A Tim Keller Sermon Summary When Paul prayed for the suffering Christians, he asked for a strong spirit or inner self, not for God to protect them or reduce their pain (Ephesians 3:16). Why?
A strong spirit sustains us in adversity. But we are doomed if we have a crushed spirit, with no joy or desire to live (Proverbs 18:14). What can hurt our spirit? Physical ailments, prolonged sickness or not eating right, can bring down our spirit. For example, thyroid problems can lead to suicidal depression. We can be brought low by a bad conscience, causing us to run in fear even with no one chasing us (Proverbs 28:1). But a sense of guilt is common. We can be brought low if we have no friends or support. We need kind words to lift us up, a shoulder to lean on (Proverbs 12:25). But our uniqueness leads to loneliness. We don’t even understand ourselves, let alone others (Proverbs 16:2, 14:10). We can be brought down if life has no meaning. All parties will end. One member of a happy family will see the death of the rest (Proverbs 14:13). We can be brought down if we have no hope (Proverbs 13:12). But earthly things are transient. Resting our hope on transient things, such as money, power, traveling, fame, sex, a soulmate, or friends, leads to emptiness when we lose them, or sometimes even when we get them (Proverbs 13:12, 15:13). So, how can we strengthen our spirit? The tree of life in Genesis and Revelation represents the fullness of life, fulfilling our deepest longing. But when we seek to be in control, we lose it. Christ obeyed, leading to His spirit and body being crushed on a tree. Through His obedience, we gain the tree of life. Through Christ, God can love us as we are. We will never be alone because He will always be with us, supporting us. Death is not the end, but rather a beginning to live in a place that Christ has prepared. So, rest your hope and faith in Christ, our loving, powerful, and wise God. He alone can satisfy the deepest longing of our hearts. We still enjoy things on earth. We still need others around us. But our ultimate hope rests in Christ and the Gospel. This will strengthen our spirit, allowing us to taste the tree of life. Summarized from a Tim Keller sermon. https://gospelinlife.com/downloads/the-wounded-spirit-5389/ 如何治疗倦怠 保罗为在受苦中的基督徒祷告时,为他们祈求刚强的灵(就是内在生命),而非痛楚的结束(以弗所书3:16)。这是为什么呢? 原来刚强的灵在逆境中可以托住我们。但是,如果我们心灵忧伤,生活没有盼望,也没有快乐, 就注定失败 (箴言18:14)。什么会伤害到我们的内在生命呢? 身体不适,长期疾病或不正确饮食,可能会使我们的内在生命软弱。 也许良心的责备会使我们倒下,即使无人追赶,也会逃跑(箴言28:1)。 但内疚是很常见的。 没有朋友或支持会使我们倒下。 我们需要有肩膀可以倚靠, 有善意的言语可以使我们快乐(箴言12:25)。 但是,我们的独特会导致孤独。 我们甚至不太了解自己,更不用说了解别人(箴言16:2, 14:10)。 生存缺乏意义会使我们倒下。但世上没有不散的宴席。每个幸福家庭最后都会有一个人看到其他成员的死亡(箴言14:13)。 生活没有希望也会使我们倒下(箴言13:12)。 世俗事物转瞬即逝。如我们把希望寄托在短暂的事情上,比如旅行,金钱,权力,性色,名望,伴侣或朋友,当我们失去这些人或者事时,我们的情绪会变为失落。 甚至有时即使得到了它们, 我们也会感觉到空虚(箴言15:13,13:12)。 那么,如何加强我们的内在生命呢? 答案是创世记和启示录中的那颗生命树。它代表着生命的丰满,实现了我们里面最深切的渴望。 当我们想要掌控未来时,我们便会失去它。 基督顺服父神,祂的灵和肉体都在十字架上被压伤。 因着祂的顺服,我们得到了生命树。 通过基督,上帝可以照我们的本相来爱我们。 我们永远不会孤单,因为祂将永远和我们在一起,托住我们。 死亡不是结束,而是在基督为我们崭新生活的开端! 所以,将盼望和信心寄于基督,那位善良,慈爱,大能,智慧的上帝身上。惟有祂能满足我们心中最深切的渴望。 我们仍然可以享受地上的事物,仍然需要周围的人环绕。 但是,我们最终的盼望应当依赖基督和祂的福音。 这就是加强我们的内在生命,让我们品尝生命树的秘诀。
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