The Ten Commandments primarily focus on behaviors, while the Sermon on the Mount focusses on desires.
According to the Sermon, our goodness needs to be better than that of the teachers of the law and Pharisees. They depended on their works, but actions can be deceiving. Do we refrain from committing crimes for moral reasons, or because we fear getting caught? Christ focuses on our hearts and desires. Actions arise from them. For example, envy compelled Cain killed Abel, committing the first murder in the Bible. Hate can lead to murder, so don’t even call someone a brainless idiot or a worthless fool (1 John 3:15, 1 John 2:9, Matthew 5:22). Lustful thoughts can lead to adultery, so we should guard our minds (Matthew 5:28). “An eye for an eye” should be the job of the government. Police and the court of law are established by God to administer justice, matching punishments to the offense so as to deter criminals and purge evil (Romans 13:1-2, Deuteronomy 19:18-21). Sometimes, force is necessary. For example, Christ administered justice with physical force in a temple (John 2:13-16). In time of danger, Christ told his disciples to get swords to defend themselves (Luke 22:36-38). Paul exercised his rights as a Roman citizen (Acts 16:35-40). But beware of the consequences. If one lives by the sword, he will die by the sword (John 18:10-11, Matthew 26:52). There are times to take the unreasonable hit, turn the other cheek, and go the extra mile. Note that insults are difficult to bear. Even Paul could flare up (Acts 23:1-5). But our endurance can turn enemies into friends or, better yet, into followers of Christ. Christ is our model. He loved His enemies, as shown by His crucifixion. Christ’s behavior even converted the hardcore criminal who was crucified next to Him (Luke 23:39-43). Christ focuses on our hearts. He wants us to be perfect like our heavenly Father. So, do whatever is necessary to maintain a pure heart (Matthew 5:29-30, 48). But more importantly, rely on our Father in heaven to do so (Hebrews 12:1). Summary of a sermon by Greg Laurie: 自我防卫和报复 十诫主要关注外在的行为,而登山宝训则关注内心的渴望。 根据登山宝训,我们的良善需要比律法师和法利赛人的更好。他们依赖于自己的行为,但行为可能具有欺骗性。不犯罪是出于道德的原因还是因为害怕犯罪被抓住? 基督专注于我们的内心和渴望,行动从它们产生。例如嫉妒导致该隐杀死亚伯,这是圣经中的第一个谋杀案。 仇恨会导致谋杀,因此要避免称某人为没有头脑的白痴或一文不值的傻瓜 (约翰壹书 3:15, 2:9; 马太福音 5:22)。 淫荡的想法会导致通奸,因此要保守我们的心 (马太福音 5:28)。 “以眼还眼”应该是政府的职责。警察和法庭都是上帝为了执行正义而设立,量罪定刑使罪犯畏惧并清除邪恶 (罗马书 13:1-2;申命记 19:18-20)。 有时要使用武力和要行使自己的权利。例如,基督在圣殿中用武力施行公义 (约翰福音 2:13-16)。在危险的时候,基督告诉门徒要拿刀自卫 (路加福音 22:36-38)。保罗行使罗马公民的权利 (使徒行传 16:35-40)。但要注意使用这些方法的后果,“凡动刀的,必死于刀下 (约翰福音 18:10-11;马太福音 26:52)。” 有时要忍受无理的打击,转过另一边脸,再多走一里。侮辱是难以忍受的,就连保罗也会忍不住发火 (使徒行传 23:1-5)。但忍耐可以化敌为友,亦或更好的是把他们变成基督的追随者。 基督是我们的榜样。祂爱祂的仇敌,为罪人被钉十字架。基督的行为甚至感动了钉在身边的重罪犯,使他悔改归向祂 (路加福音 23:39-43). 基督关注我们的内心,要我们像天父一样完美。因此要尽力保持一颗纯洁的心 (马太福音 5:29-30, 48), 但更重要的是依靠天父才能如此 (希伯来书 12:1)。
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