God shows His greatness by working for His people (Acts 17:25). He doesn’t actually need our service, but He gives us everything we need (2 Chronicles 16:9).
God doesn’t need your help. In the day of trouble, you call on Him. He saves you and you glorify Him (Psalms 50:15). Don’t trust your intelligence or technologies but trust God. He works for those who wait for Him (Isaiah 64:1-4, 30:18; Psalm 20:7). Our God is unique. Isaiah contrasted Him to the Babylonian idols. God sustained, rescued, and showed the Israelites compassion from birth to death. But the Babylonian idols were their burdens instead (Isaiah 46:1-4). Christ came not to be served but to serve, even by giving His life, treating us far better than we deserve (Mark 10:41-45). God not only wants to help us, but He is also infinitely competent (Isaiah 46:9-10). So, pause and pray to God. Consult Him, particularly when you aren’t sure what to do according to His will. If God tells you to be still, you should let Him take over and just quietly observe (Exodus 14:13-14). God told the Israelites to wait for Him, and not to run to Egypt for help or fight for themselves. But they fought and quickly lost (Isaiah 30:15-16, 31:1). God may fight for you as He split the Red Sea for the Israelites. Or He may fight through you as He helped David swing the stone at Goliath. If God tells you to act, then let Him work through you (Isaiah 41:10). Note that even when you are charging on your war horses, you still wait for the Lord, listening to His voice (Psalm 33:16-22). Also, when you are working hard, know that it is God’s grace working in you (Proverbs 21:31, 1 Corinthians 15:10). Greatness is not measured by how many people work for you, but by you working for many, lifting them up, like Christ sacrificing His life for us. Never act as if you are in charge and God is irrelevant. Remember all authorities in heaven and earth are His. Always maintain an open channel with God and pray to Him. If He wants you to be still, then stand back and observe God acting on behalf of those who wait for Him (Isaiah 64:4). Summary of a sermon by John Piper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6t-iFeVavw 上帝为等候祂的人行事 上帝通过为祂的子民行事而彰显祂的伟大(使徒行传 17:25)。 祂其实不需要人来服侍,反倒赐下我们需要的一切(历代志下 16:9)。 上帝不需要你的帮助。 在患难之日,你求告祂, 祂就拯救你,而你也要荣耀祂(诗篇 50:15)。 不要相信你的智慧或科学技术,而要相信上帝。 祂为那些等候祂的人行事(以赛亚书 64:1-4,30:18; 诗篇 20:7)。 我们的神是独一无二的。 以赛亚将祂与巴比伦的偶像对比。 从出生到死亡,上帝都托住、拯救并向以色列人施怜悯。 但巴比伦的偶像却是他们的重担(以赛亚书 46:1-4)。 基督来不是要受人服事,而是要服事人,并且舍命,恩待我们远比我们应得的好太多(马可福音 10:41-45)。 上帝不仅想帮助我们,而且祂也有无限的大能(以赛亚书 46:9-10)。 所以,当停下来向上帝祈祷,寻求祂的意思,特别是不确定如何按照祂的旨意而行时。 如果上帝告诉你要安静, 你便应该让祂接手作工, 然后安静地观察(出埃及记 14:13-14)。 上帝告诉以色列人要等候祂,不要投奔埃及寻求帮助或为自己争战。 但他们却不听从而擅自战斗,结果很快失败了(以赛亚书 30:15-16, 31:1)。 上帝可能像分裂红海一样为你而战,也可能像帮助大卫向歌利亚挥石一样通过你来战斗。 如果上帝告诉你行动,就让祂通过你行事(以赛亚书 41:10)。 请注意即使当你骑着战马冲锋陷阵时,仍要等候耶和华,总要听祂的声音(诗篇 33:16-22)。 此外,当你努力工作时,也要知道这是神的恩典在你里面运行(箴言 21:31,哥林多前书 15:10)。 伟大不是用有多少人为你工作来衡量,而是你为很多人工作,高举他们,就像基督为我们牺牲生命一样。 不要表现得好像你在作主,而上帝无关紧要。 记住天上地下所有的权柄都是祂的。 当始终与上帝保持畅通的交流的渠道,向祂祈求祷告。如果祂要求你保持静止,那么退后一步,观察神为那些等候祂的人行大事(以赛亚书 64:4)。
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