We live in a workaholic culture. Those in higher places work hard to justify high compensation, while of lesser means hold multiple jobs to make ends meet. Due to societal changes, a more globalized economy, and technological advancement, numerous jobs are constantly being eliminated. This creates intense stress, particularly for those whose identity is tied to their work (e.g. “I am a programmer, painter, etc.”).
We need rest. Even God, who does not grow tired, rested after finishing His creation (Genesis 2:2). But restlessness is pervasive, perhaps because of sin. “The wicked cannot rest” (Isaiah 57:20). For example, Christ showed intense unrest when he took over our sins on the cross, and he cried out to God, “Why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46). Trying to justify our value by our performance can cause restlessness. Such pursuit has no end. We can become slaves to our insecurities and others’ expectations. Like the Israelite in Egypt, we will find no rest. On the cross, Christ took on our sin so we could be loved as God’s children (2 Corinthians 5:21, Matthew 3:17). We don’t need to justify our value. Those who are weary and burdened can go to Christ. Through Him, we are free. He will lift our burdens and refresh us. He will give us rest (Matthew 11:28). Rest should start with worship, reminding us who God is and who we are. By acknowledging God as Lord, we can relax and rest. In rest, we can enjoy God’s creation. We can spend time on something we ordinarily don’t do. In rest, we can let ourselves wander, without planning every moment of our time. If we have to work continuously for a long time, like doctors during internship, we should schedule rest after that. Note that in rest, we can miss opportunities. Treat it as leaving something on the table for others to have. We can form support group and rest with others like us. Through Christ’s death on the cross, we become God’s children. In God’s eyes, we are good. Learn to work and rest. Learn to enjoy the rest that God enjoyed after His creation. Summarized from a Tim Keller sermon: https://gospelinlife.com/downloads/work-and-rest-5314/ 如何平衡工作与休息 我们生活在一个为工作抓狂的文化中。居高位的人忙着证明自己应得的高薪,而草根市民则必须从事几份工作来维持生计。随着社会变迁、 全球化经济的发展以及技术进步,许多工作都不断地被淘汰,由此给人带来的压力之大可想而知,特别是对那些将身份与工作联结在一起的人(例如那些自我介绍“我是程序员,画家”的人)。 人需要休息,即使是不会疲倦的上帝完成创造之工后也休息下来(创世纪2:2)。 但焦躁不安是随处弥漫的普遍现象。这可能是出于我们的罪, “恶人不得平静(以赛亚书57:20)”。基督在十字架上代替我们的罪孽时,内心强烈地挣扎,向上帝大声喊着说:“你为什么离弃我(马太福音27:46)?” 焦躁不安也可能是因为试图通过表现来证明自我价值. 这样的追求是永无休止的。我们可能成为自我安全感和他人期望的奴隶,与在埃及作奴隶的以色列人一样没有安息。 基督在十字架上背负了我们的罪孽,使我们成为上帝蒙爱的儿女(哥林多后书5:21; 马太福音3:17), 不再需要通过表现来证明自我价值。劳苦和担重担的人都可以归向基督,藉着祂得以自由。祂将除去我们的重担,恢复更新我们,赐给我们安息(马太福音11:28)。 休息应该从敬拜开始,提醒我们神是谁,我们又是谁。承认上帝掌管一切,就可以放松和休息。 休息时,可以享受神的创造,也可以把时间花在通常不做的事情上。 休息时,可以让自己轻松地闲游, 无需分分秒秒地计划或安排时间。 如果像实习医生那样必须长时间不停地工作,应该安排完工之后的安歇时间。 尽管在休息时可能会错失良机,但应将其视为留给别人的机会。 可以成立支持小组,与相似我们的人一起休息。 总而言之,我们籍着基督在十字架上的受死成为上帝的儿女。在上帝眼中我们是良善的。学会工作和休息,享受上帝创造之后所享有的安息。
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