If someone wanted to meet us in San Francisco, we would ask, “Why?” Shouldn’t we also ask where we want to go in life? So why live? Why get up in the morning?
We exist for a very short time. Then we die and rot. Why does it matter whether one goes down hugging or mugging, kind or cruel? Does anything we do matter? Why even try to do anything? In Greek mythology, Sisyphus is cursed to an eternity of rolling a large boulder up a hill, only for it to roll back down. Some characterize hell as doing a pointless act, again and again, forever. Some believe in no god, no way to know god, no heaven, and no hell. Some also believe that there is no basis for wrong and right. If one assumes everything ending in nothing, then just following one’s own desire also does not give life any meaning. Some say that love, hate, and every emotion in us are just chemical reactions. But something inside tells us a human is different from a rock. Something inside tells us there is evil and good. Popcorn machines should not make turkey. A sailboat should not run down main street. If we want to live a full and satisfying life, we must know ourselves, learn our reason to exist, and follow it. According to Christianity, a designer designed and built the world. The designer came as a human being and lived among us, showing us His glory, grace, and truth. The designer loves us to the point of laying down His life for us (John 1:1-14). Our meaning in life is found in Christ, the designer of life. Know and love Christ. If we do so, we will “have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10). Summarized from a Tim Keller’s sermon, titled, “Reason to live”: https://gospelinlife.com/downloads/a-reason-for-living-an-open-forum-8066/ 如果我们的生活没有意义? 如果有人想在旧金山见面,我们会问“为什么?” 那么,为何不问一问生命往哪里去?为什么要活着?为什么早上要起床? 人生在世短暂,然后就死去腐烂。既然如此,用双手拥抱或抢劫,为人善良或残忍, 两者之间还有分别吗?人所做的任何事情还有意义吗? 甚至为什么要尝试做任何事情?在希腊神话中,Sisyphus受到诅咒,每天都把一块巨石推上山,在几乎到达山顶之前那块巨石又滚下山坡来,如此循环往复,永无止尽。有人将地狱描述为必须永远一次又一次地做毫无意义的事。 有些人相信没有上帝,没有办法认识上帝,没有天堂,也没有地狱。有些人相信没有衡量是非对错的真理。 如果相信一切都是空虚, 遵循自己的愿望做事也不赋予生命任何意义。 有人说,爱恨以及所有其它的情绪都只是一个人身上的化学反应。 但内心深处有声音说人类与岩石不同,内心深处有良知讲世上有邪恶和善良。 爆米花机不应该用来烘烤火鸡,帆船不应沿着街道行驶。如果想要丰盛充实而心满意足的生活,必须认识自己,找出自我存在的理由,并遵循它而生活。 圣经启示有一位设计师设计并建造了这个世界。这位设计师成为一个人来到世人中间,展现祂的荣耀,恩典和真理。设计师爱世人至死,为人舍命十架 (约翰福音1:1-14)。 一个人生命的意义可以在基督这位生命的设计师中找到。 认识基督,热爱基督,如此行就会“得生命,並且得的更豐盛”(约翰福音10:10)。
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