In claiming absolute truth and adhering to a standard of morality, does Christianity pose a threat to freedom? Could Christians live in peace with those they believe to be condemned by God? Are Christians intolerant to atheists or even other Christians of different denominations?
Some Christians liken being intolerant to going through the narrow gate to God (Matthew7:13-14). But others consider such people as narrow-minded, irrational bigots. American culture has become increasingly divisive. Many, including some evangelical Christians, find it difficult even to talk to those with opposing views, like Muslims, atheists, Mormons, or LGBTQ persons. Tolerance and accepting absolute truth are not mutually exclusive. Christ claimed absolute truth. He claimed to be the way to eternal life (John17:3), and that no one could come to the Father except through Him (John14:6-7). Yet, Christ was breathtakingly tolerant. He allowed a prostitute to wash His feet with her hair; He commended a hated Roman centurion; He partied with despised tax collectors; and He healed Samaritan lepers alike (Luke17:16). One of the longest conversations recorded in the New Testament was between Christ and a pagan, promiscuous, female Samaritan (John4:7-26). The narrow gate is the path of following Christ. We learn from Him how to live; we put Him above all else; and we understand His teachings as we obey Him joyfully (Matthew 7:13-14). Following Christ gives us freedom (John8:31-32), but real freedom requires restrictions. For fish to live freely, they need to be restricted to the water. True freedom requires us to stay within certain boundaries. We are made in God’s image. So, we need to follow Christ. Following Christ means being more than tolerant of others. We aren’t called to merely tolerating them, but rather we should love them as ourselves (Matthew 5:44). If we want to be a great violinist or a great football player, we need years of discipline and lessons. To be Christ’s disciples requires no less. This is the narrow gate. Though narrow, Christ will be with us on this path. To conclude, don’t be so sure of ourselves. Be sure of God. Narrow-mindedly devote ourselves to Him, but broad-mindedly accept and love others. Summarized from a John Ortberg’s sermon: 基督教思想狭窄吗? 基督教主张绝对真理,持守道德标准, 是否因此对自由造成威胁?基督徒可与他们认为被上帝定罪的人和平相处吗?基督徒不容忍无神论者,甚至不容忍其它不同教派的基督徒吗? 有些基督徒把不宽容比作通往上帝的窄门(马太福音7:13-14)。但是,其他人则认为这样的人思想狭窄,毫无理性。 美国文化变得越来越分裂。许多人(包括一些福音派基督徒)认为很难与持不同观点的人交谈,比如穆斯林教派的人,无神论者,摩门教徒,同性恋或跨性别者(LGBTQ)。 然而,宽容和接受绝对真理不是相互排斥的。 基督宣称绝对真理。祂宣告自己是通往永生的道路(约翰福音17:3),除非通过祂没有人可以到父神那里去(约翰福音14:6-7)。 然而,基督却非常地宽容。祂允许妓女用她的头发清洗自己的脚; 赞扬为人所恨的罗马百夫长;与被人鄙视的税吏共席;治愈撒玛利亚的麻风病患者(路加福音17:16)。新约记载中最长的对话之一,就是基督与一个异教淫荡的撒玛利亚妇人的谈论(约翰福音4:7-26)。 窄门通往那条跟随基督的道路:向祂学习如何生活;将祂置于一切之上;并且明白祂的教导,喜乐地顺服祂(马太福音7:13-14)。 跟随基督带来自由(约翰福音8:31-32)。 然而,真正的自由需要限制。鱼儿想自由自在地生活,就必须把自己限制在水里。真正的自由需求有适当的自我约束。我们是按照上帝的形象被造的。因此,我们需要跟随基督。 跟随基督意味着不只是宽容他人。不应该仅仅宽容他们,而是应该像爱自己一样爱他们(马太福音 5:44)。 如果想成为一位杰出的小提琴师或出色的足球运动员,就需要多年的纪律和功课。同样地,成为基督的门徒也需要许多的锻炼。这是一扇窄门。 虽然门是窄的,基督却会在这条道路上与我们同在。 总而言之,不要太过于自信。应当信靠神。专心致志地奉献自己给祂,同时宽容地接纳和爱护他人。
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