A Tim Keller Sermon Summary Troubles in life cause anxiety and stress. Breathing exercises, meditation, and work/life balance are some techniques to deal with stress, but Philippians 4:4-12 focuses on the fundamentals.
Inner calm and contentment come from God’s peace, which transcends all understanding (v6-7). Regularly facing attack, torture, and death, Paul teaches us that such contentment can be learned (v11-12). First, think about whatever is true, noble, and right. Think about whatever is pure, lovely, and admirable (v8). Think about God sending His Son to redeem us, to bring us back to Him. Christ on the cross died a violent death, sacrificing His peace, so we could have eternal peace (2 Corinthians 5:21). Think about God’s love. Second, thank God as you present Him your requests (v6). God may not grant our requests, but He will provide. No matter how bad we have been, we know God has accepted us through Christ’s death on the cross. How would He not always give us the best, when He even gave us His only Son? Trust that He cares. Third, set your heart and build your house on God. When we build our foundation on sand, our lives become restless, filled with anxiety and devoid of peace. In all things, God works for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28). Focus on loving and serving our unchanging God. Then we will find peace. In 1870s, Horatio Spafford went bankrupt just before his five children, one son and four daughters, died. In the wake of such tragedy, he wrote, “It is well with my soul”: Peace, like a river, attendeth my way . . . My sin . . . is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more . . . praise the Lord, O my soul . . . It is well with my soul. Think about God’s love and what He has done for us. Present your requests to Him and thank Him. And set your heart on our unchanging God. Then you will find peace. Summarized from a Tim Keller’s sermon, titled, “Peace comes from focusing on God” https://gospelinlife.com/downloads/peace-8602/ 疯狂世界中的平安 生活中的烦恼导致焦虑和压力。呼吸运动、静坐冥想和平衡工作与生活是一些应对压力的不同方法,而腓立比书4:4-12特别关注应对压力的基本原则。 上帝出人意料的平安带来内心的平静和满足(腓比书4:6-7)。保罗经常面对攻击、折磨和死亡的挑战。他教导我们如何学来这样属天的满足(腓立比书4:11-12)。 首先,要思念任何真实的,可敬的和公义的;思念任何清洁的,可爱的和有美名的(腓立比书4:8)。思念上帝差派祂的儿子救赎了我们。基督在十字架上残酷地死亡,祂失去平安,使我们可以拥有平安(哥林多后书5:21)。思念神的爱。 其次,向上帝提出自己的要求,然后感谢祂(腓立比书4:6)。上帝可能不答应祈祷的要求,但上帝会供应的。无论光景如何糟糕,通过基督在十字架上的死,我们知道上帝接纳了自己。当祂赐下了唯一的儿子时,又怎么可能不赐给最好的呢?相信祂的关心。 第三,将内心像房屋一样建立在神上。如果内心建立在其它任何事物上,其基础都会像房屋建立在沙滩上,令生活变得焦躁不安,充满焦虑,没有平安. 上帝让所有的事情都相互效力为让爱祂的人得益处(罗马书8:28)。专心于爱和服事那不变的上帝,祂的平安就将与我们同在。 19世纪70年代,Horatio Spafford 破产了,随即他的儿子和四个女儿相继去世。在如此悲痛浩劫中,他写道:我有平安如江河 我有平安如江河在我心。平安如江河....我的罪...钉在十字架上,我不再需要依靠自己去承受....我的灵魂啊,赞美主啊....我灵魂安好无恙。 回想上帝为我们做了些什么. 思念祂的爱。向祂提出自己的祈求并感谢祂。将我们的内心安置于不变的神上。如此,和平就会从祂而来。
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