A Tim Keller Sermon Summary Fear and anxiety are compelling forces. The fear of losing can drive professional athletes to work very hard. But such emotions can also be debilitating. Sports can take over the life of professional athletes. One day, when their careers are over, they could be lost. Losing their identity and worrying about their future can drive them to self-destructive behavior.
The pressure of outside forces couple with our own self-doubt and guilt can paralyze us. In Psalm 3, David was fleeing from Absalom, his favorite son. David was outnumbered by enemies on all sides (v1, 6), and many feared that God had deserted him (v2). They questioned David’s authority to be their king, which threatened David’s foundation and identity. Let’s learn from David’s reactions. First, David trusted that God had not left him. God was a shield around him, answering David’s prayer from His holy mountain (v3-4). From God came deliverance (v8). Second, David’s glory is from God—not from his army, political power, moral standing or love of his people and his family, all of which he had lost. It was God who lifted his head high (v3). Similar verses in Genesis 15 show God assuring Abraham that He was Abraham’s shield and his very great reward (15:1). Despite their imperfections, both Abraham and David were protected in their faith in God’s love and mercy. Similarly, we can be God’s cherished children, and the almighty God can be our glory. Because of his trust in God, David did not suffer from fear, anxiety, or insomnia (v4-5). David’s head was lifted high (v3). After all, he was God’s anointed king. Third, David focused on God’s people. With the king fleeing, the country was likely in chaos. David asked God to strike his wicked enemies and to bless His people (v7-8). Likewise, we shouldn’t think only of ourselves, but think about others. In love, there is no fear (1 John 4:18). Thus, we must rely on Christ to fight fear and anxiety. He is our protection, and He is also our glory. And we shouldn’t just think about ourselves but focus on others as well. Summarized from a Tim Keller’s sermon titled, “How to Fight Fear and Anxiety" https://gospelinlife.com/downloads/praying-our-fears-5178/ 如何对抗恐惧和焦虑? 恐惧和焦虑可能是很好的推动力。例如恐惧失败促使专业运动员加倍努力。但这种情绪也可以摧残人。对于专业运动员来说竞技运动就是生命。有一天职业生涯结束时,就对人生可能会迷失方向。失去自我和对未来的优虑可促使他们完全失落。 人对无法控制的外来力量会觉得难以承受,自我怀疑和内疚像雪上加霜可导致精神崩溃。 诗篇第3篇中谈论大卫被最喜欢的儿子押沙龙追杀。各方敌人的数量完全超过了大卫的人(诗篇3:1,6)。许多人指出上帝已经离弃他(诗篇3:2)。有人质疑大卫做国王的权威,威胁到大卫的根基和身份。 让我们从大卫的身上学习。 首先,大卫相信上帝没有离开他。神是他的盾牌,并四围保护着他。上帝从自己的圣山垂听大卫的祷告(诗篇3:3-4-4) 拯救大卫(诗篇3:8)。 其次,大卫的荣耀是来自上帝,不是自己的军队、政治权力、道德地位或人民和家人的爱,此刻的大卫已经完全失去了这一切。上帝是使他抬起头来的那一位(诗篇3:3)。 创世纪15章中也有类似的经文。在那里,上帝告诉亚伯拉罕上帝是他的盾牌和赏赐(创世纪15:1)。尽管他们不完美,亚伯拉罕和大卫都在相信上帝的慈爱和怜悯中得到保护。 我们同样地可以成为上帝珍爱的儿女,全能的上帝可以成为我们的荣耀。大卫基于对上帝的信任,没有恐惧,焦虑和失眠(诗篇3:4-5)。大卫的头抬高了(诗篇3:3)。毕竟他是被上帝受膏的王。 第三,大卫也关注上帝的子民。可以想像大卫逃亡时的以色列何等混乱。大卫祈求上帝打击他的邪恶敌人,也恳求上帝祝福祂的子民(诗篇3:7-8)。 不要自己为中心,只想到自己。想想别人吧!在爱中没有恐惧(约翰壹书4:18)。 因此,当倚靠基督来对抗恐惧和焦虑。基督是我们的保护,亦是我们的荣耀。不要只想到自己,也要关注他人。
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