A Lesson from Nicole Unice During the time of the New Testament, Corinth was a place of high culture and fast living. Whatever one did was no one else’s business. This led to rampant and unfettered sexual immorality (1 Corinthians 6:12).
To them, food was for the stomach and the stomach was for food. Both were temporary, similar to body and sex. Another idea was that body and spirit were separate and unaffected by each other. This led to some people only focusing on the mind, while others focused only on the body. Paul disagreed with such beliefs and behavior. He considered our spirit tightly integrated with our body, one significantly influencing the other (1 Corinthians 6:15-20). To him, the body was not meant for sexual immorality (1 Corinthians 6:13). Our current culture idolizes sex. In 2009, Atlantic reported that more than 90% of Billboard top 10 songs had messages on sex. Some people are even considered inferior if not actively involved in sex, with being celibate or single as boring, broken, and abnormal. But our culture also despises and stigmatizes sex. Some consider the media evil for promoting casual and consequence-free sex. Others blame pornography for causing distorted views on sex and leading to women being sexually assaulted. What should be our attitude towards sex? For Christians, the key is not sex. The key is our identity. We are valuable to God. God sacrificed Himself to wash away our iniquities and to make us holy. Such wonderful gifts were bought at a very high price (1 Corinthians 6:11, 19, 20; Philippians 1:6). Understanding our value is paramount. Sex should not be idolized or stigmatized. It is God’s design and therefore good. It is a gift for marriage. Having said that, being single is wonderful also (1 Corinthians 7). In the 1500 years after Christ, singles sat before the married in church gatherings, illustrating the importance of the singles. Both being married and staying single can be blessed. The key is our identity in Christ. Having been bought at a hefty price, we aren’t our own anymore. We should live a life to glorify God and honor Him with our bodies. God’s ways and designs far exceed ours. Follow Christ and we will flourish. Summarized from a sermon by Nicole Unice: https://menlo.church/series/thats-a-great-question#/modal/message/4946/mlo
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