Money solves lots of problems, and we need it to live. But how important is material wealth to us?
Many of Christ’s parables are about wealth because our attitude towards it is a window into our hearts. Let’s look at Christ’s viewpoint on possessions via the parable in Luke 12:13-21. The person there kept storing up things, thinking they would bring him security and happiness (v18). Christ called him a fool (v20), which is very rare. If he died that day, he wouldn’t have been able to enjoy any of his possessions. The physical world is temporary and is not all there is. Christ had no material wealth on earth, and yet He is worshipped by more than anyone today. Don’t trust earthly things more than God. “Let me have this car.” “Help me succeed in this deal.” “Make this woman love me.” “Get me this house.” “Make me beautiful.” “Build up my muscles.” Don’t look to earthly things to give us genuine security and happiness. Only God can do that. Don’t place our hope in earthly things, but in God and His plans. Focus on investing in God’s kingdom and His words, which last forever (v21). Be rich in Christ. Christ gave up His heavenly riches to become poor on earth. His sacrifice draws us to God. Through Christ, we become rich and good in God’s eyes (2 Corinthians 5:21, 8:9). Also, focus on people rather than gathering riches for ourselves. Luke 16:9 talks about a shrewd manager putting money into people, something that lasts. It is wise to save but be generous. Generosity can show our faith in God and our hope for the future. Generosity shows our love for others. Don’t focus on loving yourself but love our neighbors as yourself. But don’t be good to others just to claim a place in paradise. Our goodness is far from God’s standards. We are good before God only through Christ, not through our behavior. In conclusion, earthly possessions are temporary. Focus on God’s kingdom and His words. Focus on others. Summarized from a Tim Keller’s sermon, titled, “Money Can Make Us Fools”: 为什么傻瓜专注于金钱? 金钱可以解决很多问题,人也需要金钱来生活。 但物质财富对我们到底有多重要呢? 基督的许多比喻都涉及财富,因为人对钱财的态度是窥见他内心的一扇窗户。 让我们来看基督在路加福音12:13-21比喻中对钱财的看法。经文中的那人不停地储蓄财富,认为这会带来安全和幸福. 路加福音12:18。基督称他为傻瓜,这是非常罕见的. 路加福音12:20。那人如在当天去世,便无法享受任何储蓄之物。物质世界是暂时的,并非一切的所有。基督在世上时没有金银财产,然而今天却比任何人都更受敬拜。 不要倚赖任何属世的事比倚赖上帝更多。 “让我拥有这辆车”,“帮助我成功地完成这笔交易”,“让这个女人爱我”,“让我得到这个房子”,“ 让我更美丽,更强壮”,… 属世的事物不能带来真正的安全和快乐. 只有上帝才能。不要把希望放在属世的事物上。相反地,应该把盼望放在上帝和上帝的计划上。 专注投资天国和祂永恒的话语. 路加福音12:21。 应当在基督里富足。基督放弃了天上的财富,成为地上的穷人。祂的牺牲将我们吸引到上帝面前。我们藉着基督在上帝的眼中变得富足而美好. 哥林多后书5:21, 8:9。 专注于他人而不是为自己积累财富。 路加福音16:9谈到一个精明的管家把钱投资在人身上,因为这是永恒持久的。 储蓄是明智的, 但同时要慷慨大方。 慷慨可以表明对上帝的信任和对未来的盼望,同时也表明了我们的爱。不要专注爱自己,要爱邻如己。 对他人行善的动机不应是为了在天国占有一席之地。人的良善远不能达到上帝的标准。只有籍着基督才能使我们在上帝面前被看为好。 总而言之,地上的钱财是暂时的。专注天国和祂永恒的话语。专注于他人。
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