What does it mean to offer ourselves to God, as stated in Romans 12:1?
The Old Testament instructed the Jews to give 10 percent to support the Levites. The New Testament does not teach tithing. Instead, the New Testament teaches that we should offer our whole bodies to God, in view of God’s mercy (Romans 12:1). God has given us so much. Our body was bought by God at a great price. It is also the house of the Holy Spirit, received from our heavenly Father (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). We should present our bodies to God, repent from our past ignorance (Acts 17:30), and use our bodies to honor Him. This is our worship. Offering our bodies to God can be like the burnt offering in Leviticus 1, where an animal was cut up into pieces and offered to God. Now, we offer every part of our body as a living sacrifice, not a dead one. For example, give our eyes to God, instead of greedily yearning for other’s property, or looking at things God does not like. Our tongue is not our own anymore. Our ears should not be eagerly listening to gossip. Our hands should do things that honor God. We can make our bodies do what they should through the help of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 9:27). We can remove bad habits and discipline ourselves. For example, we should control our appetite, instead of letting our appetite control us. Otherwise, we will live as enemies of Christ (Philippians 3:18-19). Fasting can get rid of intense passion for food and help us understand hunger. Similarly, keep sex within the limits that God has ordained (1 Corinthians 6:12-13). Peter asked Christ what they would get for giving up everything to follow Him. Christ seemed to respond they should not expect to get more than those who followed Him right before death (Matthew 19:21-20:16). Our heavenly Father has already given us His beloved Son so we can have everlasting life. Similarly, if we serve anyone in need, we do it for Christ (Matthew 25:34-40). Do not expect gratitude from them. To conclude, in view of God’s mercy, we should offer our whole bodies to God. Summarized from a sermon by Zac Poonen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ve4c5xSx1eU&feature=youtu.be 罗马书12章 罗马书12:1中所讲的将身体献给上帝是什么意思呢? 旧约教导什一奉献支持利未人。新约没有教导什一奉献, 而是教导在上帝的怜悯下将整个身体献给祂(罗马书12:1)。 上帝赐给信徒丰丰富富。信徒的身体是祂付出了极大的代价买赎回来的。 身体也是圣灵的殿, 从天父那里得到的 (哥林多前书6:19-20)。 应该将身体献给上帝, 从过去的无知中悔改 (使徒行传17:30),并且用身体尊荣上帝,这就是我们的敬拜。 将身体献给上帝就好像利未记一章中的献燔祭, 在那里动物被切成碎片献给上帝. 现在将身体的各部分作为活祭献给上帝. 例如当将目光投向上帝,不要贪婪地看着他人的所有,也不要看上帝不喜欢人所看的事物;舌头不再属于自己的;耳朵不应该急于听无聊的八卦新闻;并且手应该做荣耀上帝的事。 依靠圣灵使身体做該做的事 (哥林多前书9:27)。消除不良习惯,节制自律。当控制食欲,不被食欲所控制,否则就将成为基督的仇敌 (腓立比书3:18-19)。禁食可以消除对食物的嗜好,并帮助人了解饥饿。同样地,保持性行为在上帝规定的范围内 (哥林多前书6:12-13)。 彼得曾问基督放弃一切跟随祂将有何回报。 基督的回应似乎是不应指望得到比临死前才跟随祂的人更多 (马太福音19:21-20:16)。 天父已经赐下爱子基督,使人可以因信祂得永生。 同样地,如果服事有需要的人,就是为基督而做 (马太福音25:34-40)。不要期待人的回谢。 总而言之,在上帝的怜悯下将身体作为活祭献给祂吧。
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