Our hope for the future can greatly influence our choices today. For example, our feeling towards a very boring or strenuous job changes if the job could bring us a lot of money.
Similarly, if we believe death will end everything and leave us to rot like dinosaurs, then the distinction of right/wrong, kindness/cruelty, and good/bad holds much less significance. Does life really have meaning? Is life sacred? Or are we any different from trees? What we hope for shapes our life and attitude. The biblical meaning for “hope” is different from our daily usage. “I hope he will succeed” doesn’t mean he will succeed, but in the Bible, “hope” implies certainty in the outcome (Hebrews 11:1). Let’s learn about the Bible’s hope from Ephesians 1:11-14,18. Christians rest their hope in Christ (v12). God showed His love for us in giving His only Son to suffer and die for us. On earth, Christ was rejected by all. On the cross, He was rejected even by the Father. At that point, Christ had no hope and no Father so we could have both. Before Christ, we were nobody, with no future and no God (Ephesians 2:12). Through Christ’s death and resurrection, we become God’s children and possession (v14, 1 Peter 2:10). Because of Christ, we have a glorious inheritance, guaranteed by the Holy Spirit in us (v14, 18). When we receive our inheritance, all of creation will be redeemed from decay and death (Romans 8:21-24). All creation is longing for that day. When it comes, even trees will sing for joy (Psalms 96:12). But in the meantime, life on Earth is difficult. Christ lived a perfect life, yet He was tortured and crucified. He told us that if people hated Him, people would hate His followers also. But no matter what happens, ultimately everything will turn out for His glory and our good. This hope sustains and strengthens us. As God’s cherished children and possession, be alert and sober, and set your hope on our wonderful future in Christ (1 Peter 1:13). Summarized from a Tim Keller’s sermon, “Hope for the world.” https://gospelinlife.com/downloads/hope-for-the-world-6022/ 盼望塑造人 人对未来的盼望会极大地影响他今天的选择。例如,一份虽然非常无聊或艰苦的工作,如果可以带来可观的报酬,我们对它的观感可能就会改变。 同样地,如果相信死亡会结束一切,人会像恐龙一样腐烂,对事件的对错,善良抑或残忍,好还是坏,其重要性就大大降低。生命真有意义吗?生命是神圣的吗?人和树不同吗? 盼望塑造一个人的生活和态度。圣经中的“盼望”与日常使用的“盼望”不同。 “我盼望他能成功”并不意味着他就会成功。但圣经中的“盼望”意味着确定的结果(希伯来书11:1)。 让我们从以弗所书1:11-14,18学习圣经中的盼望。 基督徒的盼望在基督里(以弗所书1:12)。上帝将自己的独生子赐给我们,让基督为我们受苦和受死,上帝的爱就此显明了。 基督在地上被所有人拒绝。祂在十字架甚至被天父拒绝。在那时,基督没有盼望,也没有天父,因此让我们有机会可以同时两样都拥有。 在基督以前,我们没有未来也没有上帝(以弗所书2:12)。籍着基督的受死和复活,我们成为上帝的儿女和产业(以弗所书1:14, 彼得前书2:10)。 信徒因为基督有荣耀的基业,有在心里的圣灵为保证(以弗所书1: 14,18)。 当我们得到美好的基业时,万物将从败坏和死亡中被赎回(罗马书8:21-24)。天地万物都渴望那时刻。当那天到来时,即使是树木也会欢呼雀跃(诗篇96:12)。然而与此同时,生命在地上还是很艰难。 基督活出了完美的一生,却受到折磨,被钉死在十字架上。祂告诉信徒如果人恨祂,也会恨祂的追随者。但无论发生什么事情,最终一切都会变得更好。这种盼望托住我们,使我们刚强起来。 我们作为上帝心爱的儿女和产业要保持警惕和清醒,并将盼望寄托在基督里的美好未来上(彼得前书1:13)。
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