A Tim Keller Sermon Summary Paul was in prison because of the Ephesians, and the Ephesian Christians were suffering too. Then Paul encouraged and prayed for them (3:1,13). What did Paul pray for? Let’s learn from Ephesians 3:13-21.
Typically, one would pray to reduce their physical affliction and sickness. Paul didn’t. Nor did Paul pray for their health, wealth, beauty, reputation, or comfort. Instead, Paul asked God to strengthen them through the Holy Spirit! Paul also asked God to help them grasp the immense love of Christ—not just knowing with their minds, but fully realizing the width, length, depth and height of Christ’s love. This love is shown by God never forsaking us (Heb13:5). If we know that, we should never feel insecure. This love is shown by Christ: even though He is God, He became human, suffered to the point of death, and died on a cross for us (Philippians 2:5-8, Matthew 26:38). If we know that, we would follow Christ who loves us so much. This love is shown by Christ giving us the glory His Father gave Him (John17:22). If we remember that, we will not be enslaved by worldly things. This love is worth the adoration of millions of angels (Revelation5:11-12). Shouldn’t we adore Him also? Day by day, we should strive to be mindful of this immense love of Christ so that we might be renewed, even as our physical bodies grow weak (2Corinthians4:16). When we suffer, we must guard against being controlled by the suffering, and instead seek to overcome whatever sorrow and grief are upon us. We must ask God to strengthen us through the Holy Spirit and to help us grasp Christ’s immense love. Summarized from a Tim Keller’s sermon, titled, “Be Strong Through the Holy Spirit. Grasp Christ’s Immense Love”: https://gospelinlife.com/downloads/when-i-survey-5633/ 当我们受苦时,我们应该祈求什么? 保罗因为以弗所人被监禁,而以弗所的基督徒也在受苦。保罗鼓励他们不要气馁, 为他们祷告 (以弗所书 3:1, 13)。保罗祈求些什么呢?让我们从以弗所书3:13-21中学习. 通常人们会祷告要求减少疾病和痛苦,保罗却没有。他没有为他们的健康,财富,美丽和名誉祷告,也没有祷告上帝安慰他们。 相反地,保罗要求上帝通过圣灵使他们刚强起来! 保罗也祈求上帝帮助他们明白基督的爱--不只是用头脑来理解,而是心里彻底地明白基督之爱的长阔高深。 上帝从不放弃我们,祂的爱就如此显明出来 ( 希伯来书13:5)。如果知道这一点,就不应感到不安全。 基督的一生也显明了这种爱。 虽然祂是上帝,但却成了人,为我们受苦, 以致于死, 且死在十字架上 ( 腓立比书2:5-8; 马太福音26:38)。如果知道这点,就会跟随这么爱我们的基督。 基督赐下从父神那里得到的荣耀,这种爱也由此显明出来 ( 约翰福音17:22)。记住这点,我们就不会成为世物的奴役。 这种爱值得千万天使的敬拜 ( 启示录5:11-12)。我们岂不也该加入他们的敬拜大军吗? 虽然外面的身体渐渐地毁坏,每天尝试有意识地默想基督无比的爱,让自己的心意更新( 哥林多后书4:16)。 受苦之时必须谨防不被痛苦支配。相反地,努力克服临到的任何悲伤。必须祈求上帝通过圣灵使我们刚强, 帮助我们明白基督无比的爱。
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