We may leave our evil path for awhile. But like a dog returning to its vomit, we tend to return to what was bad for us (Proverbs 26:11).
For awhile, we may become religious: Seek salvation, like Israelites searching for John the Baptist; grieve for our mistakes, like Saul’s bitter weep (1 Samuel 24:17, 26:21) and Ahab’s fasting (1 Kings 21:27); believe in Christ’s words (John 2:23-25); leave everything to follow Christ, like the disciple Judas (Matthew 19:27); or have affection for God, like the Israelites committing to follow God’s command (Matthew 13:20-21; Galatians 4:11, 15-16; Exodus 15:1-19; Deuteronomy 5:27, 29). Like the Israelites, we can experience God’s majesty, as at Mount Sinai (Exodus 24:16-18, Exodus 32); numerous miracles (Exodus 13:21-22, 16:14-17, 32:8; Joshua 10:13; Luke 16:31); God’s judgment and punishments (Numbers 11:3, 16:41, 16:31, 21:6, 21:1); and God’s blessings (Deuteronomy 32:13-16, Isaiah 26:10). Pain and suffering can bring us to God (Isaiah 1:5, Proverbs 27:22), but after our misery has subsided, our love for God may disappear quickly (Hosea 6:4). We may behave well because of our love for worldly interest, honor, our children etc. But while we may be good in one area, our wickedness shows up in another. Our original nature is corrupt and is the slave of sin (John 8:23, 34; Romans 7:14; Jeremiah 17:9, 13:23). Unless our nature is changed, our resolution to do good is built on sand (Matthew 7:26). We will return to our filth, gratifying our lust (2 Peter 2:20-22). Without a change in nature, there is no sure foundation for our goodness. We may become worse than before (Mark 4:17, 1 John 2:19, Hebrews 10:38, Luke 14:29-30, Ezekiel 18:24). By ourselves, we cannot change our nature (John 3:4). We need God to give us a new heart and make us holy. With our sinful nature changed by God, we will have a new understanding; new conviction; and a new appetite for God’s word and imitating God’s character by doing just and holy things. Summarized from a Jonathan Edwards sermon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQZosI2QMPI&t=124s 愚昧人重复行愚妄事 人可能暂时离开邪恶的道路, 但就像狗回到呕吐之物一样,他往往倾向于回到对自己不利的状态(箴言 26:11)。 我们在一段时间内可能会有虔诚的表现。我们会像那些去找施洗约翰的以色列人一样寻求救赎; 像扫罗一样为自己的错误悲痛哀哭(撒母耳记上 24:17, 26:21);又如亚哈一样为罪禁食(列王纪上 21:27); 也相信基督的话(约翰福音 2:23-25); 又像使徒犹大一样放下一切跟随基督(马太福音19:27);或者像以色列人承诺遵守上帝的命令一样热爱上帝(马太福音 13:20-21; 加拉太书 4:11, 15-16;出埃及记 15:1-19; 申命记 5:27, 29)。 像以色列人一样, 我们可以经历过上帝的威严,例如在西奈山(出埃及记 24:16-18, 出埃及记 32); 也经历过许多神迹(出埃及记 13:21-22, 16:14-17, 32:8;约书亚记 10:13;路加福音 16:31);又经历过上帝的审判和惩罚(民数记 11:3, 16:41, 16:31, 21:6, 21:1);并且经历过上帝的赐福 (申命记 32:13-16, 以赛亚书 26:10). 痛苦和折磨可以把我们带到上帝那里(以赛亚书 1:5, 箴言 27:22),但在痛苦平息之后,对上帝的爱可以很快就消失了(何西阿书 6:4)。 因为爱世俗的利益、荣誉和儿女等的缘故,我们可能表现良好。但我们在一个领域可能做得不错,邪恶却会出现在另一个领域上。 我们的本性是败坏的,我们都是罪的奴仆(约翰福音 8:23,34; 罗马书 7:14; 耶利米书 17:9, 13:23)。除非本性改变,人行善的决心是建在沙土之上(马太福音 7:26),他将回归到原本的污秽,满足自己的情欲(彼得后书 2:20-22)。 如果没有本质的改变,我们的善良没有坚定的基础,我们可能会变得比以前更糟(马可福音 4:17, 约翰一书 2:19, 希伯来书 10:38, 路加福音 14:29-30, 以西结书 18:24)。 我们不能靠自己改变本性(约翰福音 3:4),需要上帝赐给一颗新心,使我们成为圣洁。 上帝改变我们的罪性以后,我们将有新的认识、新的信念、和新的对上帝话语的渴慕。我们将有新的热忱,行公义圣洁之事以效法上帝的品格。 Comments are closed.
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