A 李思敬 Sermon Summary Why did Christ humble Himself to the point of death? (Philippians 20:6-8)
First, to show God’s love for us. Second, to pay for our sins. This intertwines God’s love and righteousness. Sins are terrible. The cross pays for them, removes their burden on us, and allows us to reconcile with God. Though our past is dead via the cross, sins and our past still influence us. We still feel the pain and their consequences, but they can’t control us (Romans 6:11-12). Through the cross, we become a new person, with Christ living in us (2 Corinthians 5:17, Galatians 2:20, Ephesians 2:8-9). Christ’s perfect life replaces our corrupted ones. Third, Christ humbled Himself to the point of death in obedience to the Father. Christ didn’t come only to die, or He wouldn’t have needed to evade His enemies for a time. Christ came to do the will of the Father. As the angels proclaimed, by lowering Himself, Christ glorified the Father (Hebrew 10:7, Luke 2:14, John 17:1-4). Christ was the only person who perfectly followed the Father’s will. Christ exemplified obedience in His suffering (Hebrews 5:8). Learn from Christ’s example. Via the Holy Spirit, let Christ’s life grow in us and let God take over. Satan holds the power of death, but Christ broke Satan’s power through the cross, freeing us from the slavery of the fear of death (Hebrews 2:14-15). God has guaranteed that, though we will die, our bodies will resurrect and become incorruptible, just like Christ’s resurrection. Christ’s resurrection was supported by the drastic transformation of many witnesses, and is supported by our personal changes. Christ’s resurrection marked the end of the old world and the coming of the new (1 Corinthians 15:1-26). We can start our everlasting life now by knowing the Father and Christ (John 17:3). We can know God by loving and serving Him. We will face challenges, but we can overcome them by trusting God, and looking back at how God has helped us before. Then, we will experience His power and grace. Our faith and knowledge will grow, and our lives on earth will start to resemble life in heaven. A summary of two sermons by 李思敬 at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIoyFgS1GU0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNxORKrrHts
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