We are accountable for the lives we lead and the choices we make. But we’re quick to make excuses for our mistakes. This started since Adam and Eve, with Adam blaming Eve and Eve blaming the serpent. This tendency to shift blame still haunts us today.
On judgment day, we are accountable to God. We must give an account of ourselves to Him, including everything we have done and every empty word we have spoken. (Romans 14:12, Matthew 12:36). Our account to God also includes sins of omission—that is, the things we should have done and did not. God holds us accountable for what He has given us (Matthew 25:19, 29). Nothing is hidden from Him, with all our secrets judged (Hebrews 4:13, Romans 2:16). Let us start today to be honest, take responsibility of our mistakes, accept our faults, and stand up again. With God’s offer of forgiveness and grace, we can have a fresh start. One secret to successful physical training is to have partners holding us accountable. They can encourage each other and keep each other focused on their goals. Similarly, we should have an accountability partner to help train our character and train us to be godly (1 Timothy 4:7-9). A successful accountability relationship is difficult. It requires honesty and takes courage. We can make our commitment with our partners to follow Christ. Confess sins to each other. Be honest and open. This will help us heal (James 5:16). Ask our partner to remind us of our commitment, and the good thing we should be doing. This can help us do what we cannot by ourselves. Accountability can be a key factor in our progress towards godliness. It can push us toward love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24). Such an accountability partner is God’s gift for us, and since we will be accountable to God, let us start with our accountability partners today. Summarized from a sermon by John Ortberg: https://menlo.church/series/the-way#/modal/message/5591/mlo 承担责任 我们都需要对所过的生活和所做的选择负责。但是,人都喜欢为错误找借口。从亚当开始, 他就指责夏娃,然后夏娃就指责蛇。直到今天人类仍旧不能逃避这种转移责备的倾向。 每个人在审判之日都必须向上帝交代所做的每件事,所说的每句话 (罗马书14:12; 马太福音12:36)。就是那些应该做而没有做的事也不例外。我们对上帝赐给的一切也需要负责 (马太福音25:19,29)。在上帝面前没有隐藏, 一切秘密都要接受审判(希伯来书4:13; 罗马书2:16)。 从今天就开始做一个诚实的人,接受自己的错误,承担当负的责任, 再次站起来。上帝乐意施恩,满有宽恕和恩典, 在祂里面可以有新的开始。 身体锻炼成功的秘诀之一在于有伙伴彼此督责,互相鼓励,一心向锻炼的目标努力。 同样地,训练品格和培养虔诚的品质也应该有彼此督责的伙伴(提摩太前书4:7-9)。 建立成功的督责关系并非容易的事,它要求诚实和勇气。 督责伙伴互相作出承诺跟随基督,彼此认罪,敞开心扉,诚实以待,这可以帮助我们得医治 (雅各书5:16)。 请求督责伙伴提醒自己的承诺和应做的善事,辅助我们做到单独一人很难做到的事。 督责关系可以成为虔诚道路上进步的主要动力,激发爱心,勉励行善(希伯来书10:24)。 这样的督责伙伴是上帝的恩赐。我们迟早要对上帝交代,今天就从督责伙伴开始吧!
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