The Golden Gate Bridge stands when the world shakes because of its foundation. Its two towers, deeply embedded into the rock underneath the sea, firmly hold the rails that link every part of the bridge.
Many build their foundation on weaker grounds, such as their reputation. They want to appear smart, rich, strong, honorable, and even spiritual. Paul did the opposite. He described himself as a fool for Christ, weak, poor, brutally treated, laborer, scum of the earth, and garbage of the world (1 Corinthians 4:10-13). Others’ opinion could not sway him because only God was his judge (1 Corinthians 4:4). A solid foundation cannot be based on transient things such as money, fame, power, health, and look. Solid foundation depends on our thoughts, desires, intentions, habits, and character. These internal things form our inner world, governing our life. What we take to eternity is not our resume or our houses, but the person we have become. Let Christ be our foundation, we be God’s building, under God’s construction (1 Corinthians 3:9), transformed into Christ’s image and becoming glorious (2 Corinthians 3:18). Our eternal glory far outweighs our momentary troubles (2 Corinthians 4:17). Gradually, we will be filled with goodness that lasts, with love, joy, and peace; instead of always in a hurry for our ego and envy, filled with chronic anxiety. We will be truthful and authentic, instead of hiding, faking, and making us look better than we really are. We will not be arrogant because we know we are nothing without Christ. We will not be judgmental toward others because we know we are not even qualified to judge ourselves. Even a clear conscience does not mean innocence because we do not know many of our hidden faults (1Corinthians 4:4, Psalm 19:12). Let God be the judge. One day He will bring everything to light (1 Corinthians 4:5). To conclude, listen to and follow Christ. Let Christ be our foundation, and let God build us up. Then even in severe storms with rising streams, we will firmly stand (1 Corinthians 3:9, Matthew 7:25). Summarized from the following sermons from John Ortberg: 设计生命 当地震来到大地摇动时,金门大桥仍然屹立不倒,因其根基坚固。两座高塔深深地嵌入海底的岩石中,牢牢地支撑着连接桥梁的栏轨。 许多人将根基建立在薄弱的根基上面,例如自己的名声。他们想使自己显得聪明、富有、坚强、尊贵甚至虔诚。 保罗则刚刚相反。他形容自己為基督的緣故算是愚拙、軟弱、 贫穷,被残酷虐待, 勞苦做工,被视为败类和萬物中的渣滓 (哥林多前书4:10-13)。别人的意见不能动摇他,因为他相信只有上帝是审判者(哥林多前书4:4)。 坚实的基础不能建立在金钱、名望、权力、康健和外表等短暂的事物上。 坚实的基础取决于人的思想、欲望、意图、习惯和性格。这些内在的因素构成他的内心世界,支配着他的一生。 人不能带着简历或房屋进到永生,那时能带的只有自己本身。 让基督作为我们的根基,我们成为上帝的房屋,由上帝建造 (哥林多前书3:9)。我们将转变成基督的形像,变得大有荣光 (哥林多后书3:18)。将来永恒的荣耀将远远超过目前至暂至轻的苦楚 (哥林多后书4:17)。 我们渐渐地将不会总为自我和嫉妒繁忙而长期焦虑,而是被永恒的美善、仁爱、喜乐和平安所充满。我们将不再隐藏, 伪装自己,而是做个真诚可信的人。 我们将不再自大,因为知道没有基督,我们就什么都没有。 不再批判别人,因为知道我们甚至没有资格判断自己。即使问心无愧也不等于自己无罪, 因为并不知道很多隐而未现的错误 (哥林多前书4:4;诗篇19:12)。 让上帝做审判的法官,有一天祂会把一切都显露出来 (哥林多前书4:5)。 总而言之,聆听并跟随基督,以基督为根基,让上帝建立我们。如此,即使在暴风雨中,尽管溪流不断上升,我们仍将坚定地站立得稳(哥林多前书3:9; 马太福音7:25)。
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