Look at Instagram. We take many pictures of ourselves, pick the best one, augment it, and then post it. The picture does not show our real self, but when others praise the picture, we feel good. No wonder anxiety and depression are on the rise.
We like to cover up. When we make mistakes, instead of taking responsibility of our fault, we complain and blame others. We think we are better. We are arrogant and condescending, looking down on others. To go one step further, some are even sure of God’s approval. Let us learn from Christ’s parable on the prayers of a Pharisee and a tax collector (Luke 18:9-14). Pharisees were powerful religious leaders who represented the establishment. The tax collector, like today’s drug dealer or pimp, represented the outcast. They both prayed. The Pharisee thanked God he was better than others, including the tax collector. He told God he fasted twice a week and gave 10 percent of all he got. Meanwhile, the tax collector mourned and would not even look up. He called himself a sinner and asked for God’s mercy. The Pharisee considered himself good even before the eyes of God. In contrast, the tax collector knew he had nothing but dirt, and he confessed to God. Only the tax collector’s prayer was pleasing to God. We need to understand that we bring nothing to God. Everything is by His grace. We also should remember we are sinners. We should admit our mistakes and our weaknesses to God and confess to Him. It is through confessing and repenting that we invite God to come in to heal us. In addition to confessing to God, confess to others, such as to our friends. Admit our mistakes and pray for each another (James 5:16). This is difficult but may draw others closer to us. More importantly, such confessing and praying help address the issue and make us less likely to make the mistake again. Accept who we really are. Know that we are sinners. Confess our sins to God and to one another. Then pray for each other and ask for God’s mercy. God would help us. Summarized from a sermon by Carey Nieuwhof: https://menlo.church/series/the-way#/modal/message/5604/mlo 认罪 让我们来看看Instagram。我们自拍许多照片,挑选最好的,进行修改,然后登上Instagram网页。虽然图片并没有显示出真实的我们, 但是当别人称赞那些图片时,我们都会感到自豪。 难怪焦虑和忧郁的情绪正在上升。 我们喜欢掩饰。 当我们犯错时,我们常常不是为自己的过错承担责任,反而抱怨并指责他人。 我们认为自己比其他人更好, 傲慢自大,鄙视别人。 有些人甚至更自以为是,确信他们已经得到上帝的认可。 基督讲过一个关于法利赛人和税吏的比喻,是论及祷告的。让我们从这个比喻中学习主要教导我们的功课 (路加福音18:9-14)。 法利赛人作为有权力的宗教领袖, 代表了建制派。税吏就像今天的贩毒分子或皮条客,代表着被社会排挤的一群人。 现在两个人都在祷告。 法利赛人在祷告中感谢上帝,自称比其他人好,包括那税吏。他告诉上帝每周禁食两次,并奉献所得的十分之一。 与此同时,那个税吏也在祷告。他悲哀地捶打着自己的胸口,甚至头也不敢抬起。他称自己为罪人,祈求上帝的怜悯。 法利赛人认为自己即使在上帝的眼中都算很好。与之对照,税吏知道他只是垃圾,一无所是,向神认罪。 两人祷告的结果,税吏的祷告蒙神悦纳, 而法利赛人的则没有。 要知道我们没有带给上帝什么,一切都是祂的恩典。也应该记住我们是罪人, 向上帝承认错误和弱点, 坦诚认罪。正是通过认罪和悔改,我们邀请上帝进到自己生命中来医治我们。 另外,我们还应向其他人(例如我们的朋友)坦白,承认错误, 并为彼此祈祷 (雅各书5:16)。 这虽然是一件挺难的事情,但可能会让其他人更接近我们。更重要的是,这样的互相认罪和祷告,有助于我们解决问题,并减少再犯同样错误的可能性。 让我们接受真正的自我。知道我们是罪人,向上帝和彼此坦诚认罪。然后互相代祷,祈求上帝的怜悯,上帝定会是我们的帮助!
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