Christians have some common attributes, such as one Spirit, Lord, faith, baptism, and God the Father (Ephesians 4:4-6). But we are equipped differently to serve in different ways, to build up the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:7-12).
We have different genes, upbringings, and living environments. Few can be good lawyers and doctors simultaneously. Few can be good preachers, counsellors, and administrators, though a church needs all three types of people to build it up. Each of us is God’s unique work of art, prepared in advance by God to do different types of work (Ephesians 2:10). But what should we do? How do we know our calling? Note that the term “calling” implies being called. We do not call ourselves; God calls us. One way to discern a calling is to identify our inner desire (what moves us inside) and our ability. We should also investigate the needs around us. Having said that, to do a job well, we need to develop the corresponding skills. To be good at something, work hard at it, with discipline and focus. Be sure to diversify your skills to a certain degree. But accomplishing great Christian work does not guarantee that we’re close to God. Look at the disciple Judas, the prophet Balaam, and the king Saul. An externally successful minister can be spiritually dry, lacking Christian characters. A person can sound very spiritual, but if he does not love, he is only a resounding gong (1 Corinthians 13:1). Martha did many things for Christ, but Christ reminded her not to worry too much and neglect His teachings (Luke 10:38-42). Though serving is important, being close to God and developing Christian characters take precedence. Every Christian is God’s unique work of art, equipped to serve differently to build up the body of Christ. We should recognize our gifts and develop them to serve others. But remember that our relationship with God is more important. Summarized from a Tim Keller sermon: 发现属灵恩赐 基督徒有一些共同的属性, 例如只有一个圣灵,一个主,一个信仰,一个洗礼以及一个天父 (以弗所书4:4-6)。 但我们各有不同的装备,用不同的方法来服事建立基督的身体 (以弗所书4:7-12)。 因为不同的基因、成长和生活环境,很少有人会同时成为好的律师和医生。 教会需要优秀的传道人、辅导员和管理人员, 但很少有人能同时胜任这三项任务. 每个人都是上帝独特的艺术品,预备来做不同善工的(以弗所书2:10)。 但怎么知道应该做什么呢,怎么知道自己的呼召呢? 请注意一个人不能呼召自己,只有上帝才能呼召他。 辨别呼召的一种方法是识别自己的内在欲望(使我们内心感动的事)和能力。还应该研究周围的需求。 话虽如此,需要发展相应的技能来做好工作,需要努力、自律和专注,精益求精。 我们的技能也应该有一些多样化。 但是完成伟大的基督事工并不保证与上帝亲近。 看看门徒犹大、 先知巴兰和扫罗王。表面上成功的传道人在属灵上可能很干枯,缺少基督徒的品格。 一个人讲道听起来可以很属灵,但如果没有爱,他不过是响亮的锣而已(哥林多前书13:1)。 马大为基督做了很多事,但主提醒她不要为太多的事担忧而忽略安静地聆听祂的教导(路加福音10:38-42)。 服事固然重要,但首先要注意亲近上帝并培养基督徒的品格。 总而言之,每位基督徒都是上帝独特的艺术品,祂预备我们在不同岗位上服侍,一起来建立基督的肢体,确定自己服侍的恩赐,发展它们来帮助他人。但请记住更重要的是我们与上帝亲近的关系。
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