God told Abraham (1) he should leave his home land, without telling him where to go; (2) He would make him a great nation, without telling him where this nation would be; (3) all people would be blessed through him, without telling him how he could have a child at his old age; and (4) to sacrifice his child, without telling him why (Genesis 12, 22).
Each time, Abraham believed God (Genesis 15:6). He trusted and anchored himself in God’s words, not his own abilities, possessions, relatives, friends, or looks. But Abraham did struggle in his faith. For example, he asked God how he could be sure of His words (Genesis 15:8). God told Abraham to get a few animals. At once Abraham knew God intended to sign a contract with him (Genesis 15:9-10). In their culture, to seal a deal, both parties each got an animal, cut it into pieces, and grouped them into two columns; and then both walked between the columns, showing symbolically the party breaking the deal to be cut into pieces (Jeremiah 34:18-20). In this case, it was different. A blazing torch passed between the two columns. The torch signified God, as in Mount Sinai and the pillars of fire in the desert. The process represented God making a deal with Abraham (v17-18). But only God walked between the columns, meaning that if Abraham failed, God would take the punishment of being cut into pieces. God’s action enabled Abraham to live a life of faith. Keeping His promise, God took the curse for our sins; Christ was ripped into pieces and was cut off from God the Father (Mark 15:33, Isaiah 53:8). We worry, disobey, and doubt God. We think if we trust all the way, we will miss out. Like Abraham, John the Baptist also had doubts. John asked Christ whether He was the one. We can do the same. We can ask God, “How can we know you will follow through?” “How can we know we wouldn’t let you down?” Then, listen to His response. Remember that Christ already paid the price, by Himself. May we believe Him and anchor in His words. May God be our shield and our reward (Genesis 15:1). Summarized from a Tim Keller’s sermon, titled, “Abraham’s doubt and trust”: https://gospelinlife.com/downloads/abraham-and-the-torch-5860/ 亚伯拉罕怀疑神吗? 上帝告诉亚伯拉罕(1)离开他的家乡,却没有告诉他要去哪里; (2)上帝会使他成为一个伟大的国家,却不告诉他这个国家将在哪里; (3)万族都会通过他被祝福,却没有告诉他老迈的时候还可以有孩子; 和(4)把他的儿子献在祭坛上,却不告诉他为什么 (创世纪12:22)。 亚伯拉罕每次都相信上帝 (创世纪15:6)。他坚信上帝的话语,而非自己的能力、财产、亲戚、朋友或外表。 然而亚伯拉罕确实在信仰上经历过挣扎。他曾问上帝如何能确定上帝话语的可靠 (创世纪 15:8)。上帝便告诉亚伯拉罕找一些动物来。他立刻知道上帝打算与自己签订合同 (创世纪15:9-10)。在那时的文化中,为了达成协议,各方找一些动物切成块状,分成两堆,然后双方从它们中间走过。这代表着如一方违约,他就会像这些动物一样被切成块状(耶利米书34:18-20)。 这次的仪式与以往不同。上帝在两堆之间飘来一支燃烧着的火炬。火炬代表着上帝,好像在西奈山和旷野中的火柱一样。这个过程代表着上帝与亚伯拉罕达成协议(创世纪17-18),但是只有神走在两堆肉块之间, 而亚伯拉罕不用走过。 上帝如此行乃是要告诉亚伯拉罕,如果亚伯拉罕不遵守协议,自己会取代他的位置,接受惩罚,被切成肉块。上帝的行动感动了亚伯拉罕,让他从此对上帝充满了信心。 上帝实现自己的应许,为着我们的罪接受了诅咒. 基督与父神隔绝开来,被撕成碎块 (马可福音15:33,以赛亚书53:8)。 我们担心忧虑,悖逆怀疑上帝,认为如果全然信靠上帝便会错过很多。 施洗约翰像亚伯拉罕一样也有过疑虑。约翰问基督祂是否那人。我们也可以这样做。我们可以问神,“怎么知道你会坚持到底?怎能知道我们不会让你失望?” 提问以后聆听祂的回应。 请记住基督已经亲自付出了代价. 愿我们坚信基督与祂的话语。愿上帝成为我们的盾牌和赏赐 (创世纪15:1)。
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