God plans (Jeremiah 29:11, 1 Corinthians 14:33) just as He tells us to plan (Proverbs 4:26, 1 Corinthians 14:40). Without planning, we will drift and waste our lives (Ephesians 5:15-17).
Let’s see how Nehemiah made God-inspired plans for a better future: 1. God put an intense desire in Nehemiah’s heart. He prayed for God’s favor and asked for success (Nehemiah 1:4, 11). If we don’t know what to do, ask God what He wants us to do (James 1:5). He will show us. 2. Prepare for an opportunity and wait for the right time. Planning is demanding (Proverbs 13:16). Nehemiah prepared for at least four months before asking the king for help (Nehemiah 2:1). Ask for help (James 4:2). Let others say no. Don't say it for them. 3. Expect and admit fear. For the first time, Nehemiah looked very sad before the king. During his time, causing the king to be upset could lead to death. Nehemiah was very afraid (Nehemiah 2:1-2). Courage is not without fear. Nehemiah admitted his fear, but he didn’t let fear stop him. 4. Make it easy for others to understand you. Nehemiah started wisely by showing his loyalty to the king and appealed to what the king could understand: respect for ancestors (Nehemiah 2:2-4). 5. Set a clear target (Nehemiah 2:5) and act prudently. If we aim at nothing, we hit nothing. Don’t worry if your goal is too high. Let God bail us out. Such goals can honor God. Then act prudently, one step at a time. Haste makes waste. 6. Set a deadline (Nehemiah 2:6). Typically, a goal without a deadline is just an empty wish. 7. Nehemiah anticipated barriers and calculated the cost accordingly (Nehemiah 2:7-8, Proverbs 27:12, Luke 14:27-28). He put together detailed protections and provisions he needed to build. Then he honestly expressed his specific wishes to the king. 8. Trust God to meet our needs, and give God the credit (Nehemiah 2:7-8). Only God could change the king’s heart (Proverbs 21:1). God won’t do what we can do, such as planning and doing what’s under our control. And we can’t do what only God can provide. We should strive to live according to God’s will (James 4:15). And if God doesn’t accomplish our plans (Proverbs 16:1), always trust His love and sovereignty. Summary of a sermon by Rick Warren: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=85gpbwcvP2U 制定改进生命的计划 正如上帝告诉我们要计划一样(箴言 4:26,哥林多前书 14:40),上帝自己也计划(耶利米书 29:11,哥林多前书 14:33)。如果没有计划,我们就会随波逐流,浪费生命(以弗所书 5:15-17)。 让我们向尼希米学习,从上帝受启发,为更美好的未来制定计划: 1. 神把强烈的渴望放在尼希米的心里。他祈求神的恩惠和计划的成功(尼希米记 1:11)。 如果不知道应做什么,就该问上帝祂的心意如何(雅各书 1:5)。祂会向我们显明。 2. 为未来的机会做准备,等待合适的时间。计划是苛求的(箴言 13:16)。 尼希米准备了至少四个月后才向王寻求帮助(尼希米记 2:1)。 寻求帮助(雅各书 4:2),让别人说不,不要替他们拒绝。 3. 满怀期待并承认恐惧。尼希米起初在国王面前显得非常悲伤。在那时代使国王心烦意乱可能会带来死亡之灾。尼希米非常害怕(尼希米记 2:1-2)。 勇气不是没有恐惧,尼希米承认自己非常害怕, 但没有让恐惧阻止他。 4. 让别人更容易理解你。尼希米明智地先表现出对王的忠诚, 然后从王所能理解的尊重祖先的话题开始陈情(尼希米记 2:2-4)。 5. 设立明确的目标,并谨慎行事(尼希米记 2:5)。如果不瞄准目标,就不能击中。如果目标设定很高,不要担心, 让上帝帮助我们。这样的目标可以荣耀上帝。 当谨慎行事, 一步一步地尝试实现目标。欲速则不达。 6. 设定计划的期限(尼希米记 2:6)。没有截止日期的目标通常只是空洞的愿望。 7. 尼希米的计划预想到可能的障碍,并且计算代价(尼希米记 2:7-8, 箴言 27:12,路加福音 14:27-28)。他详细地制定了为重建城墙所需要的保护和设施, 然后诚实而具体地请求王提供帮助。 8. 相信上帝会满足我们的需要,并将功劳归于上帝(尼希米记 2:7-8)。只有上帝才能改变君王的心(箴21:1)。 上帝不会替我们做我们能做的事(尼希米记 2:5), 例如制定计划和做自己控制范围内的事情。我们也不能提供只有上帝才能提供的一切。 当努力按照上帝的旨意而活(雅各书 4:15)。如果上帝不完成我们的计划(箴言 16:1), 也应永远相信祂的慈爱和主权。 Comments are closed.
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