A Billy Graham Sermon Summary Jerusalem didn’t repent and fell. Daniel was taken to Babylon, the richest and most powerful empire at the time. He was trained to serve King Nebuchadnezzar. After Nebuchadnezzar’s death, his grandson Belshazzar became king. Belshazzar was prideful, immoral, and irreverent. He went too far.
Pride is one of the greatest sins. God will not be mocked and will humble you if you exalt yourself. Keep on plowing evil, you will reap from it (1). Feeling complacent and secure (2), Belshazzar held a great feast, where an armless hand wrote an unreadable message on a wall. Belshazzar trembled and sent for the astrologists and sorcerers. Like Belshazzar, we are used to ease and luxury. Compared to other parts of the world, even poor people here are wealthy. We don’t put our trust in God. When trouble comes, we go to fortune tellers. With no one able to read the message, Belshazzar sent for Daniel. Daniel accused Belshazzar of dishonoring God and predicted his demise (3). That night, Babylon fell and Belshazzar was killed. Is God’s writing on the wall of the US? Have we gone too far? If America doesn’t repent and turn to our living God of consuming fire (4), America will be judged. But God will forgive and heal anyone, any nation, who repents and turns back to Him. Observe God sparing the wicked but subsequently repentant Nineveh. God remembers our sins, and their consequences will find us (5). On the day of judgement, everything we have done, said, and thought will be brought to light. We will be weighed on God’s balance (6) against
All have sinned and fallen short. All will be judged, with the lukewarm spit out (11). Fortunately, Christ took the penalty of our sins on the cross. Through Him, we can become righteous, accepted by God, and given a new life. So, accept Christ as your Savior and repent today. Otherwise, judgment will come. Summary of a Billy Graham sermon, titled, “Is the handwriting on the wall, America?” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJT7MjxkRrk 1 Proverbs 17:19, Obadiah 4, Matthew 23:12, Job 4:8, Hosea 8:7, and Galatians 6:7 2 Amos 6:1 3 Daniel 5:26 4 Deuteronomy 4:24 5 Numbers 32:23 6 Daniel 5:27 7 Matthew 22:36-37 8 Psalm 89:8, Isaiah 40:25, 1Peter 1:16 9 Matthew 25:41-46 10 Luke 12:48 11 Revelation 3:15-16
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