Traditional culture discourages being single, but we are imperfect. How can imperfect couples live happily ever after? Couples need to give up their independence and work together to resolve many conflicts. 1 Corinthians 7:3-4 even describes sex as being controlled by one’s spouse. So, it is understandable that many are cynical towards marriage and glorify independence. But remember that God did not just create Adam. God created Adam and Eve to be together. Having said that, for Christians, it is also fine to be single. Paul even suggested not looking for a wife in 1 Corinthians 7:27-28. In other words, don’t be too eager to get married. A few other issues. Our culture puts too much emphasis on sexual immorality. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 describe a list of bad characters. They include the sexually immoral, thieves, drunkards, slanderers, and swindlers. Both greed and sexual immorality are on the list. If we define greed as an intense selfish desire for wealth, power or food, then both greed and sexual immorality focus on selfish needs. But our culture treats the sexually immoral much worse than the greedy. How do we control our appetites? Learn from those who diet. They bear hunger for something desirable, such as health. Similarly, we should abstain from frivolous sex for something desirable, such as more fulfilling sex, a happier spouse, or a better relationship with God. For those who could not forgive themselves for their past sexual mistakes, remember that we are imperfect. We constantly love something else more than God, committing adultery against Him. But the blood of Christ has cleansed us. Christ has forgiven us, like He had forgiven the adulterer in John 8:8-11. So, forgive our past mistakes and leave our former life of sin. Focus on God. Only God can truly satisfy us. 婚姻,单身和性
传统文化不鼓励单身,但是我们并不完美。不完美的夫妻怎能过上快乐幸福的生活?夫妻需要放弃独立,共同解决许多冲突 。哥林多前书7:3-4甚至描述性爱是由配偶支配的。因此,可以理解许多人赞美独立并且对婚姻抱有嘲讽的态度。 但请记住上帝不仅创造了亚当,祂还创造了夏娃和亚当在一起。 话虽如此,对于基督徒而言单身也是好的。 保罗甚至在哥林多前书7:27-28建议不要尋求配偶。换一种说法,不要太渴望结婚。 还有其它一些问题。 我们的文化过分强调性不道德。哥林多前书6:9-11描述了一列不良性格之人的清单, 包括性不道德的人、偷盗的人、贪婪的人、醉酒的人,诽谤的人和欺骗的人。在这名单里贪婪和性不道德都榜上有名。如果将贪婪的定义为对财富、权力或食物有强烈的自私欲望,那么贪婪和性不道德都专注于自私的需求。但是我们的文化对待性不道德的人远比贪婪的人更糟。 缺乏性控制力的人可以向那些节食的人学习。他们忍受饥饿,更渴望某些令人爱慕的东西, 例如健康的身体。同样,性欲控制也可以为了拥有更值得的东西,例如更充实的性生活、更快乐的配偶或者更好地跟随神。 如果你无法原谅过去犯的性错误,请记住人都是不完美的。我们经常爱上帝以外的比爱上帝得多,对上帝犯了奸淫的罪。但基督的宝血已经洁净了我们。基督已经赦免了我们,就像祂赦免了在约翰福音8:8-11犯奸淫的妇人。因此,原谅自己过去的错误,离开以前罪恶的生活。 专注于上帝,只有上帝才能真正地满足我们。
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