When God gives you a dream, clearly communicate it to others and enlist them to fulfill it. A lack of communication and cooperation will get us fired. But getting people to work together leads to promotion.
Nehemiah gathered volunteers to work together to build the Jerusalem wall in two months, a task failed by many for decades (Nehemiah 3). Let’s learn from Nehemiah. First, divide the dream into smaller tasks. To make the work manageable, Nehemiah separated the wall into more than twenty sections. He used the existing ten gates as markers, starting from the Sheep Gate and going counter-clockwise. Second, share ownership of the dream with others. Nehemiah always used the word “we.” Ownership increases motivation. He also showed how the dream would benefit others, for example having people build wall next to their own house (v10, 23, 28, and 29). Third, develop a cohesive team to build something bigger than yourself. Nehemiah used the words “next to him/them” 20 times. Typically, two is better than one (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12). Jesus had a team, and Paul worked with partners (1 Corinthians 3:9). Strive side-by-side with others to bring glory to God (Philippians 1:27). Fourth, create workgroups around pre-existing relationships. Nehemiah organized workgroups based on priest ministry (v1), geography (v2), family (v3, 12), and profession (v32). There was no mention of any professional builders. Fifth, love your neighbors, but invest more in those who bear more responsibility. Nehemiah didn’t waste time on those refusing to join (v5). He didn’t speculate why. We don’t even know our own motivation, let alone others’. Christ had twelve disciples but focused on Peter, James, and John (Galatians 2:8-9). Sixth, never stop saying “thank you.” Live in gratitude and appreciation (Ephesians 1:16). When you recognize others, be specific with their names and tasks done. Nehemiah mentioned 71 names (Nehemiah 3), even the volunteers’ parents. People love to hear their names, and parents love to be proud of their children. Nehemiah recognized detailed work (v6) and great attitudes (v20). Our work in the Lord is never wasted (1 Corinthians 15:58). We are remembered by serving and giving. God rewards by how we serve and give (Proverbs 14:14, 22:9). Work together to bring glory to God and be a great witness to the world. Summarized a sermon by Rick Warren: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39BbUJDBvyE, starting at 14 minutes. 建立团队,齐心协力 当上帝给我们一个梦想时,我们应该把它清楚地传达给其他人,然后招募他们一起来实现这个梦想。在工作中,缺乏沟通和合作会让我们被解雇,但那些知道如何聚集人一起工作的会得到升迁。 尼希米将志愿者聚集在一起,两个月内重建了耶路撒冷墙,这是一项过去几十年来都失败了的工作(尼希米记 3)。 让我们向尼希米学习这里的功课。 首先,将梦想分解为一个一个小的任务。为了使工作易于管理,尼希米将城墙分成二十多个部分,用现有的十个门作为标记,从羊门开始逆时针方向走。 第二,与他人一起共同拥有这个梦想。尼希米总是使用“我们” 这个词。拥有权增加推动力。他也阐明这个梦想如何使人受益,例如让人建造在自己房子旁边的城墙(10、23、28 和 29 节)。 第三,培养有凝聚力的团队,建立比自己更大的事工。尼希米用了 20 次“在他/他们旁边”这个词。通常两个人比一个人好(传道书4:9-12)。耶稣有自己的团队,保罗与伙伴们一起工作(哥林多前书 3:9)。当并肩努力工作,将荣耀归与上帝(腓立比书 1:27)。 第四,围绕已有的关系建新工作组。 尼希米基于祭司事工(3:1)、地理位置(3:2)、家庭(3:3,12)和职业(3:32)建立不同的工作组。他没有在其中提到任何专业的修建者。 第五,爱你的邻舍,但更多地投资于那些承担更多责任的人。尼希米没有浪费时间在拒绝加入的人身上(3:5)。他没有推测这些人拒绝的原因。我们甚至不知道自己的动机,更不用说其他人的动机了。基督虽然有十二个门徒,但祂专注在彼得、雅各和约翰身上(加拉太书 2:8-9)。 第六,不要停止说“谢谢,” 活在感恩和欣赏中(以弗所书 1:16)。当你表扬他人的成就时,具体说明他们的名字和完成的任务。尼希米提到七十一个名字(尼希米记 3), 甚至提到志愿者父母的名字。 人喜欢听到自己的名字,父母也喜欢为自己的孩子感到骄傲。尼希米认可细致的工作 (3:6) 和优秀的态度 (3:20)。 在主里的工作永远不是徒然的(哥林多前书 15:58)。 我们的服务和付出将被铭记。上帝因为我们如何服务和付出来奖励我们(箴言 14:14, 22:9)。 让我们共同努力来荣耀上帝,向世人作出伟大的见证。 Comments are closed.
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