This is a story of creation that does not ignore science.
According to the Bible, there has always been one God, the source and end of all things. This God is the Holy Trinity (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit), the Creator of our time and space. Out of nothing, God created the universe. As described in the Big Bang, a smaller-than-a-proton component exploded, expanding trillions and trillions of times, and gradually cooled into matter, all as hot gases. Then stars were formed. Some stars exploded and generated stardust, the basic elements of life. Around one of the stars (the sun), earth was formed. With the right amount of light and heat from the sun, earth gave birth to all kinds of plants and creatures. Based on God’s divine plan, one unique creature appeared. They were humans, with consciousness. God breathed into this creature, and they knew God. They could love and worship God, and they knew themselves. God considered this creature to be His image on earth, to rule over and take care of the earth. God saw all that He had made, and it was very good (Genesis 1:31). Over time, humans grew, accumulating knowledge and understanding. Unfortunately, this magnificent creature rebelled and wanted more. They envied and mistrusted their Creator, leading to alienation and destruction of all kinds. But the Creator loved them and would not let go. He wanted to be their God and dwell among them. God chose Abraham and his descendants to be light among nations. But sins continued to spread. To bring salvation to them, God the Son, Christ, came on earth. Through Christ, humans can be restored from decay and back into their true identity, as children of God and as image bearers of God (Romans 8:19-21, 2 Corinthians 3:18). Through Christ, one day, God’s creation will be restored, things made new, with humans shining in their full and true humanity. This is the wonderful news that gives salvation and hope to all who live in the light of God. Summary of a talk by Leonard J. Vander Zee: 从星尘到新创造 这是一个没有忽视科学的创造故事。 圣经启示从永恒开始只有一位神,祂是万物的源头和终结。这是三位一体的神(圣父、圣子和圣灵), 祂是时间和空间的创造者。 上帝从无到有创造了宇宙。正如大爆炸中所描述那样,一个比质子还小的颗粒爆炸后,膨胀万亿又万亿次,接着冷却成热气的物质,然后逐渐形成了恒星。 一些恒星爆炸产生星尘,它们成为生命的基本要素。此后围绕着一颗恒星(太阳)的地球形成了。 地球从来自太阳适量的光热孕育出各种植物和生物。 基于神的计划,一个独特的生物出现了,就是有意识的人类。神将生气吹在他们鼻孔里,他们就知道神,可以热爱和敬拜神,而且他们认识自己。 神认为这生物是祂在地球上的形象,来让他们治理和管理地球。 “神看着一切所造的都甚好(创世记 1:31)。” 人类随着时间的推移不断成长,积累知识和理解力。 不幸的是这杰出的生物开始反叛并想索要更多,嫉妒和不信任自己的创造者,以至于与上帝疏离,带来各样的破坏。 但创造者爱他们, 不想放弃他们,祂想成为他们的神,住在他们中间。 神拣选亚伯拉罕和他的后裔成为列国的光。 但罪恶在地上继续蔓延。 为了给人类带来救恩,圣子基督来到世上。 藉着基督人类可以从腐朽中恢复过来,恢复上帝儿女的真实身份,作上帝形象的承载者 (罗马书 8:19-21; 哥林多后书 3:18)。 藉着基督有一天上帝的创造将被恢复,一切都会被更新,人类将闪耀着完整而真实人性的光辉。 这是大好的消息,为所有生活在上帝光中的人带来救恩和盼望。
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