Christians should be God’s witnesses to glorify their Father in heaven (Matthew 5:16). But it is much easier to witness to people than to Satan, who knows humans well. Day and night, such knowledge enables Satan to accuse us before God (Revelation 12:10).
God was proud of Job and presented Job as His witness to Satan (Job 1:8). But when calamity after calamity struck Job, even he grumbled. God’s witnesses, particularly God’s witnesses to Satan, need the Holy Spirit. God’s witnesses need the Holy Spirit to reveal truth to them. When Peter said Christ was the son of God, Christ attributed Peter’s insight to God’s revelation (Matthew 16:16-17). But the proud do not listen to the Holy Spirit. It is not in being clever or knowledgeable that one can understand the mystery of Christ. Some Bible scholars, such as the Pharisees, even called Christ the prince of demons (Matthew 12:24). Roman soldiers recognized Christ as the Son of God when numerous rulers didn’t (Matthew 27:54, Acts 13:27). The arrogance of the learned, rich, and powerful leads to their downfall, while the truth is revealed to children (Matthew 11:25, 18:3). To learn from the Holy Spirit requires humility. God’s witnesses to Satan need the power of the Holy Spirit to withstand Satan. These witnesses seek the interests of God and not their own, such as their honor, health, property, and comfort. God provides everything they need. Their prayers are effective (James 5:16). Even their children will not go hungry (Psalms 37:25). God’s witnesses do not love money but are content with what they have because God will never leave them (Hebrews 13:5). God’s witnesses do everything without grumbling or arguing (Philippians 2:14). They rejoice always, pray continually, and give thanks in all circumstances; for whatever happens to them is God’s will for them in Christ (1Thessalonians 5:16-18, Ephesians 5:20). To be God’s witnesses to Satan is difficult. They must have guidance and help from the Holy Spirit. For God’s glory, Christians, try to be God’s witnesses to Satan. Summarized from a sermon by Zac Poonen 成为神在撒旦前的见证人 基督徒应该是上帝的见证人,荣耀在天上的父(马太福音 5:16)。 但在人前为上帝作见证要比在撒旦前容易得多,因为撒但很了解人。这知识使撒但能在上帝前昼夜控告他们(启示录 12:10)。 上帝为约伯感到骄傲,把约伯作为自己在撒旦前的见证人(约伯记 1:8)。 但当一场又一场的灾难不住地袭击约伯时,连他也开始抱怨了。 做神的见证人, 特别是在撒旦前的见证人, 需要圣灵。 神的见证人需要圣灵启示真理。 当彼得宣告基督是上帝的儿子时,祂将这见解归因于上帝的启示(马太福音 16:16-17)。 但骄傲的人不听从圣灵。不是聪明睿智、博学多才便能明白基督的奥秘。法利赛人是熟悉圣经的学者,但他们甚至以为基督是魔王(马太福音12:24)。 罗马士兵认识基督是上帝的儿子,但许多统治者却不认识祂 (马太福音 27:54,使徒行传13:27)。 博学、富足和有权力之人的自大可导致他们垮台, 然而真理却能向婴孩和小孩子显明 (马太福音11:25, 18:3)。向圣灵学习需要一颗谦卑的心。 作为神的见证人, 特别在撒旦前的见证人, 需要倚靠圣灵的力量去抵挡撒旦。 神的见证人寻求上帝的益处, 而不是自己的益处,就如个人的荣誉、健康、财富和舒适。 神供给他们一切的需要。他们的祈祷是有功效的 (雅各书5:16),甚至连他们的儿女也不会饥饿 (诗篇37:25)。 神的见证人不贪爱金钱,以所有的为满足,因为上帝永远不离开他们(希伯来书13:5)。 神的见证人在做一切事情时都不发 怨 言 , 起 争 论 (腓立比书 2:14)。 他们常常喜乐,不住祷告,凡事感恩, 因为无论发生在身上的任何事情都是神在基督里对他们的旨意 (帖撒罗尼迦前书 5:16-18,以弗所书 5:20)。 成为神在撒但前的见证人不是一件容易的事,必须得到圣灵的引导和帮助。 基督徒们,为了神的荣耀,努力地去为祂作见证吧。
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