Many seek wisdom, but our wisdom cannot lead us to God. Our redemption depends entirely on Him, so that no one can boast (1 Corinthians 1:29-31). Instead, God is glorified in our dependence.
First, the redeemed absolutely depend on God; He is the source of all the good in the redeemed. Redemption is from God. The Father gave us Christ and has accepted Christ’s life for ours. God is not obligated to redeem us; He could have rejected us like He did the fallen angels. Our redemption is God’s grace, a gift that we cannot repay. Our faith in God is also from God (Ephesians 2:8). God gives us wisdom to know Him. We are considered good and holy before God because of God. (1 Corinthians 1:29-31). We are reborn, like being raised from the dead, through the redemption (Ephesians 1:19, 2:10, 5:24; 2 Corinthians 5:17). We are given the Holy Spirit, as promise by the Father, enabling Christ to be in us (1 Corinthians 1:29-31). With the Holy Spirit in us, rivers of living water will flow from us. The Holy Spirit also serves as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come (Galatians 3:13-14; Luke 24:49; Ephesians 1:13; John 4:14, 7:38-39; Revelation 2:1; 2 Corinthians 1:22). We are preserved and protected by God (1 Peter 1:5). We are sufficient because of God (2 Corinthians 4:7). He is not just the source of all that is good, but the medium through whom we receive it. Through Christ, our mediator provided by Father, we receive our redemption (Hebrews 7:27, 9:26), and we are reborn, becoming good (2 Corinthians 5:21, 1 Corinthians 8:6). God is not just the purchaser, He also has paid the price with the ultimate sacrifice. Not just the source of all good and the medium to get them, God is the good itself. Everything good that sustains us and brings us joy—such as food, health, etc.—is in God. All that is good within us—the excellency of our soul, our divine nature, our holiness, and our happiness—comes from God, who resides in us as the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:4, Hebrews 12:10). Second, God is glorified in the work of our redemption. The more we depend on God, the more we see God and God’s glory. We see God’s greatness and our nothingness. So, we must rely on God alone for our redemption. Trust Him absolutely. Praise and exalt God alone. Ascribe all glory to God. Summary of a sermon by Jonathan Edwards. 上帝从人的倚赖得荣耀 许多人寻求智慧,但人的智慧无法将他引到上帝那里。救赎完全取决于上帝, 因此没有人可以自夸。 相反地,上帝从我们的倚赖而得荣耀 (哥林多前书 1:29-31)。 首先,被救赎的人绝对倚赖上帝。 上帝是被赎者一切美好的源头。 救赎来自上帝。父神将基督赐给我们,以基督的生命代替我们的生命。上帝没有义务救赎我们,原本可以拒绝我们像拒绝堕落的天使一样。救赎是上帝的恩典,是我们无法偿还的礼物。 人对上帝的信心也来自祂(以弗所书2:8)。上帝赐人智慧来认识祂。因为上帝,我们在祂面前被认为是良善和圣洁的 (哥林多前书 1:29-31)。 我们籍着救赎得以重生,就像从死里复活一样(以弗所书 1:19、2:10、5:24;哥林多后书 5:17)。 我们被赐予圣灵,就是天父所应许的圣灵,使基督能在我们里面(哥林多前书 1:29-31)。有了圣灵在里面,活水的江河就会从中流出。圣灵也作为凭据,保证将要发生的事(加拉太书 3:13-14;路加福音 24:49;以弗所书 1:13;约翰福音 4:14,7:38-39;启示录 2:1;哥林多后书 1:22)。 上帝一直在托住我们,保护我们(彼得前书 1:5)。我们因为上帝而充充足足(哥林多后书4:7)。 上帝不只是一切美善的源头,还是获得美善的唯一渠道。 我们籍着父神所提供的中保基督得到救赎(希伯来书 7:27, 9:26),重生成为良善的人(哥林多后书 5:21, 哥林多前书 8:6)。上帝不只是买主,祂也付出最终的牺牲作为代价。 上帝不只是获得一切美善的源头和渠道,祂就是美善的本身。 在我们之外带来快乐的一切美好事物,例如食物、健康等,都在上帝里面。在我们内里所有的美好,灵魂的卓越、神圣的本性、圣洁和幸福,也都在上帝里面(彼得后书1:4,希伯来书12:10)。 其次,上帝在救赎我们的工作上得着荣耀。 我们越倚靠上帝,就越能看见上帝和祂的荣耀,看见上帝的伟大浩瀚以及自己的虚无渺小。 所以,必须单单倚靠上帝的救赎,完全绝对地相信上帝,唯独赞美和高举祂,将一切荣耀归于祂。 Comments are closed.
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