A Tim Keller Sermon Summary Imagine you are sick, you need money to pay rent, and suddenly you’re fired. Or, in a yacht in the Pacific, you are hit by a huge storm with 40-foot waves. Can you still be at peace?
In Psalm 3, David’s enemies greatly outnumbered his. They assailed him on every side. Yet David could rest and sleep without fear. How do we manage this? We often feel anxious when we desperately work towards certain goals without achieving them. We try hard to defend and prove ourselves but often fall short. Our environment also causes anxiety. In “The Trial,” Frank Kafka describes a man accused of a crime that can not be defined. Initially, assuming the world a rational place and he a decent person, he thought he would be released. But he was executed. The world is not rational. In the words of Sigmund Freud, “Most people are trash.” How can we find peace? First, we must accept that we are in a very bad shape. We constantly fail in following the two biggest commandments: loving God with all of our hearts and loving others as ourselves. We often fall short of the same metrics we judge others with (Romans 2:14). We must accept our failures. By our effort, we could never be accepted by God (Hebrews 4:10). Don’t seek rest in your accomplishments, relationships, wealth, or abilities. All these things could change overnight. How can we rest on something that constantly changes? How can you sleep on a bed that keeps moving? Instead, rely on Christ. Rely on what He has done for us (Hebrews 4:10). David could rest because he depended on God. He didn’t find his glory in his power or wealth, but in God alone (Psalms 3:3). To conclude, if we want to be at peace and still strive even in very difficult situations, we must depend on Christ and let God be our glory. Summarized from a Tim Keller’s sermon, titled, “How to be at peace, yet strive”: https://gospelinlife.com/downloads/entering-his-rest-4th-5057/ 如何在动荡中心怀平安? 想象你卧病在床,但租金很快就要到期, 而突然你被解雇。又或者你在太平洋的游艇上遇到暴风巨浪的冲击。你还能心怀平安吗? 在诗篇第3篇中,大卫的敌人从四面八方攻击,数量也大大地占上风。即使如此,大卫还能放松休息,躺下睡觉而毫不害怕。 如何能够心怀平安而又努力奋斗呢? 人在通常情况下如果屡次达不到某些重要的目标时,就会感到焦虑。又或者不论如何努力辩护和证明自己,但怎么样都做不到。我们也会烦躁焦急。 环境也可使人感到焦虑。小说“TheTrial”的作者Frank Kafka描述了一名被含糊不清的罪而被指控的疑犯Josef。最初,他认为世界是有理性的,再者自己也不是坏人,因此会被释放而获得自由的。但最后他被处决了。世界并非到处都有理性的,就像有名的心理学家Sigmund Freud所说:“大多数人都是垃圾。” 怎样才能得享平安? 为了拥有上帝的平安,首先要接受自己很糟糕的现状。 我们不仅没有遵守两条最大的诫命(尽心尽意地爱上帝以及爱人如己),还基于自定的规则判断他人,但可笑的是自己却无法遵守这些规则(罗马书2:14)。 自我的努力永远不能赚得上帝的接纳。承认我们的失败吧(希伯来书4:10)。 不要依赖自己的成就、关系、财富或能力。所有这些都可在一夜之间改变。如何能倚靠和安息于不断变化的事物?如果床不停地移动,人又怎能安然入睡? 相反地,倚靠基督以及祂为我们所做过的事(希伯来书4:10)。 大卫可以休息,因为他依赖上帝。他只是在上帝身上而没有在权力或财富中找到荣耀(诗篇3:3)。 总而言之,无论在什么困境中, 如果想要平安,此外仍然向目标努力前进,我们应当依靠基督及让上帝成为我们的荣耀。
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