Many consider life to be meaningless, full of despair and boredom, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. To fill the emptiness, some pursue happiness but can’t find it. What does the Bible say about happiness? Let’s look at Psalm 1.
Verse 1 says that happiness is not illusory. We could be blessed now and filled with joy. Happiness depends on whom we hang out with or belong to. Do not hang out with the wicked and mockers, lest they own or control us (v1). They will not give us happiness. Constantly think about and delight in the messages of the Bible. Think about how Christ became a man and died for us so we could be reconciled to God (v2). Then like a tree planted by streams of water, we will yield seasonal fruits, and our leaves will never wither (v3). “Seasonal” implies there will be periods of cold and desolate winters. Bad things will happen. Evils exist. We will experience seasons of pain, suffering, and grief. But even in deep distress, we can still rejoice (1 Peter 1:6) because we are God’s children forever. God constantly upholds us. So, whether our life is easy or full of suffering, God should be our center. Happiness is always a byproduct of something else. Don’t seek it. If we focus on a happy marriage, we will not get it. Christ taught us not to worry. First seek what is important to Him and live as He wants us to. Then we will have happiness (Matthew 6:25-33). In conclusion, bad people cannot bring us happiness. Instead, center on God. Constantly meditate on the messages in the Bible. Then we will yield fruits in season and our leaves will not wither. Summarized from a Tim Keller’s sermon, titled, “Search for happiness”: 想要幸福吗? 不要为它而活。 许多人认为生活毫无意义,充满绝望和无聊,虽然充斥各样声音和愤怒, 却仍然是虚无虚空。为了填补空虚,一些人追求幸福快乐,却找不到。圣经对此的看法是什么?请来看诗篇第一篇。 第一节说幸福不是虚幻的,现在就可以蒙福,充满喜乐。 幸福取决于与谁在一起或属于谁。不要与恶人和亵慢人一起,以免被他们拥有或控制,这些人不会带来快乐(诗篇1:1)。 不断思想圣经的信息,以之为喜乐。思想基督如何降世为人,并为世人而死,使人可以与上帝和好 (诗篇1:2)。喜爱思想主话语的人就像一棵樹栽在溪水旁边,按時候結果子,叶子永远不枯干(诗篇1:3)。 “按時候” 意味着会有寒冷荒凉的冬季。坏事会发生,邪恶确实存在,人都会经历痛苦和悲伤的季节。 然而即使在极度痛苦中仍然可以大大喜乐(彼得后书1:6),因为我们永远是上帝的儿女。上帝不断地托住我们。因此无论生活轻松容易或充满痛苦,上帝都当是我们的中心。 幸福总是伴随其它事物而来,不要刻意寻求它。如果单单专注于幸福的婚姻,反将无法得到它。基督教导信徒不要担忧,当首先寻求对基督重要之事,并按照祂的要求生活,后幸福快乐就会接踵而来 (马太福音6:25-33)。 总而言之,与坏人结伴就没有幸福。相反地,以上帝为中心,不断默想圣经中的信息,就将按時結果子,叶子也不枯干。
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