Let’s try to understand some attributes of our Trinity God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19, 1 Peter 1:2, 2 Corinthians 13:13).
The Trinity cooperates and shares work. For example, regarding both the creation of the universe and the salvation, Father designed, Son realized, and Holy Spirit supports. (Genesis 1:1, John 1:1-3). The Trinity demonstrates the importance of fellowship. Does God predestine and know everything? Do we have free will? If God has predestined everything, He should have predestined us good, and not have to suffer through crucifixion. Instead, our outcome depends on our choices (Deuteronomy 28). If God knows everything, why did He pick Job to be His witness before Satan? Remember Job missed the mark. But God knew we would fail and planned for His sacrifice to save us. If God knows our needs, should we still pray and ask? Yes, because through our asking and His response, God can build a more intimate relationship with us (James 4:2-3, Matthew 21:22). However, we should couple asking with giving thanks. Out of our human nature, we ask. Out of us being God’s beloved children, we give thanks because we know even if we do not get what we ask, God has better things prepared for us. (Philippians 4:6). Did Christ make mistakes as a baby or when He was tempted? (John 1:14, Hebrews 4:15) No. He was born, led, and protected by the Holy Spirit. The Father and Holy Spirit were with Him. Also, Christ loves following God’s wishes (John 4:34). We can be more like Christ by loving and following God and being protected by Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is explained in John 14-16 and Romans 8. Through Christ, the Father sent us the Holy Spirit, who teaches, comforts, and helps us, such as conquering the flesh (John 14:16, 26; Romans 8:2-3). Because of Christ, our flesh cannot control us anymore (Romans 6:22, 8:12). When tempted by our flesh, we can experience the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:11). If we still let the flesh control us, we will be enemies of God and die in sin (Romans 8:7, 8:13). But if we follow and set our minds on the Holy Spirit, we will live in Christ. Summarized from a sermon by 溫偉耀博士: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58r7_Y2pmPI 经历三位一体的上帝 让我们尝试理解三位一体的上帝: 圣父、圣子和圣灵的一些属性(马太福音28:19;彼得前书1:2;哥林多前书13:13)。 三位一体的上帝分工合作。 比如在宇宙的创造和救恩上,圣父是设计者,圣子是实现者,圣灵是协助者(创世记1:1,约翰福音1:1-3)。 三位一体显示了友谊和合夥的重要性。 上帝预定并且知道一切吗? 我们有自由的意志吗? 如果上帝预定一切,祂应该预定我们成为好人,而不必遭受被钉十字架的苦难。 事实是相反,人的结局取决于自己的选择 (申命记28)。 如果上帝预知一切,祂为什么要选择约伯在撒但面前做自己的见证人? 记得约伯并没有达到上帝的标准, 但是上帝知道我们会失败,预先计划祂的牺牲来拯救我们。 如果上帝知道我们的需求,仍然应该向祂祷告祈求吗? 还是需要的, 因为通过人的祈求和祂的回应,上帝可以与人建立更亲密的关系(雅各书4:2-3;马太福音21:22)。 要将祈求和感谢联合在一起:出于人的本性来祈求,出于蒙爱的儿女来谢恩, 因为即使得不到所求,仍知道慈爱的上帝必定有更好的东西为我们预备(腓立比书4:6)。 基督在世上从降世为婴儿到旷野受诱惑, 祂有没有犯过错? (约翰福音1:14;希伯来书4:15) 祂没有。因为祂由圣灵所生,被圣灵带领,受圣灵保护。圣父和圣灵与基督同在。基督也喜悦遵循上帝的旨意(约翰福音4:34)。可以通过爱上帝、跟随上帝并受到圣灵的保护而更像基督。 约翰福音14-16章和罗马书8章都有关于圣灵的解释。圣父藉着基督差遣圣灵给我们。圣灵教导、安慰并帮助我们, 例如帮助我们战胜肉体的邪情私欲( 约翰福音14:16,26;罗马书8:2-3)。 因为基督,信徒不再被肉体的诱惑所控制(罗马书6:22,8:12)。当被肉体诱惑时,我们可以体验圣灵的力量(罗马书8:11)。 如果仍然让肉体所控制,我们将是上帝的敌人,死在罪恶中(罗马书8:7,8:13);但是如果跟随并且思念圣灵,我们就将活在基督里。
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