Many think God will accept them if they follow the Ten Commandments. But can we follow them? Can we love the Lord with all our heart, or love our neighbor as ourselves? (Matthew 22:36-40)
When we fail, we try to hide our weaknesses. Just like going out on a date, we struggle to cover up our blemishes and accentuate our best qualities. We have been doing that since Adam. Initially, the naked Adam and Eve felt no shame. But they listened to the serpent and decided to be their own masters. Suddenly, they knew they were naked, and they were ashamed. They hid, feeling insufficient. Instead of trying to please God, we try to please someone else, or we focus on something else. We are insecure and spend lots of effort to cover up. Unfortunately, we have missed the point. The only pair of eyes that matters is God’s. Yet, before them, we are absolutely inadequate. We cannot be right with God through our effort. The way to God is through Christ. Through Christ’s crucifixion, we become good in God’s eyes. Note that we are not abandoning our efforts to do good. But we cast away relying on our effect to be good before God. Our works are a response to God’s grace, not a means to win it. If we know God should be our leader, though we fail to follow God, there is no need for us to hide from Him. Instead, we should draw near to Christ, who came for sinners. God’s eyes are the only ones that count. Money, beauty, fame, power, or our efforts, cannot make us acceptable to Him. Instead, we should rely on God’s mercy and trust in the work of Christ. That is the way to be good with God. Summarized from a Tim Keller’s sermon: 我们能靠遵循十诫成为好人吗? 许多人认为如果遵循《圣经》上帝便会接纳自己。 但是我们能够遵循十诫吗?我们能够全心全意地爱上帝或爱邻如己吗(马太福音22:36-40)? 当我们做不到时,就会试图掩饰自己的弱点。就像约会时一样,我们会努力地掩饰瑕疵并强调自己最大的优点。 自亚当以来,我们一直都在这样做。最初,赤裸的亚当和夏娃没有感到羞耻,但是后来听从蛇的声音,便决定做自己的主人。突然间,他们知道自己的赤裸并且为此感到羞愧。于是,他们觉得自己不足就躲了起来。 我们试图取悦他人或专注其它事情,而不尝试去取悦上帝。我们没有安全感,花费了很多努力来掩盖。 不幸的是我们错过了重点。唯一重要的是上帝如何看待我们。但是在上帝眼前我们绝对是有亏缺的。 我们不能通过自己的努力而被上帝接纳。 通往上帝的路是基督。籍着基督被钉在十字架上,我们在上帝的眼中被看为好。 请留意这并不是放弃努力行善,而是放弃倚靠它来取得上帝的接纳。我们的行为是对上帝恩典的回应,而不是赢得它的手段。 如果我们知道应该让上帝做主人却做不到,没有必要躲避祂。相反地,当就近基督,因祂是为罪人而来。 上帝如何看我们是唯一重要的。金钱、美丽、名望、权力或努力都无法赚得上帝的接纳。当倚靠上帝的怜悯, 相信基督为我们所成就的一切,这就是与上帝和好之道。
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