Romans 12:1-2 teaches us to offer ourselves to God, which pleases Him. Our lives become an act of worship, showing that God is much more valuable than anything on earth. Also, continually renew our mind, though we are new through Christ already (Colossians 3:10, 2 Corinthians 5:17). This is similar to the teaching of getting rid of yeast from the bread without yeast (1 Corinthians 5:7). Then we will know and be satisfied of God’s will.
Note that the will of God has two meanings. One is His sovereign will that’s going to happen no matter what. Such could involve someone sinning. For example, Christ’s crucifixion was God’s plan (Matthew 26:39). For such predestined events to occur, Herod and others had to murder Christ (Acts 4:27-28). Ultimately, it will be for the good. His sovereign plans always happen (Ephesians 1:11, Matthew 10:29, Proverbs 16: 33). Another meaning of God’s will is what God wants us to do and to be (Matthew 7:21, 1 Thessalonians 4:3). Whoever does the will of God lives forever (1 John 2:17). But many of us don’t, causing lots of pain and suffering. God hates evil behavior, and we need to believe God is sovereign. Ultimately, the evil behaviors are for the good. In the case of Romans 12:2, to know God’s will is to know what God wants us to be and do, to get our minds renewed so we know what God wants from us; but not to know His sovereign will so we can predict the future. Renewing our minds requires reading the Bible and learning how to live and do every good work (2 Timothy 3:16). For things not taught in the Bible, renewing our minds requires praying and asking God to enlighten us so we can infer from the Bible’s teachings on such things. Renewing our minds also requires us to be transformed because most of our actions are instinctive. So, ask the Holy Spirit to renew and continually transform us (Ephesians 4:23-24, Titus 3:5, Psalm 51:10, 2 Corinthians 3:18). If we ask, God will do it (Matthew 7:9-11). Then we will know God’s will and follow Him spontaneously. Summary of a sermon by John Piper: 如何知道上帝的旨意 罗马书 12:1-2 教导我们将身体献给上帝,这是上帝所喜悦的。当让我们的生命成为敬拜,显示上帝比地上任何其它事物都更有价值。 此外,尽管已经藉着基督成为新造的人, 我们的思想需要不断地更新(歌罗西书 3:10, 哥林多后书 5:17),就像圣经教导从无酵饼中去除酵母一样(哥林多前书 5:7)。 如此,我们就会知道并且以上帝的旨意为满足。 请注意上帝的旨意有两个不同的含义。 第一个是指祂至高无上的旨意,没有任何人事能够拦阻它的发生。这可能涉及某人犯罪。例如,基督被钉十字架是上帝的计划(马太福音 26:39)。为了使这预定的事件发生,希律和其他人不得不谋害基督(使徒行传 4:27-28),而这最终都是有益的。万事都按照祂主权的旨意发生(以弗所书 1:11,马太福音 10:29,箴言 16:33)。 上帝旨意的另一个含义是祂要我们如何行事为人(马太福音 7:21, 帖撒罗尼迦前书 4:3)。遵行神旨意的人将永远存活(约翰一书 2:17)。 但是,我们许多人不这样做,为人为己带来很多痛苦和苦难。 上帝恨恶邪恶的行为,我们需要相信上帝是至高无上的, 最终邪恶的行为都可以为上帝的良善使用。 就罗马书 12 章 2 节而言,知道上帝的旨意就是明白祂要我们如何为人处事,就是要更新心意,明白祂的期望, 而不是明白祂至高无上的旨意,使我们能预测未来。 心意更新需要通过阅读圣经并学习如何生活和做好每一件善事来实现(提摩太后书 3:16)。 对于圣经没有直接教导的事,心意更新需要祷告,求上帝开启我们的心,使我们可以从圣经的教导中推断出祂的旨意。 心意更新也需要自己被改变,因为人大部分的行为都是靠直觉。 所以,祈求圣灵不断更新改变我们(以弗所书 4:23-24,提多书 3:5,诗篇 51:10,哥林多后书 3:18)。我们如果祈求,上帝就会如此行(马太福音 7:9-11),这样我们就会知道上帝的旨意,自然而然地遵循祂的心意。
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