Being down-to-earth with one’s feet on the ground is considered a good character trait. But Colossians 3:1-4 provides another point of view.
Many believe this world is all there is, and that when they die, there will be nothing left. Such belief leads some to focus entirely on their own worldly gain, ignoring right from wrong and raping the environment for treasures. Christians believe that the world is not all there is. Many epic stories start with ordinary people going through larger-than-life events. After prevailing in a great battle over an evil empire against all odds, they return home. They live confidently and freely. Nothing at home could ruffle them. To them, their home is not all there is. Following His Father’s will, Christ came to Earth, lived a pure life, suffered, died a horrible death, and was resurrected. Christ substituted Himself for us, and His death broke the power of Satan. We and Christ are one. We died with Him and have been raised with Him (v1, 3). Now when the Father looks at us, He sees Christ. We have the greatness and honor of Christ, and we have the love from the Father to Christ. When Christ returns, we will appear with Christ in glory as God’s children (v4). Since we and Christ are one, we have been through what Christ went through. We have been through Christ’s epic battle. After going through such tragic and glorious events with Christ, nothing on Earth can ruffle us. “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31). There are wonderful things on Earth we cherish, but they do not dominate us or control us. Our life on Earth is not all there is. Focus on Christ. Constantly meditate on Christ and the Gospel. We must set our hearts and minds on things above (v1-2). This will help us live and do good on Earth with freedom and power. Summarized from a Tim Keller’s sermon, titled, “Set Out Hearts and Minds on Things Above”: 怎样才能在任何情况下保持冷静? 为人行事脚踏实地通常都被认为是很好的品格。歌罗西书第3章1-4节提供了另一个思考的角度。 许多人相信这个世界就是一切,人一死就什么都没有了。这种信念使一些人只完全关注自己世俗的利益,无视对错,破坏和摧残环境。基督徒相信这物质世界并非一切所有。 很多伟大卓绝的故事往往开端于普通人生活在艰辛患难中的磨炼与挣扎。例如有些大能的勇士在不可能的情况下打败了邪恶的帝国,经历了一场可怕的战争后,返回家乡,充满自信而自由地生活。在家乡没有什么可以扰乱或者激怒他们。对他们来说家乡已经不是一切。 基督遵循天父的旨意来到世上,过着纯洁的生活,多受痛苦,常经忧患,在十字架上忍受苦难,为世人受死,三天以后复活。基督是世人的代罪羔羊,祂的代死打破了撒但黑暗的权势. 我们与基督同为一体,与祂同死同复活 (歌罗西书3:1,3:3)。现在每当天父看见我们,祂就看见基督。基督的伟大和荣耀与我们同在,父神对基督的爱也临到我们。当基督再来时,上帝的儿女,将与基督一同在荣耀里显现(歌罗西书 3:4)。 既然我们与基督一体,就经历了祂所经历的, 包括那场史诗般的争战。与基督一起经历如此的悲壮和光荣后,地上的任何事都不能让我们沮丧, “上帝若帮助我们,谁能敌挡我们呢?”(罗马书8:31)。 珍惜地上美好的事物,但不被它们主宰或辖制。在世上的生活并非一切。定睛在基督身上,不住地默想基督和福音。 思念上面的事 (歌罗西书3:1-2)。如此,在世上就可以有力并自由地生活和行善。
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