A Tim Keller Sermon Summary Could we psych ourselves up against suffering by constantly telling ourselves to be happy? Psalms 126 shows us different paths.
Suffering is inevitable. The psalmist in Psalm 126 described Israelites as destitute, like the lifeless, barren desert of Negev. There was no mention of them doing anything wrong, yet they were in anguish. They might not have understood why they suffered, which can be a source of pain by itself. Christians may even weep more than others. Our hearts of stone have been changed to hearts of flesh, making us more vulnerable to feel pain than before (Ezekiel 11:19, 36:26). Even Christ, the perfect human, suffered. When we suffer, we must not give in to self-pity. Our suffering is nothing compared to what Christ went through for us. If we suffer in following Christ, then we should count it as a blessing (2 Corinthians 4:17). When we suffer, have faith that God is still with us. No matter what we’ve done, Christ has already endured our punishment. Be assured in God’s promise of His grace and eternal glory with us forever. Honestly express your feelings in prayer. One psalmist even asked God to go away so he could enjoy life again before dying (Psalms 39:13). God understands our frustration. When Christ was in deep sorrow in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-46), and when God the Father abandoned Him on the cross (Matthew 47:46), Christ honestly expressed His pain. And be patient. Persistent prayer will end in praise. Many Psalms begin with the psalmists crying out to God but end in praise. Finally, be proactive. “Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy” (Psalms 126:5, 6). In summary, expect suffering. Don’t feel self-pity, but have faith that God is with us. So, honestly express your pain to Him in prayer. Be patient and proactive. God will provide, and He will deliver. Summarized from Tim Keller’s sermon: https://gospelinlife.com/downloads/praying-our-tears-5177/ 你能强迫自己快乐吗? 经常对自己说:“快乐!快乐!”就可以使自己不感到受苦吗?让诗篇126向我们展示不同的途径。 苦难不可避免。诗人在诗篇126中描述以色列人的贫困,就像内盖夫南地毫无生命的贫瘠沙漠。诗人没有提到以色列人做错了什么,也没有记载以色列人悔改的话,然而他们却流泪痛苦。他们可能不明白为什么受苦。这种不解的本身就是一个痛苦的根源。 基督徒甚至可能比其他人哭得更厉害。我们的石头之心已经变成柔软的肉心,比以前更容易感到痛苦(以西结书11:19;36:26)。 甚至基督一个完美的人也有悲哀的时候。 受苦时不要自怜。与基督为我们所经历的苦难相比,自己的痛苦微不足道。如果苦难是为了跟随基督,就该视受苦为祝福(哥林多后书4:17)! 受苦时要相信上帝对我们不离不弃。无论自己做了什么,基督已经为我们忍受惩罚。当肯定上帝的恩典和荣耀将永远与我们同在。 在祷告中诚实地表达自我的感受。一位诗篇的作者甚至要求上帝离开他,让他在死之前再次享受生活(诗篇39:13)。上帝理解我们的沮丧。基督在客西马尼园中极度悲伤时(马太福音26:36-46),或挂在十字架上父神离弃他时(马太福音47:46),也真诚地表达出他的悲痛。 要加忍耐。坚持不懈的祷告常会以赞美终结。很多诗篇的开端充满了悲楚,但以赞美神来结束。 此外,我们也要有主动的行动。“流淚撒種的,必欢呼收割”诗篇126:5,6。 总而言之,期待生命中有痛苦。在苦难中不应自怜,要信赖上帝与自己同在。在祷告中诚实地表达苦楚。耐心且主动点。上帝必会供应和拯救。
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