Many of us are careful about what we put into our bodies, and yet are remarkably careless in what we put into our minds. What we put into our mind determines the person we become.
We have access to more content than anyone in history, and we devour it. Our mobile phones have become our companions. We feel uncomfortable waiting in line without reading from them. Unfortunately, many things we consume, particularly from the social media, are misleading and downright dangerous. They can weigh us down with inappropriate worry, anger, and fear. Be mindful of what goes into your mind. The Bible is where God reveals Himself to us, educating us about Christ’s actions, teachings, death, and resurrection. It is where God teaches us our identity, how we should live, and where we will go. It is a book full of wisdom. So, read the Bible regularly. Start from the four Gospels. Read it repeatedly to hold on to what you have learned (2 Timothy 3:14). Meditate on the Bible you have read. To a certain extend, meditation is like worrying. In worrying, thoughts repeat in our minds and drag us down. But in meditating the Bible, these repeating thoughts elevate us. Read the Bible to seek help and guidance from God for our everyday life. Make a note on questions to find answers later. Apply what you have learned from the Bible (James 1:22). Reading the Bible is not just to increase our knowledge, but also to change our lives and to equip us for different types of good work (2 Timothy 3:14-17). As to good work, there is no need to have a huge plan. Just do the next right thing. Be kind. Drive slower. Mention to someone you believe in God. Volunteer for the right activities. Give somebody an unexpected honest compliment. Relax. Forgive. Laugh. Go outside, look at the world, and say, “Thank you, God.” If we do the wrong thing, remember God says, “My grace is sufficient for you.” 2 Corinthians 12:9. Repent, receive mercy, and do the next right thing. In conclusion, control what goes into your mind. Read the Bible regularly. Commit to do what it says. Do the next right thing. God can and will help us. Let Him transform us by renewing our minds through the Bible. Summarized from a sermon by John Ortberg: 学习 很多人对自己的饮食谨慎,而对放入脑子的东西粗心大意。但是放入我们脑子的东西决定我们成为什么样的人。 我们拥有的信息比历史上任何人都多。并且我们贪婪地吸收它们,如像沉浸于看模因的世界中,浪费多少时间。我们的移动电话成为我们的伴侣。在排队等候时, 如果我们不从电话中看东西便会感到不舒服。不幸的是,我们今天看到的很多东西,尤其是从社交媒体上看到的,许多是错误, 荒谬, 和危险的。它们可能引起不适当的担忧,愤怒和恐惧。 要控制进入我们脑海的事物。 圣经是天父向我们彰显自己的地方,告诉我们有关基督,祂的活动,教导,死亡和复活。天父在那里教导我们应该如何生活, 将去何方, 以及我们的身份。这是一本充满智慧的书。 因此,经常阅读圣经。从四本福音书开始。一遍又一遍地读,紧紧抓住我们所学到的 (提摩太后书3:14)。 沉思我们已读的内容。在某种程度上, 默想有点像担心。担心使我们由反复思索中引致沮丧。然而,默想圣经让我们从反复的思考中得以提升。 阅读圣经寻求神对我们日常生活的帮助和指导。记下问题,以便以后找到答案。 运用我们所学到的(雅各书1:22)。 我们阅读圣经的目标不仅是增加知识,而也是为了改变生活, 改变人生,并装备我们做良好的事工(提摩太后书3:14-17)。 关于良好事工,无需设计宏伟的计划。只要做下一件正确的事情。如善待他人,开车慢一点。告诉别人你相信上帝。又或者参与有益该做的活动。给某人意想不到的诚实赞美。放松点。多原谅。常常笑。到外面走走,看看世界,说:“谢谢上帝。” 如果我们做错了事,记得上帝说:“我的恩典夠你用的(哥林多后书12:9)。” 悔改,接受怜悯,做下一件正确的事情。 总而言之,控制进入我们脑海的事物。经常阅读圣经。致力于做它所说的。 做对的事情。上帝可以并且会帮助我们的。让祂通过圣经更新我们的思想, 改变我们。
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