). We don’t know the power of sin. We are prone to errors, yet we’re stubborn. We ignore God’s guidance (Psalm 25:4-5) and neglect others’ opinions (Proverbs 26:16). We think God is not so far above us. When we don’t understand the Bible, we leave Him (John 6:50-66, Psalm 73:22). Don’t be too self-confident or trustful of our hearts or wisdom. Be suspicious of yourselves (Proverbs 28:26). Beware your blindness (John 9:39, 1 Corinthians 3:19). Ask God to help us see ourselves. Examine ourselves with His words (James 3:17, John 1:47, Romans 12:8, 2 Corinthians 1:12, 1 Corinthians 9:27). Have we kept our promises? Are our prayers just a show? Trust His words (Proverbs 3:5). Seek others’ advice. Accept your mistakes. Earnestly seek His grace as if you don’t have it (Philippians 3:8-11). Summary of a sermon by Jonathan Edwards: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOe0RKYwXwo 人心诡诈至极 我们不但欺骗上帝,也欺骗他人和自己(耶利米书 17:9,希伯来书 3:13)。 我们奉承上帝并且对祂说谎(诗篇 78:36)。我们口中说自己是罪人,内心却以为自己很好,上帝应该听我们的祈祷,祝福我们,奖赏我们的工作。 我们祈求上帝保护我们免受罪的伤害,却不小心保护自己。撒旦试探时,我们很容易就屈服让步。 我们说上帝有无穷的大能和不尽的怜悯,提供我们需要的一切。然而,我们却过度地忧虑,不停地追求世俗的东西。 我们说上帝是最重要的,却不遵守祂的命令,不信守在危难中向祂作出的承诺(诗篇 78:56-57,何西阿书 7:16)。 有时,我们生活得好像上帝根本就不存在一样。 我们不仅欺骗上帝,也欺骗他人(马太福音 23:5)。 在别人面前,我们当面是朋友,背后却伤害他们(诗篇 28:3, 12:2, 55:21; 耶利米书 9:4、8; 箴言 20:6)。 我们评判他们的骄傲,却不改自己的傲慢(罗马书 2:1)。 此外,我们也欺骗自己。 我们歪曲上帝的规则为自己辩护。我们觊觎他人的财富,将这样的心态解释为合情合理。 我们是无知的(约伯记 11:12), 以为自己知道那些不知道的事(哥林多前书 8:2),或者本来什么都不是,却自以为是(加拉太书 6:3)。 我们看不到自己的邪恶(马太福音 3:7,诗篇 58:4)也不知道罪恶的权势。 我们容易犯错,却固执己见。 我们不理会上帝的引导(诗篇 25:4-5),也不考虑他人的意见(箴言 26:16)。 我们认为上帝并不远远高过自己。当我们不明白圣经时,就离祂而去(约翰福音 6:50-66,诗篇 73:22)。 不要太自信, 太相信自己的内心或智慧。要怀疑自己(箴言 28:26)。当心我们的瞎眼和愚拙(约翰福音 9:39,哥林多前书 3:19)。 求神帮助我们看清自己的本来面目。 用祂的话来审视自己(雅各书 3:17,约翰福音 1:47,罗马书 12:8,哥林多前书 1:12,哥林多前书 9:27)。我们遵守诺言了吗?我们的祷告只是一场表演吗? 相信上帝的话(箴言 3:5)。 寻求他人的建议。接受自己的错误。诚恳地寻求神的恩典,就好像我们还没有得到一样(腓立比书 3:8-11)。 Comments are closed.
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