Life should be devoted to pursuing pleasure in God, to fill us with joy in Him (Psalm 16:11). God wired us to seek joy and increase our pleasure. Unlike the stoics, we should not try to avoid happiness.
We sin because sin is pleasurable. The way to eliminate sin is to replace it with something that gives us more pleasure. If we have more pleasure in God than in sin, we will not sin but rather shine in this world (Philippians 2:15). If we focus on money, fame, sex, or earthly power in pursuing happiness, we are too easily satisfied. Consider the wonderful promises in the Bible. Since Christ offers us infinitely more joy, we should focus on pursuing Him. It is important to glorify God. He created the universe, including us, to display His glory (Psalm 19:1, 2 Thessalonians 1:10). Can we glorify God while pursuing happiness? Daniel Fuller, CS Lewis (“The weight of glory”, “Reflection on the Psalms”), and Jonathan Edwards teach us that we can (1 Corinthians 10:31, Matthew 6:9). God reveals Himself to our minds and our hearts. If we can rejoice in Him, He is glorified. If we prefer Him and want to be with Him over everything on earth, we honor Him. Rejoicing also leads to praise, which expresses what we value. If we don’t enjoy and value the subject we praise, we are hypocrites. But we spontaneously praise what we enjoy. So, if we rejoice in God, we will praise Him. Praising not only expresses but increases and completes our enjoyment. That’s why God commands us, and the psalmists taught us, to praise Him. In other words, our happiness in God glorifies Him. When we are satisfied in God, we praise Him, and He is glorified. It is more blessed and joyful to give than to receive (Acts 20:35). Loving others will draw them to us, and we can draw them to God. This will give them great joy and, in turn, will increase our happiness. Loving others is the natural overflow of our joy in God. Summary of a sermon by John Piper: 上帝如何让我因祂而喜乐 人生应该致力于追求上帝里面的喜乐,使我们被这喜乐充满(诗篇 16:11)。 上帝创造我们成为寻求喜乐,增加喜乐的人,而不是像斯多葛学派一样不追求喜乐。 人犯罪是因为罪令人感到快乐,带来好的感觉。 除去罪恶的方法是用能带来更多快乐的东西代替它。 如果我们以上帝为乐多于以罪为乐,就不会犯罪,而是在这个世界上发光(腓立比书 2:15)。 如果在追求快乐中专注于金钱、 名誉、 性或世俗的权力,人就太容易满足了。 思想圣经中美好的应许。 既然基督带来无限的喜乐,我们就应该专注于追求祂。 荣耀上帝很重要。 祂创造了包括人类在内的宇宙,以彰显祂的荣耀(诗篇 19:1,帖撒罗尼迦后书 1:10)。 人能够在追求快乐的同时荣耀上帝吗? Daniel Fuller、CS Lewis(“荣耀的重量”、“对诗篇的反思”)和 Jonathan Edwards教导我们是可能的(哥林多前书 10:31,马太福音 6:9)。 上帝在人的头脑和心灵中启示祂自己。如果我们以上帝为乐,祂就得到荣耀。 如果我们选择上帝, 想和祂一起超过世界上的一切万事,我们就荣耀祂。 喜乐也会带来赞美,而赞美表达一个人的价值观。如果不喜欢和不重视赞美的对象,那就是虚伪。 但人们会自然而然地赞美所享受的美好一切。因此,如果一个人以上帝为乐,就会赞美祂。 赞美不仅表达喜乐,更增加喜乐, 使喜乐圆满。 这就是为什么上帝命令我们赞美祂,诗篇作者教导我们赞美祂的原因。 换一种说法, 以神为乐就是荣耀祂。当我们以神为满足时,就赞美神,祂就得着荣耀。 施比受更有福、更使我们喜乐(使徒行传 20:35)。 用爱可以把人吸引到我们身边,而我们可以把他们吸引到上帝面前,带给他们极大的喜乐,转而也增加我们的喜乐。 爱人就是我们在上帝里面喜乐的自然流露。
We are born corrupt and selfish, following the ways of the world. By nature, none of us is good (Ephesians 2:2). Since God cannot look at evil, His wrath should be on us (Habakkuk 1:13, John 3:36). But our Holy God still takes pleasure in us (Isaiah 62:4, Zephaniah 3:17, Colossians 1:9-10, 2 Corinthians 5:9, Philippians 4:18, Hebrews 13:16). How can our Holy God take pleasure in sinners?
God resolved this dilemma through Christ. His beloved Son’s crucifixion not only saves us from God’s wrath, but also justifies us while we are sinners (Romans 5:1, 5:6-9, 8:32). Through faith in God, we are united with Christ. Our sins are nailed to the cross, with Christ’s righteousness counted as ours (Romans 3:24, 4:5, 8:30; Psalm 32:1-2; Colossians 2:14; 1 Peter 2:24). We contribute nothing to this (Philippians 3:9, Romans 5:19, 2 Corinthians 5:21). However, we still sin. Fortunately, through union with Christ, we are still pleasing to God (Matthew 3:17). Note that God doesn’t approve our remaining corruption. He will discipline and refine those He loves, while simultaneously we are forgiven and pleasing to Him (Proverbs 3:11-12, Hebrew 12:5-6). Because of Christ, we have been made perfect once and for all (Hebrews 10:14). But the essence of Christian ethics is that we pursue holiness because we are holy (1 Corinthians 5:7). We seek to please God when we are already perfectly pleasing to Him (Colossians 1:10, Philippians 4:18, 2 Corinthians 5:9, Ephesians 5:10). We depend on Christ for our righteousness and sanctification, where we will be made holy gradually. Through faith in His grace, God empowers us to realize our desire for doing His will. God is pleased with our works of faith. Christ gets the glory in us, and we get the glory in Him (2 Thessalonians 1:11-12; Ephesians 1:6; Hebrews 11:6, 13:20-21). The faith for our justification is also the faith for our sanctification. Through faith in God, we are perfectly pleasing to Him, while progressively pleasing to Him as He gradually transforms us. Summary of a sermon by John Piper 圣洁的神怎么能喜悦罪人呢? 我们生来就自私败坏,随从这个世界的风俗。 从本性上讲,世上没有一个好人(以弗所书 2:2)。 既然上帝不能忍受罪恶,祂的忿怒应该临到世人身上(哈巴谷书 1:13, 约翰福音 3:36)。但神仍喜悦我们(以赛亚书 62:4,西番雅书 3:17,歌罗西书 1:9-10,哥林多后书 5:9,腓立比书 4:18,希伯来书 13:16)。 圣洁的神怎么能喜悦罪人呢? 上帝藉着基督解决了这个两难的挑战。 祂的爱子被钉十字架,不仅救我们脱离上帝的忿怒,而且在我们还是罪人的时候就称我们为义(罗马书 5:1、5:6-9、8:32)。 我们靠着对上帝的信心与基督联合。 我们的罪被钉在十字架上,基督的义算为我们的义, 归于我们(罗马书 3:24、4:5、8:30;诗篇 32:1-2;歌罗西书 2:14;彼得前书 2:24). 我们对此没有任何贡献(腓立比书 3:9,罗马书 5:19,哥林多后书 5:21)。 然而,我们仍然犯罪。 幸运的是藉着与基督联合,我们仍然蒙上帝喜悦(马太福音 3:17)。 请留心上帝不赞成我们余下的败坏,祂会管教并熬炼祂所爱的人。但同时我们会被上帝赦免并蒙祂喜悦(箴言 3:11-12,希伯来书 12:5-6)。 我们因为基督,已经一次完全,并且永远完全了(希伯来书 10:14)。 但基督教伦理的本质是追求圣洁,因为我们是圣洁的(哥林多前书 5:7)。 当我们已经完全取悦上帝时, 我们持续不断地寻求取悦上帝(歌罗西书 1:10,腓立比书 4:18,哥林多后书 5:9,以弗所书 5:10). 我们靠着基督称义成圣,逐渐成为圣洁。 上帝通过我们对祂恩典的信心,赐给我们力量, 将遵行祂旨意的渴望化为实际的行动。 上帝喜悦我们靠信心的行为, 同时基督在我们里面得荣耀,而我们也在祂里面得荣耀(帖撒罗尼迦后书 1:11-12;以弗所书 1:6;希伯来书 11:6、13:20-21)。 使我们称义的信心也是使我们成圣的信心。 我们藉着对神的信心,完全地讨神喜悦。同时当祂逐渐地改变我们时,我们也不住地取悦祂。 Before Christ, God selected some under Abraham to Himself (Romans 9:6-7). After Christ, God shows mercy to and selects from all different types of people.
We are utterly blind and can’t go to God by ourselves. Our wicked nature alienates us from God (John 6:44, Romans 8:7). To be able to go to Him, we need God to give us a new heart (Ezekiel 11:19). God chose to bestow special grace to some people (Deuteronomy 29:4, 7:6; Romans 9:6-7). He elected them as He pleased before the creation of the world (Ephesians 1:4-5). In a way, this is similar to God sending rain to one town but not to another (Amos 4:7). God lets the gospel take root and sprout in some (Acts 16:7). Through the Holy Spirit, He draws them in, opens their eyes, and turns them around. No one can take the everlasting elections out of the Father’s hand, and Christ shall lose none (John 6:39, 10:29). God will finish what He has started. Since God’s election isn’t due to any of their works, virtues, or worthiness, they should be humble and give God the glorify for His choosing and enlightenment. However, God also wants all people to repent and all to be saved (Ezekiel 18:23, 1 Timothy 2:3-5). All in here doesn’t mean all individually but all sorts of people, people of all different conditions. We don’t understand why one is chosen and another is not. To accommodate our limited capacity, God used human terms, like He had ears and hands. Still, we can’t fully comprehend Him. God shows us the parts of His will that we ought to know. For the many aspects we don’t understand, we need to have faith that God is just. God wants all people to know Him and be saved (1 Timothy 2:3-5). He reaches out His hands inviting all to Him (Isaiah 65:2). Those who refuse Him are condemned. So, don’t keep Him to ourselves. Instead, invite unbelievers in and pray for their salvation. Labor as much as possible to bring them to Him and wait patiently till He shows Himself to them, as He has to us. A summary of a sermon by John Calvin 神愿万人都得救 在基督之前,上帝拣选了亚伯拉罕的一些后裔归祂自己(罗马书 9:6-7)。在基督之后,上帝怜悯和拣选各国各族的人。 我们完全是瞎眼的,不能靠自己去到上帝面前。我们邪恶的本性使我们与上帝疏远(约翰福音 6:44,罗马书 8:7)。我们需要上帝给我们一颗新心才能够去见祂(以西结书 11:19)。 上帝选择赐给一些人特别的恩典(申命记 7:6, 29:4; 罗马书 9:6-7)。祂在创造世界之前随着自己的心意拣选了他们(以弗所书 1:4-5)。这就好像上帝选择降雨到一个城镇,但不到另一个城镇一样(阿摩司书 4:7)。 上帝还使福音在一些人心中生根发芽 (使徒行传 16:7)。祂藉着圣灵吸引他们,打开他们心灵的眼睛,使他们回心转意。没有人能从天父手中夺走祂永恒的拣选(约翰福音 10:29),基督也不会失去其中任何一个(约翰福音 6:39)。上帝会完成祂所开始的工作。 上帝的拣选不是因为人的任何工作、美德或价值,所以人要谦卑,为上帝的拣选和光照而将荣耀归于祂。 然而,上帝盼望万人都悔改得救(以西结书 18:23,提摩太前书 2:3-5)。在这里万人并不是指所有的人,而是指各种各样情况不同的人。 我们不明白为什么上帝选中这一个人而不是另外一个人。为了帮助我们有限的理解力,上帝使用人类的术语,就像祂讲到自己有耳有手一样。然而,我们仍不能完全理解祂。 上帝显示给我们的,是我们应该知道的那部分旨意。 对于很多不明白的方面,我们要相信神是公义的。 上帝盼望万人都认识祂并且得救(提摩太前书 2:3-5)。祂伸出双手邀请所有人归向祂(以赛亚书 65:2)。那些拒绝祂的人就被定罪。 所以,不要把上帝只留给自己。相反地,我们要邀请不信的人认识上帝,为他们的得救祷告。尽可能努力地把他们带到上帝面前,耐心等待直到祂向他们显示自己,正如祂向我们显示的那样。 Romans 12:1-2 teaches us to offer ourselves to God, which pleases Him. Our lives become an act of worship, showing that God is much more valuable than anything on earth. Also, continually renew our mind, though we are new through Christ already (Colossians 3:10, 2 Corinthians 5:17). This is similar to the teaching of getting rid of yeast from the bread without yeast (1 Corinthians 5:7). Then we will know and be satisfied of God’s will.
Note that the will of God has two meanings. One is His sovereign will that’s going to happen no matter what. Such could involve someone sinning. For example, Christ’s crucifixion was God’s plan (Matthew 26:39). For such predestined events to occur, Herod and others had to murder Christ (Acts 4:27-28). Ultimately, it will be for the good. His sovereign plans always happen (Ephesians 1:11, Matthew 10:29, Proverbs 16: 33). Another meaning of God’s will is what God wants us to do and to be (Matthew 7:21, 1 Thessalonians 4:3). Whoever does the will of God lives forever (1 John 2:17). But many of us don’t, causing lots of pain and suffering. God hates evil behavior, and we need to believe God is sovereign. Ultimately, the evil behaviors are for the good. In the case of Romans 12:2, to know God’s will is to know what God wants us to be and do, to get our minds renewed so we know what God wants from us; but not to know His sovereign will so we can predict the future. Renewing our minds requires reading the Bible and learning how to live and do every good work (2 Timothy 3:16). For things not taught in the Bible, renewing our minds requires praying and asking God to enlighten us so we can infer from the Bible’s teachings on such things. Renewing our minds also requires us to be transformed because most of our actions are instinctive. So, ask the Holy Spirit to renew and continually transform us (Ephesians 4:23-24, Titus 3:5, Psalm 51:10, 2 Corinthians 3:18). If we ask, God will do it (Matthew 7:9-11). Then we will know God’s will and follow Him spontaneously. Summary of a sermon by John Piper: 如何知道上帝的旨意 罗马书 12:1-2 教导我们将身体献给上帝,这是上帝所喜悦的。当让我们的生命成为敬拜,显示上帝比地上任何其它事物都更有价值。 此外,尽管已经藉着基督成为新造的人, 我们的思想需要不断地更新(歌罗西书 3:10, 哥林多后书 5:17),就像圣经教导从无酵饼中去除酵母一样(哥林多前书 5:7)。 如此,我们就会知道并且以上帝的旨意为满足。 请注意上帝的旨意有两个不同的含义。 第一个是指祂至高无上的旨意,没有任何人事能够拦阻它的发生。这可能涉及某人犯罪。例如,基督被钉十字架是上帝的计划(马太福音 26:39)。为了使这预定的事件发生,希律和其他人不得不谋害基督(使徒行传 4:27-28),而这最终都是有益的。万事都按照祂主权的旨意发生(以弗所书 1:11,马太福音 10:29,箴言 16:33)。 上帝旨意的另一个含义是祂要我们如何行事为人(马太福音 7:21, 帖撒罗尼迦前书 4:3)。遵行神旨意的人将永远存活(约翰一书 2:17)。 但是,我们许多人不这样做,为人为己带来很多痛苦和苦难。 上帝恨恶邪恶的行为,我们需要相信上帝是至高无上的, 最终邪恶的行为都可以为上帝的良善使用。 就罗马书 12 章 2 节而言,知道上帝的旨意就是明白祂要我们如何为人处事,就是要更新心意,明白祂的期望, 而不是明白祂至高无上的旨意,使我们能预测未来。 心意更新需要通过阅读圣经并学习如何生活和做好每一件善事来实现(提摩太后书 3:16)。 对于圣经没有直接教导的事,心意更新需要祷告,求上帝开启我们的心,使我们可以从圣经的教导中推断出祂的旨意。 心意更新也需要自己被改变,因为人大部分的行为都是靠直觉。 所以,祈求圣灵不断更新改变我们(以弗所书 4:23-24,提多书 3:5,诗篇 51:10,哥林多后书 3:18)。我们如果祈求,上帝就会如此行(马太福音 7:9-11),这样我们就会知道上帝的旨意,自然而然地遵循祂的心意。 After leaving Egypt, the Israelites crossed the Jordan river to claim Canaan through many battles.
Similarly, after being saved, you are called to be God’s vessels to claim “your land.” The world is in turmoil. To face it, first, reflect on our past problems and God’s deliverance. Reflect on God’s wonderful blessings, His love and sacrifice, particularly the salvation He gave us. God told the Israelites to set up monuments to remember His work for them. The more we count God’s blessings, the more we appreciate Him and want to serve Him. Then, we can look forward to our future blessings. God told us to claim the promised land. Like He commanded Joshua, God told us not to be afraid or discouraged, but be strong and courageous because He is with us (Joshua 1:9). Don’t be frightened of your environment. Trust God’s unchanging promise. Steadfastly focus on the mission God put in your life and thank Him (Deuteronomy 8:4-10). Don’t depend or focus on power, fame, wealth, romance, and your friends and family. They seem like dreams and the world is cruel, as described in “好了歌” in “红楼梦” (Dream of the Red Chamber). We are God’s witnesses. Many are watching us, including God Himself (Joshua 4:10-13, 1 Corinthians 4:9). Through our actions and prayer, we pass our faith to our children. One day, they will remember and will be influenced by our thankful heart and steadfast faith to God. Christians executed for not giving up their faith during the Roman empire were God’s witnesses. Their actions converted many. Less than 300 years later, the empire collapsed. Time flies. Use your remaining days effectively. Use difficult time to grow. Build with Christ as our foundation and build with strong materials. Otherwise, though we are still saved, we will fail under trial and waste our lives (1Corinthians 3:11-15). The world and its passions will pass away. But whoever does the will of God lives forever (1 John 2:17). To be God’s vessels and fight the many battles before us, we must trust God’s guidance and depend on His words and the filling of the Holy spirit. Then we can be strong and courageous, accomplishing God’s mission and claiming our promised land. A summary of a sermon by Luke Cheung: from 27 minutes. 起來得地為業 以色列人离开埃及后,渡过约旦河, 经过多次战斗, 终于得迦南地為業。 同样地,我们得救之后,蒙召成为神所使用的器皿,要得应许之地為業。 如何面对今天动荡不安的世界? 首先要反思自己过去的艰难和上帝的拯救。 反思上帝奇妙的赐福, 慈爱和牺牲, 尤其是祂赐下的救恩。 上帝吩咐以色列人立碑纪念祂为他们所行的事。我们越数算上帝的赐福,就越感激祂,越想侍奉祂。 然后,我们可以期待未来的福份。上帝告诉我们要得应许之地為業。 就像祂命令约书亚一样,上帝告诉我们不要灰心害怕,而要勇敢坚强,因为祂与我们同在(约书亚记 1:9)。 不要被环境吓到,要相信上帝不变的应许,坚定不移地专注于上帝赋予的使命,并衷心感谢祂(申命记 8:4-10)。 不要依赖或专注世上的权力、名誉、财富、浪漫和家人朋友。 如《红楼梦》中的“好了歌”所描述的,它们似乎像梦一样,并且世界是残酷无情的。 我们是上帝的见证人,许多人都在注视着我们,包括上帝祂自己(约书亚记 4:10-13,哥林多前书 4:9)。 我们通过行动和祈祷将信仰传递给儿女。 有一天他们将会记得这一切,我们感恩的心和对上帝坚定的信仰也会影响他们的生命。 在罗马帝国时期,有基督徒因不愿放弃信仰而被处决,他们是上帝的见证人。他们的行动使许多人归主,罗马帝国不到 300 年后就崩溃了。 时光如梭,飞逝而去。要有效地利用剩余的日子,利用困难的时期使生命成长。 当以基督为根基,用坚固的材料来建造这工程。否则,我们虽然得救,但会在考验中失败,浪费了自己的生命(哥林多前书 3:11-15)。 世界和它的情欲都要过去, 但那遵行神旨意的却存到永远 (约翰一书 2:17)。 如果我们要成为神所使用的器皿,勇敢面对摆在面前的许多争战,就必须相信神的带领,倚靠神的话,被圣灵充满。如此,我们就可以勇敢坚强,完成上帝的使命,得应许之地為業。 If you were facing suffering (like having terminal cancer) or being tortured for His name, would you still trust God, willing to be His martyr? Or would you be angry with Him?
When such challenges come, if you hold onto God, He will give you the strength to endure and the resolve to magnify His name. You will be blessed with the glorious Holy Spirit resting on you (1 Peter 4:12-14). When the Holy Spirit comes, He will: 1. Bring truth to you (John 14:17, 15:26, 16:13) to fight back the forces of darkness that try to confuse you. 2. Glorify Christ in you (John 16:14). 3. Sustain your love for Christ by reminding you of His preciousness and inspire you to worship Him (Philippians 3:3). 4. Help you see your lost not worth keeping because of gaining the infinitely-better and imperishable glory (1Peter 1:23); and help you see your momentary sufferings of no comparison to the eternal glory. The Holy Spirit seals the hope in you (1Peter 5:10). 5. Overcome your doubt and strengthen your faith. 6. Give you the words to witness for Him (Matthew 10:19-20, 13:11). 7. Bring you Himself, and with Him, the Trinity God—the Father’ care, the Son’s redeeming love covering your sins, and the Spirit’s upholding your faith (2Corinthians 13:14, 1 Peter 4:14). The Holy Spirit gives you new birth (John 3:8), enables you to confess Christ as Lord (1Corinthians 12:3), puts to death your misdeeds (Romans 8:13), helps sanctify you (2Thessalonians 2:13), gives you wisdom (Ephesians 1:17), gives life to your mortal body (Romans 8:11), and forever helps you (1Corinthians 12:7, John 14:16). So, though we have the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:9), seek more experience of Him, like seeking more faith in God. Also, “Be filled with the Spirit” is a command (Ephesians 5:18). How to be filled by the Holy Spirit: 1. Listen to and meditate on God’s words (John 6:63). Christ’s message dwelled in you (Colossians 3:16) and filled by the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18-19) go hand-in-hand. 2. Believe in His words (Galatians 3:5). 3. Obey Christ’s words. Then the Father will love you, and the Trinity will make their home with you. (John 14:22-23). 4. Thirst for the Holy Spirit (John 7:37-38, Psalm 42:1-2). Ask the Father for the greatest gift, the Holy Spirit, and you will have Him (Luke 11:9-13). Summary of a sermon by John Piper 如何寻求圣灵 如果你在痛苦中(例如患上晚期癌症) 或因祂的名而受折磨,你仍会相信上帝, 仍愿意成为祂的殉道者吗, 还是会怒气以对呢? 当这样的挑战来临时,如果抓住上帝, 祂会赐给你坚忍的力量和彰显祂圣名的决心。 你将为此蒙福, 荣耀的圣灵要住在你身上(彼得前书 4:12-14)。 当圣灵来临时,祂将如此行:
圣灵使我们重生(约翰福音 3:8),使我们认基督是主(哥林多前书 12:3),治死我们的恶行(罗马书 8:13),使我们成圣(帖撒罗尼迦前书 2:13) ,赐给我们智慧(以弗所书 1:17),使我们必死的身体活过来(罗马书 8:11),并永远成为我们的帮助者(哥林多前书 12:7,约翰福音 14:16)。 所以,我们虽然有圣灵(罗马书 8:9),但仍要寻求更多经历祂, 就像寻求更多对上帝的信心一样。 此外,“被圣灵充满”乃是一个命令(以弗所书 5:18)。 怎么才被圣灵充满呢?
当向天父祈求最伟大的礼物 (圣灵),你就会拥有祂(路加福音 11:9-13)。 God shows His greatness by working for His people (Acts 17:25). He doesn’t actually need our service, but He gives us everything we need (2 Chronicles 16:9).
God doesn’t need your help. In the day of trouble, you call on Him. He saves you and you glorify Him (Psalms 50:15). Don’t trust your intelligence or technologies but trust God. He works for those who wait for Him (Isaiah 64:1-4, 30:18; Psalm 20:7). Our God is unique. Isaiah contrasted Him to the Babylonian idols. God sustained, rescued, and showed the Israelites compassion from birth to death. But the Babylonian idols were their burdens instead (Isaiah 46:1-4). Christ came not to be served but to serve, even by giving His life, treating us far better than we deserve (Mark 10:41-45). God not only wants to help us, but He is also infinitely competent (Isaiah 46:9-10). So, pause and pray to God. Consult Him, particularly when you aren’t sure what to do according to His will. If God tells you to be still, you should let Him take over and just quietly observe (Exodus 14:13-14). God told the Israelites to wait for Him, and not to run to Egypt for help or fight for themselves. But they fought and quickly lost (Isaiah 30:15-16, 31:1). God may fight for you as He split the Red Sea for the Israelites. Or He may fight through you as He helped David swing the stone at Goliath. If God tells you to act, then let Him work through you (Isaiah 41:10). Note that even when you are charging on your war horses, you still wait for the Lord, listening to His voice (Psalm 33:16-22). Also, when you are working hard, know that it is God’s grace working in you (Proverbs 21:31, 1 Corinthians 15:10). Greatness is not measured by how many people work for you, but by you working for many, lifting them up, like Christ sacrificing His life for us. Never act as if you are in charge and God is irrelevant. Remember all authorities in heaven and earth are His. Always maintain an open channel with God and pray to Him. If He wants you to be still, then stand back and observe God acting on behalf of those who wait for Him (Isaiah 64:4). Summary of a sermon by John Piper 上帝为等候祂的人行事 上帝通过为祂的子民行事而彰显祂的伟大(使徒行传 17:25)。 祂其实不需要人来服侍,反倒赐下我们需要的一切(历代志下 16:9)。 上帝不需要你的帮助。 在患难之日,你求告祂, 祂就拯救你,而你也要荣耀祂(诗篇 50:15)。 不要相信你的智慧或科学技术,而要相信上帝。 祂为那些等候祂的人行事(以赛亚书 64:1-4,30:18; 诗篇 20:7)。 我们的神是独一无二的。 以赛亚将祂与巴比伦的偶像对比。 从出生到死亡,上帝都托住、拯救并向以色列人施怜悯。 但巴比伦的偶像却是他们的重担(以赛亚书 46:1-4)。 基督来不是要受人服事,而是要服事人,并且舍命,恩待我们远比我们应得的好太多(马可福音 10:41-45)。 上帝不仅想帮助我们,而且祂也有无限的大能(以赛亚书 46:9-10)。 所以,当停下来向上帝祈祷,寻求祂的意思,特别是不确定如何按照祂的旨意而行时。 如果上帝告诉你要安静, 你便应该让祂接手作工, 然后安静地观察(出埃及记 14:13-14)。 上帝告诉以色列人要等候祂,不要投奔埃及寻求帮助或为自己争战。 但他们却不听从而擅自战斗,结果很快失败了(以赛亚书 30:15-16, 31:1)。 上帝可能像分裂红海一样为你而战,也可能像帮助大卫向歌利亚挥石一样通过你来战斗。 如果上帝告诉你行动,就让祂通过你行事(以赛亚书 41:10)。 请注意即使当你骑着战马冲锋陷阵时,仍要等候耶和华,总要听祂的声音(诗篇 33:16-22)。 此外,当你努力工作时,也要知道这是神的恩典在你里面运行(箴言 21:31,哥林多前书 15:10)。 伟大不是用有多少人为你工作来衡量,而是你为很多人工作,高举他们,就像基督为我们牺牲生命一样。 不要表现得好像你在作主,而上帝无关紧要。 记住天上地下所有的权柄都是祂的。 当始终与上帝保持畅通的交流的渠道,向祂祈求祷告。如果祂要求你保持静止,那么退后一步,观察神为那些等候祂的人行大事(以赛亚书 64:4)。 What is the purpose of your short life on earth?
First, know that our amazing God wants to be known as Yahweh, which means “I am,” with no beginning and no end (Exodus 3:14). He created the universe, including us, to display His glory (Isaiah 43:6-7, 48:9; Psalm 106:7-8, 19:1; John 17:1; 2 Thessalonians 1:10). His name should be honored through us (the Lord’s Prayer). God wants us to know Him and reflect His glory (Romans 9:22-23). If we treasure, enjoy, and honor Him over everything on earth, we will reflect how valuable He is. When we are most satisfied in God, He will be greatly glorified by us. However, we inherently hate Him and want to be in His position. Self-denial is not naturally in our bones. For that, we deserve His wrath (Ephesian 2:3). Christ overcame this major obstacle. He was crucified to cover God’s wrath and become a curse for us (Romans 8:3, Galatians 3:13). Faith, repentance (Ephesians 2:8, 2 Timothy 2:25), new birth (John 3:8), and Christ Himself (John 6:44) are freely given to us. We can love and praise God and let God be our center. This is the glorious grace from God given to us before the world existed (Ephesians 1:5-6, 2 Corinthians 4:4, 2 Timothy 1:9, Revelation 13:8). An unwasted life shows Christ as more precious and satisfying than life itself. An unwasted life considers everything is rubbish compared to knowing Him (Philippians 3:8). If we suffer because of Him but we are still joyful, then we can clearly show Christ being most precious. If we can rejoice even when someone persecute us for being the salt and light of this world, then we will show we treasure Christ more than anything on earth (Matthew 5:11-16). Then we will show we are most satisfied in Him, and we consider seeing His glory as our ultimate reward (John 17:24). And our life will not be wasted. Summary of a sermon by John Piper: 不要浪费生命 我们在地上短暂生命的目的是什么呢? 首先,要知道奇妙的上帝希望我们认识祂是耶和华,就是“我是”的意思. 祂没有开始,也没有结束(出埃及记 3:14)。 祂创造宇宙(包括我们)之目的乃是显示祂的荣耀(以赛亚书 43:6-7, 48:9; 诗篇 106:7-8,19:1; 约翰福音 17:1; 帖撒罗尼迦后书 1:10)。祂的名应该受到尊崇(主祷文)。 上帝要我们认识祂,反映祂的荣耀(罗马书 9:22-23)。 如果我们珍视、享受和尊崇祂胜过世上的一切,就会反映出祂是何等宝贵。 当我们在上帝里面最满足时, 祂就在我们身上得到大大的荣耀。 但我们生来就恨上帝, 并且想站有祂的位置。 舍己不是我们的天性。 因此,祂的愤怒临到我们身上(以弗所书 2:3)。 基督战胜了这个主要的障碍。 祂被钉在十字架上以掩盖上帝的忿怒, 为我们成为诅咒(罗马书 8:3,加拉太书 3:13)。 上帝将信心、 悔改、 重生和基督自己都白白地赐给了我们(以弗所书 2:8, 提摩太后书 2:25,约翰福音 3:8,约翰福音 6:44)。 我们可以热爱和赞美上帝, 可以让祂成为生命的中心。 这是世界存在之前上帝就赐给我们的荣耀恩典(以弗所书1:5-6,哥林多后书4:4, 提摩太后书1:9,启示录13:8)。 没有虚度的生命表明基督比生命本身更宝贵, 更令人满足。 没有虚度的生命以万有为垃圾, 惟有认识基督是至宝(腓立比书 3:8)。 如果我们为基督受苦仍可喜乐, 便能清楚地表明基督为最宝贵。 如果我们因为是世界的盐和光而受到迫害仍欢欣鼓舞, 就表明珍视基督胜过世上一切(马太福音 5:11-16)。 如此也就表明我们在祂里面最满足, 将得见祂的荣耀视为最终奖赏(约翰福音 17:24). 如此我们的生命也就不被浪费。 God wants us to mature spiritually. But as we become comfortable in life, typically we stop growing.
My wife and I served as missionaries in China from 2003 to 2019. We were living out the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20), which turns out to be the way to grow. Let’s learn from it. The first requirement of the Great Commission is to go, to step out of our comfort zone (Matthew 28:19). I grew up in Paris, moved to New York, got married, and dreamed of getting rich. But God planted discontentment in us. We felt stuck and wanted more than just surviving and maintaining. In his book, Experiencing God, Henry Blackaby used surfing as an analogy of experiencing God. Instead of creating your own wave, get into the water, wait, and watch to see what God is doing. When a wave comes, swim over and ride on it. In 2012, my wife and I prayed for nine months asking God to make us love and experience Him more. A year later, with three kids, we moved to China. I spoke very little Chinese and didn’t understand the culture. What is God asking you to do that feels uncomfortable? To grow, we must trust God is in control, take risks, and step out of our comfort zone. Second, seek to engage the lost (Matthew 28:19). Luke 15 describes three parables: the lost sheep out there; the lost coin inside the house; and the lost sons, one outside, the other inside. There are just as many lost outside as there are around us. To engage requires confronting and speaking the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15). Tell your own stories to have transformation to take place. Third, teach others to obey everything Christ has commanded you (Matthew 28:20). Teaching helps us grow. Forget the title of “pastor” (James 3:1). Just perform its function. Have the heart of a shepherd to have impact on others. Walk the talk. Meditate on God’s words and show what it means to obey Him (Matthew 5:16). And you will grow. Finally, don’t worry. If you follow the Great Commission, Christ promises He will be with you always, to the very end of the age (Matthew 28:20). Summary of a sermon by Luke Wong, starting at 19:45 大使命:属灵成长的关键 上帝希望我们的属灵生命日趋成熟,但当我们生活变得舒适时,常常就会停止成长。 我和妻子从 2003 年到 2019 年在中国担任宣教士, 活出大使命(马太福音 28:18-20)。事实证明这是一种属灵生命成长的方式。让我们从中学习功课。 大使命首项要求是走出去,离开自己的舒适区(马太福音 28:19)。 我在巴黎长大,后来搬到纽约,然后结婚,并且做着发财致富的美梦。但上帝在我们心里种下了一种不满足的感觉,使我们觉得生命好像被卡住了,不想仅仅是保持现状地活着。 在 Henry Blackaby 《经历上帝》一书中,他使用冲浪来比喻经历上帝。不要创造自己的波浪。相反地,要踏入水中,等待和观察上帝的作为。当一个波浪冲来时,迎面游去踏浪而行。 在2012 年, 我和妻子祷告了 9 个月, 祈求上帝让我们更多地爱祂和经历祂。 一年后, 我们带着三个孩子搬到中国。 当时我只会说很少的中文, 也不了解中国文化。 上帝要你做什么会让你感到不舒服? 如果想要成长, 就需要相信上帝掌管一切, 冒险走出舒适区。 其次,要寻找接触迷失的人(马太福音 28:19)。 路加福音 15 章描述了三个比喻: 迷失的羊在外面; 丢失的硬币在屋内; 还有迷路的两个儿子, 一个在外, 一个在内。 迷失者在外面和在里面的一样多。 与人相交需要用爱心面对,在爱中说真话(以弗所书 4:15)。 讲述上帝在你自己生命中的故事来转变他人的生命。 第三, 教导人遵守基督吩咐的一切命令(马太福音 28:20)。 教导人的同时可以帮助我们自己成长。 忘掉牧师的头衔(雅各书 3:1), 只管履行其职责。 以牧羊人的心去影响他人的生命。 言行一致。 默想上帝的话,用言行显示服从上帝是什么意思 (马太福音5:16)。 如此我们的属灵生命定会成长。 最后, 不要担忧。 如果你跟随大使命, 基督应许祂将永远与你同在, 直到世界的末了(马太福音 28:20)。 We need faith to please God (Hebrew 11:6). How do we walk by faith and not sight (2 Corinthians 5:7)?
Many suffer, not getting God’s promises (Hebrew 11:39-40). Through suffering, we learn. In this fallen world, we won’t understand many things. Trust that God is good, with better plans and eternity to keep His promises. To have such faith, read His words (Romans 10:17). Focus on His power. Remember what He has done for us and look forward to the joy before us. Our anchor is Christ; He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. “Trust and obey, for there’s no other way.” Summarized from two Rick Warren’s sermons: 怎样才能凭信心而行? 没有信心的人不能得到上帝的喜悦(希伯来书 11:6)。 如何行事为人凭对上帝的信心,而不是凭眼见呢(哥林多后书 5:7)? 1. 信就是对所盼望之事的把握,是还没有看见之事的明证(来 11:1)。 信心能看到尚未发生之事,在它们发生之前提前看到。 伟大的成就需要在行动之前已经相信所行之事会成就。 2. 信要求我们在不明白的时候顺服上帝。 诺亚虽然从未经历过雨水,仍然建造了方舟(希伯来书11:7)。 富裕的亚伯拉罕七十五岁的时候,没有从上帝那里得到任何细节,便离开了他的家乡(希伯来书11:8)。 以色列人走过红海时,水才分开(希伯来书11:29)。 玛丽亚因顺服而童女怀孕(路加福音 1:38)。 就像父母不向年幼的儿女解释一样, 上帝也不欠我们任何解释。 3. 当自己不喜欢的时候仍然坚持不懈。 虽然还没有看到成果,但任然坚持不放弃(希伯来书11:27、11:1)。 即使包括自己在内也没有人想继续做下去的时候, 伟大的人通过坚持不懈来完成大业。 4. 在拥有之前就宣布拥有。 信心之言蕴含着巨大的力量。 亚伯兰将自己的名誉置于危险之中,在九十九岁时改名为亚伯拉罕(许多国家的父亲)。 那时他和妻子没有儿女, 甚至至少最初时他也对上帝的应许持怀疑态度(罗马书 4:17,希伯来书 11:22,创世记 17:17) 5. 在尚未拥有之时就给予。 爱必须给予。 要像上帝一样,祂是给予的上帝(约翰福音3:16)。 金钱考验信心。如果在永恒的救恩上相信上帝,在财务上也应信靠祂。 先奉献给神,神必会供应(箴言3:9-10)。通过给予来操练信心,就像锻练肌肉一样. 这样就可以经历上帝的拯救。 6. 在收到之前感谢上帝。 在得到所求的之前,当感谢上帝, 好像已经得到了(马可福音11:24,马太福音9:27-30)。以色列人在高大坚固的耶利哥城墙周围走了七天,不住地感谢上帝。然后,城墙就倒塌了(希伯来书11:30)。 7. 如果没有得到,仍然坚信不移。 许多人经受苦难,却没有得到上帝的应许(希伯来书 11:39-40)。 生活在一个堕落的世界, 很多事情我们都不明白。 相信上帝是良善的,祂有更好的计划和永恒来信守祂的诺言。并且通过苦难我们也能学习功课。 如果想要拥有这样的信心,请阅读祂的话(罗马书 10:17)。 专注于祂的大能。 记住祂为我们所做的一切,并期待我们前面的喜乐。 我们灵魂的锚是基督,祂昨天、今天、明天都是一样的。 “信靠顺服,此外不能蒙福。” In a trial, the children of God should pray to their heavenly Father with child-like confidence, so that they can bear whatever He decides to lay upon them. But then how should we pray?
Faith is essential in prayer. If you pray, “Not what I want but may your will be done,” you don’t have the resolve to persist. Prayers are ineffective without faith. (James 1:6-8). The Holy Spirit helps and strengthens God’s children. He shows them their conditions and brings to them God’s instructions. He is their counselor, calming and teaching them what to seek with faith. He is their advocate, teaching them how to plead their cases and pleading for them. Ask the Holy Spirit to strengthen your faith (Romans 8:26). Let your ears always be open to His voice, so you can follow His suggestions, and confidently pray, “Lord, do what you have said.” Then you can believe without wavering that He who promises is also able to perform (Romans 4:21). The Holy Spirit can even put fire in God’s children, pushing them not to rest till their yearning hearts are fulfilled. But there are times when God’s children are weak and crushed. They cannot even articulate their prayers. When words can’t express their inner grief, they can moan to God. Such groaning, moved by the Holy Spirit, comes deep from their hearts (Psalms 38:8-9, 119:131). Their heavenly Father reads their hearts and knows their needs (Matthew 6:8). The Holy Spirit intercedes for God’s children according to the will of the Father (Romans 8:26-27). The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one. Prayers that are interceded by the Holy Spirit won’t contradict God’s commandments. They are consistent with the divine and eternal will of God. Surely the Father will accept such intercession. Therefore, ask the Holy Spirit for help. Pray in faith. Praise God before your prayer is answered. When God’s children don’t know how to articulate, prayers can simply be groans. These prayers are prompted by the Holy Spirit, who intercedes for God’s children before the Father. Such prayers will succeed. Summary of a sermon by Charles Spurgeon: 圣灵的代祷 上帝儿女经受考验时,应该像孩子一样满有信心地向天父祈祷,如此就可以承受祂决定发生的任何事。但我们当怎么祷告呢? 祷告一定要有信心。如果你祷告“不是我想要的,但愿您的旨意成就,” 就没有坚持的决心。没有信心的祷告是无效的(雅各书 1:6-8)。 圣灵帮助并坚固上帝的儿女。祂将上帝的指示带给他们, 展现他们的光景。祂作保惠师,使他们心里平安,教导他们凭信心去寻求。祂作辩护人,教导他们如何为自己申辩,并为他们辩护。 祈求圣灵坚固你们的信心(罗马书 8:26)。让你们的耳朵永远聆听祂的声音,如此就可以按照圣灵的意思自信地祈祷,“主啊,成就你所说的.” 这样,你们就可以毫不动摇地相信那应许的也能按祂的应许而行(罗马书4:21)。 圣灵甚至可以在上帝儿女的心中点燃火焰,激励他们不息地追求,直到渴望之心得到满足。 但上帝的儿女也有软弱和被压垮的时候。那时,他们甚至无法表达自己的祈祷。当言语无法表达内心的悲伤时,我们可在上帝面前叹息。这种由圣灵引发的叹息发自我们的内心深处(诗篇 38:8-9, 119:131)。天父了解我们的内心,知道我们的需要(马太福音 6:8)。 圣灵按照天父的旨意为上帝的儿女代求(罗马书 8:26-27)。圣父、圣子和圣灵是合一的。 圣灵的代祷不会违背上帝的诫命,与祂永恒神圣的旨意一致。 天父当然会接受这样的代祷。 所以,请求圣灵帮忙,凭信心祷告。在你的祷告未得到应许之前赞美上帝。 当上帝儿女不知道如何表达时,祈祷可以只是叹息。这些祈祷是圣灵所催促的,祂在天父面前为天父儿女代求. 这样的祈祷必蒙垂听。 After Christ had completed the redeeming work, He was glorified and ascended. Then the Holy Spirit came to be in fellowship with us (John 7:38-39, 16:7).
Non-believers of Christ can worship many idols, but Christians may ignore the Holy Spirit and worship God less. Our goodness comes from the Holy Spirit. Being convicted of our sins and repenting are through the Holy Spirit. Yet many don’t hold the Holy Spirit in high esteem. Believing in Christ has quenched our thirst. But do rivers of living water flow from us (John 7:38)? Many believers don’t have abundant life. Let’s understand the work of the Holy Spirit. First, it is intimately intertwined with Christ’s work. For example, unless we are born of the Spirit, we can’t enter God’s kingdom. But whoever believes in Christ shall have eternal life (John 3:5, John 3:16). In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit did many extraordinary works through the prophets. But during that time, the Holy Spirit came and left, not living in them. After Christ’s departure, the Holy Spirit came to stay with us forever. The Holy Spirit takes what is from Christ to teach us (John 16:14). The Holy Spirit leads us to Christ, conforming us to His likeness and glorifying Him. The work of the Holy Spirit is of incomparable value. Christ on earth was just with a handful of disciples, but the Holy Spirit has dwelt within believers over the many centuries! The Holy Spirit generates rivers (not just a single river) of living water in believers, to flow from within them (John 7:38), like divine light enabling others to see. The flow is spontaneous and perpetual. Whatever they do prosper (Psalm 1:3). Wherever they are, there is blessing. The church is glorified, and they are glorified. We can easily obtain such work of the Holy Spirit. First, believe in Christ; by faith we will receive the Holy Spirit. Second, pray and ask, and our loving heavenly Father will give us the Holy Spirit (Matthew 7:7-11). Ask God to make us all the Spirit can make us to be. Rivers of living water will flow from us, blessing the people around us. Summary of a sermon by Charles Spurgeon: 圣灵的内住与流溢 基督完成救赎大工以后,得着荣耀, 升上高天。此后,圣灵就来与我们相交(约翰福音 7:38-39,约翰福音 16:7)。 诚然非基督徒会崇拜许多虚假的偶像,但基督徒可能因忽略圣灵而少了更多地敬拜上帝。 我们的良善来自圣灵。对自己罪的承认和悔改也是圣灵的工作。然而,许多人并没有把圣灵放在崇高的地位上。 虽然对基督的相信可以缓解口渴,但活水的江河从我们里面流出来了吗(约翰福音 7:38)?许多信徒并没有得到丰盛的生命。 让我们一起来了解圣灵的工作。 首先,它与基督的工作密切相关。 例如,除非从圣灵而生,否则不能进入神的国(约翰福音 3:5)。但凡相信基督的,必得到永生(约翰福音 3:16)。 在旧约中,圣灵藉着先知行了许多非凡的事。但在旧约的时代,圣灵来了又去,并没有住在先知里面。新约时代,当基督离开以后,圣灵却永远与我们同在。 圣灵将从基督那里所领受的教导我们。 祂引导我们归向基督,使我们效法基督的样式并荣耀基督(约翰福音 16:14)。 圣灵的工作具有无可比拟的价值。基督在世的时候,祂只有屈指可数的少量门徒;而祂离开以后,许多世纪以来圣灵住在无数的信徒里面,与他们同在! 圣灵在信徒里面产生众多活水的江河(不仅仅是一条河流而已),从信徒里面流出来(约翰福音 7:38), 好像神圣的光让别人能看见。这活水江河的流出是自发的,也是永恒的。信徒凡事亨通(诗篇 1:3)。他们在哪里,哪里就有福。教会得荣耀,他们也得荣耀。 我们很容易领受圣灵这样的工作。首先,当相信基督。凭着信心,我们将接受圣灵。其次, 祷告祈求,慈爱的天父就会赐下圣灵(马太福音 7:7-11)。祈求上帝使我们成为圣灵可以使自己成为的人。活水的江河将从我们里面流溢而出,祝福周围的人。 Our relationship with God requires love, faith, and knowledge, all intertwined together (1 John 4:16). Our faith needs the Holy Spirit to renew our heads and hearts because only spiritual beings know spiritual things. Therefore, we must be born again (John 3:7).
We love God because He first loved us (1 John 4:19). Such love has the following attributes. I. Acknowledge our love for God. Christ deserves our love, at least due to the sacrifice He made. He also demands it. For those ashamed of Him, He will be ashamed of them later. Those who acknowledge Him before others will be acknowledged before His heavenly Father (Luke 9:26, Matthew 10:32-33). Also, acknowledging Him will put them among the most blessed, such as the angels in heaven. If we so acknowledge and live consistently, we may influence others and receive great blessings, because it demonstrates that we are not of the world. But beware that the world will attack us (Genesis 3:15). II. Our love comes from knowledge and faith, knowing and believing that God loves us so much that He gave His only son so we may have eternal life (1 John 4:16, John 3:16). Consider how God has chosen us, redeemed us through His sacrifice, and taken us into Him. Look at His mercy supporting us daily. This will create in us a love for Him. If we don’t love Him, we are extremely ungrateful. In this way, such love will come naturally. It can’t be forced and isn’t because of duty. We just can’t help but love Him because He first loved us. But, like love for our children, our love for God doesn’t come out all the time. III. Our love is based on a great mystery. It is a mystery why God loves us. We can only attribute it to His grace and faithfulness. Give God all the glory. IV. Our love is a force sustained by a higher force, which is God’s love to us. God’s love is extremely powerful. Nothing can stop His love. Christ’s love compels us, empowering us to do impossible things, such as living not for ourselves but for Him (2 Corinthians 5:14-15). Summary of a sermon by Charles Spurgeon: 爱神的秘密 信徒与上帝的关系需要爱、信和知识彼此交织在一起(约翰一书 4:16)。我们的信仰需要圣灵来更新我们的头脑和心灵,因为只有属灵的人才知道属灵的事。 所以,我们必须重生(约翰福音 3:7)。 我们爱上帝因为祂先爱我们(约翰一书 4:19)。 这样的爱有以下的属性。 (一)承认我们对上帝的爱。 至少因为基督的牺牲,祂配得我们的爱。爱基督是祂的要求。以祂为耻的人,祂也会以他们为耻。在人面前承认祂的,祂也会在天父面前承认他们(路加福音 9:26,马太福音 10:32-33)。承认祂的人将被放在最受祝福的(例如天使)被造中间。 我们如此承认祂,并且活出这样的生命,就可以影响他人并得到莫大的祝福,因为这表明我们不属于这世界。但要小心,世界会攻击伤害我们(创世记 3:15)。 (二) 我们的爱来自知识和信心, 知道并相信上帝爱我们,甚至将祂的独生子赐给我们,使我们得永生(约翰一书 4:16, 约翰福音 3:16)。 思想上帝如何拣选我们,藉着祂的牺牲救赎我们,并把我们带到祂里面。祂的慈悲每天托住我们。这一切会在我们里面产生对祂的爱。若非如此,我们岂不是非常忘恩负义? 所以,这样的爱是自然而然,不能被强迫, 也不是出于责任感。 我们情不自禁地爱祂,因为祂先爱我们。但就像对自己儿女的爱一样, 我们对上帝的爱不会每时每刻都流露出来。 (三) 我们的爱基于一个伟大的奥秘。 神为何爱我们是个谜,只能将其归于上帝的恩典和信实,当把所有的荣耀归给上帝。 (四)我们爱的力量是由更高的大能托住的,就是上帝对我们的爱。 上帝的爱极其强大,没有什么能阻止它。 基督的爱激励我们,赐我们力量去完成不可能的事情, 例如不再为自己而活,单单为祂而活(哥林多后书 5:14-15)。 In John 15:7, Christ promised: “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”
Prayer should be our habit and our natural outpouring. We can’t live without asking for His favor, and we can ask whatever we wish. Elijah prayed for the rain to stop, and it stopped. We should aspire to be such people of God. To receive such blessing, remain in Him. This is through clinging and depending on Him. The branches must remain in the vine to bear fruit (John 15:4) for the glory of the Father (John 15:8). Anyone not remaining in Him—even those who have been Christians for decades—is like scrap wood left for burning (John 15:6). Everything is because of the vine. So, continuously rest in Christ. Solely rely on Him. But note that God prunes every branch that bears fruit (John 15:2). When we are pruned, cling to Christ even more. In addition to remaining in Him, His words must remain in you. So, we should read His words and memorize them. Then we will receive more from Him and treasure more of Him. He will grant us anything we ask. God, who is full of grace, will grant us His wealth. Christ gave us such promises because everything is in Christ. He prepared everything we need a long time ago. Also, if we ask God what He promises in His words, we are asking the almighty God to do what He said He would. So know and believe in His promises. Be filled with God’s words and pray accordingly. Beware that we are ignorant. Ask our all-wise Father to teach us what to ask. Ask God not to give us what we wish, but to give us according to His will. And we submit to His will. If so, you will have the desires of the Holy Spirit dwelling in you. You will ask what the Spirit moves you to ask. You will be in God’s love (John 15:9), and He will listen to your prayer. Remain in Christ, with His words remain in you. Then ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. Summarized from a sermon by Charles Spurgeon: 祷告的秘密力量! 基督在约翰福音 15 章 7 节应许:“你们若常在我里面,我的话也常在你们里面,凡你们所愿意的,祈求就给你们成就。” 祷告应该是一种习惯和自然的倾诉。我们的生活离不开不住地祈求上帝的恩惠,凡事都可以带到祂面前求。以利亚祈求雨停,雨就停了。我们应该渴望成为上帝这样的子民。 如果想要得到这样的福份,就必须住在祂里面,紧靠祂,依靠祂。枝子必须在葡萄树上才能结果子荣耀父(约翰福音 15:4,8)。 任何不在祂里面的人——即使那些已经成为基督徒数十年的人——就像废柴一样,迟早要被烧掉(约翰福音 15:6)。枝子的一切都是因为葡萄树。所以,当不断地在基督里安息, 单单依靠祂。 但请注意,上帝会修剪每一枝结果子的枝子(约翰福音 15:2)。当我们被修剪时,要更加紧靠基督。 除了在祂里面,祂的话也必须在你里面。所以,当阅读并记住祂的话。 如此,我们会从祂那里得到更多,更加珍惜祂。祂会赐给我们祈求的任何东西。充满恩典的上帝将赐下祂的祝福。 基督可以这样应许,因为一切都在基督里。祂早就准备好我们需要的一切。 另外,如果祈求上帝话语中的应许,就是在祷告全能的上帝按照祂所说的去做。 所以,要知道并相信祂的应许。让神的话充满我们,以祂的话为祷告的根基。 当留意我们是无知的。祈求全智的天父教我们该求什么。求上帝不要给我们想要的,而是按照祂的旨意回答我们的祷告,我们也当顺服祂的旨意。 如此,你会感受到住在里面的圣灵的渴望, 你会求圣灵感动你祈求的事情。 你会住在上帝的爱中,祂会聆听你的祷告(约翰福音 15:9)。 住在基督里,祂的话住在你里面。这样,只要你愿意,祂就为你成就。 God never created anything without a purpose. That includes you.
We are made by Him and for Him to last forever, with life on earth preparing for our eternity (Ephesians 1:11-12, Colossians 1:16, Revelation 4:11). On Earth, we have five purposes. 1. To know and love Him. God made us for His pleasure, so it is important to know God (Hosea 6:6, 1Timothy 6:21). He gets pleasure in us and loves to love us (Psalm 149:4, Ephesians 1:4). So, don’t worry. Otherwise, we act as God doesn’t exist (Matthew 6:32). 2. To love others. God wants a family and wants us to be in His family (Ephesians 1:5, 1Timothy 3:15b, Romans 12:5). This is the spiritual family, the everlasting church (1Peter 1:3). God made us to love our spiritual family (1Peter 2:17), which trains us how to love others. This includes unlovely people around us. 3. To become more like Christ. God wants us to think and act like Christ, and to bear the fruit of the Spirit (Romans 8:29, Colossians 1:15, Philippians 2:5, Galatians 5:22-23). Our accomplishments are far less important than the person we become, which is the only thing we take to the other side after death. We need to grow spiritually and realize that things are not about us. This requires life-long training, typically through experiencing and patiently learning from difficulties (Mark 4:17, 2Corinthians 3:18). 4. To serve God by serving others. We are designed to serve God by serving others (1Peter 4:10), including the undeserving. Do good work to serve others based on our uniqueness (Ephesian 2:10), including spiritually, in our passion, abilities, personalities, and experiences (Psalm 139:13). 5. To fulfill a mission. God puts us here for a mission (John 17:18, Acts 20:24) based on what He gives us. Don’t follow your own small plan, but follow His big plan for us, a plan for a far better life, for a purpose that will last forever (2Corinthians 5:15, Proverbs 19:21). Open your eyes to see how good God is (Psalm 34:8) and receive the immense love of God. Live for Him and His kingdom. That should be the purpose of your life. Become what God made us to be. Live restfully, freely, and lightly a life that God has created for you (Matthew 11:28-30). This offer is available to all of us (Acts 10:35). Summary of a sermon by Rick Warren, “If I Could Only Teach You One Thing: Why God Made You.” 上帝为何创造你? 上帝的任何创造都有目的,包括你。 我们被祂而造,也为祂而造,而且存到永远(以弗所书 1:11-12,歌罗西书 1:16)。 我们地上的生命正在为我们的永恒做准备。 我们在地上有五个目的。 1.认识祂并且爱祂 上帝为了祂的喜悦创造我们,所以认识祂很重要(何西阿书 6:6,提摩太前书 6:21)。 祂以我们为乐,并且喜悦爱我们(启示录 4:11,诗篇 149:4,以弗所书 1:4), 所以不要忧虑。否则,我们行事为人就活得像上帝不存在一样(马太福音 6:32)。 2.爱他人 上帝渴望要一个家庭,并希望我们成为其中的成员(以弗所书 1:5,提摩太前书 3:15下,罗马书 12:5)。这是属灵的家庭,那永远存在的教会(彼得前书 1:3)。 上帝创造我们来爱这属灵之家(彼得前书 2:17),要训练我们去爱他人,包括周围那些不可爱的人。 3. 变得更像基督 上帝希望我们的思想行为像基督,结出圣灵的果子(罗马书 8:29,歌罗西书 1:15,腓立比书 2:5,加拉太书 5:22-23)。 成为什么样的人比作出什么样的成就更重要,这是我们离开世界后唯一能带到来世的东西。 我们需要灵命成长,明白自己并非万事万物的中心。这一切需要终生的训练,通常是经历困难并耐心地从中学习(马可福音 4:17,哥林多前书 3:18)。 4. 通过服事他人来服事祂 上帝的设计是要我们通过服事他人来服事祂(彼得前书 4:10),包括服事那些不配的人。 当使用我们在热情、能力、个性和经验上的特性, 包括属灵的恩赐(以弗所书 2:10), 来多做善工,服务他人(诗篇 139:13)。 5.完成使命 上帝把我们放在世上,为要让我们用祂所賜的一切去完成祂的使命(约翰福音 17:18,使徒行传 20:24)。 不要遵循自己的小计划,而要遵循祂为我们制定的大计划,一个更美好生活的计划,去追求一个永远的目标(哥林多前书 5:15, 箴言 19:21)。 睁开我们的眼睛,看看上帝何等美善(诗篇 34:8),接受上帝的大爱,为祂和祂的国度而活,这应该是我们人生的目的。 让自己成为上帝创造我们要成的样式, 过一种上帝为我们创造的安息、自由、轻省的生活(马太福音 11:28-30),这是祂为所有人预备的(使徒行传 10:35)。 We deceive God, others, and ourselves (Jeremiah 17:9, Hebrews 3:13).
We flatter God and lie to Him (Psalm 78:36). We say we’re sinners while thinking we’re good, believing that God should answer our prayers, bless us, and reward our work. We ask God to protect us from sin, but we don’t watch over ourselves carefully. When Satan temps us, we yield easily. We say God is infinitely powerful and merciful, providing all things, yet we excessively worry and pursue earthly things. We say that God is most important, yet we don’t keep His commandments, nor the promises we made to Him in distress (Psalm 78:56-57, Hosea 7:16). Sometimes we live like God doesn’t even exist. Not only deceiving God, we deceive others also (Matthew 23:5). We are friendly to their faces but backstab them (Psalm 28:3, 12:2, 55:21; Jeremiah 9:4, 8; Proverbs 20:6). We judge their pride while we remain arrogant (Romans 2:1). Furthermore, we deceive ourselves. We distort God’s rules to justify ourselves. We covet others’ wealth and frame it as prudence. We are ignorant (Job 11:12), thinking we know something when we don’t (1 Corinthians 8:2), or we are something when we aren’t (Galatians 6:3). We don’t see our wickedness (Matthew 3:7, Psalm 58:4). We don’t know the power of sin. We are prone to errors, yet we’re stubborn. We ignore God’s guidance (Psalm 25:4-5) and neglect others’ opinions (Proverbs 26:16). We think God is not so far above us. When we don’t understand the Bible, we leave Him (John 6:50-66, Psalm 73:22). Don’t be too self-confident or trustful of our hearts or wisdom. Be suspicious of yourselves (Proverbs 28:26). Beware your blindness (John 9:39, 1 Corinthians 3:19). Ask God to help us see ourselves. Examine ourselves with His words (James 3:17, John 1:47, Romans 12:8, 2 Corinthians 1:12, 1 Corinthians 9:27). Have we kept our promises? Are our prayers just a show? Trust His words (Proverbs 3:5). Seek others’ advice. Accept your mistakes. Earnestly seek His grace as if you don’t have it (Philippians 3:8-11). Summary of a sermon by Jonathan Edwards: 人心诡诈至极 我们不但欺骗上帝,也欺骗他人和自己(耶利米书 17:9,希伯来书 3:13)。 我们奉承上帝并且对祂说谎(诗篇 78:36)。我们口中说自己是罪人,内心却以为自己很好,上帝应该听我们的祈祷,祝福我们,奖赏我们的工作。 我们祈求上帝保护我们免受罪的伤害,却不小心保护自己。撒旦试探时,我们很容易就屈服让步。 我们说上帝有无穷的大能和不尽的怜悯,提供我们需要的一切。然而,我们却过度地忧虑,不停地追求世俗的东西。 我们说上帝是最重要的,却不遵守祂的命令,不信守在危难中向祂作出的承诺(诗篇 78:56-57,何西阿书 7:16)。 有时,我们生活得好像上帝根本就不存在一样。 我们不仅欺骗上帝,也欺骗他人(马太福音 23:5)。 在别人面前,我们当面是朋友,背后却伤害他们(诗篇 28:3, 12:2, 55:21; 耶利米书 9:4、8; 箴言 20:6)。 我们评判他们的骄傲,却不改自己的傲慢(罗马书 2:1)。 此外,我们也欺骗自己。 我们歪曲上帝的规则为自己辩护。我们觊觎他人的财富,将这样的心态解释为合情合理。 我们是无知的(约伯记 11:12), 以为自己知道那些不知道的事(哥林多前书 8:2),或者本来什么都不是,却自以为是(加拉太书 6:3)。 我们看不到自己的邪恶(马太福音 3:7,诗篇 58:4)也不知道罪恶的权势。 我们容易犯错,却固执己见。 我们不理会上帝的引导(诗篇 25:4-5),也不考虑他人的意见(箴言 26:16)。 我们认为上帝并不远远高过自己。当我们不明白圣经时,就离祂而去(约翰福音 6:50-66,诗篇 73:22)。 不要太自信, 太相信自己的内心或智慧。要怀疑自己(箴言 28:26)。当心我们的瞎眼和愚拙(约翰福音 9:39,哥林多前书 3:19)。 求神帮助我们看清自己的本来面目。 用祂的话来审视自己(雅各书 3:17,约翰福音 1:47,罗马书 12:8,哥林多前书 1:12,哥林多前书 9:27)。我们遵守诺言了吗?我们的祷告只是一场表演吗? 相信上帝的话(箴言 3:5)。 寻求他人的建议。接受自己的错误。诚恳地寻求神的恩典,就好像我们还没有得到一样(腓立比书 3:8-11)。 Conflicts are normal because we are imperfect and different, but conflicts can block our prayers (1 Peter 3:7), happiness (James 3:18), and fellowship with God (1 John 4:20).
Christ wants us to be peacemakers (Matthew 5:9). Peacemakers resolve conflicts not by avoiding conflict (which is cowardice) or appeasing others (which is co-dependency). Reconciliation takes precedence even over worship (Matthew 5:23-24). But how do we reconcile? First, make the first move. Peacemakers make peace. Reconcile quickly because conflict can’t resolve itself and putting it off worsens it. We are afraid of rejection and being misunderstood, so we often avoid confrontation and hide (Genesis 3:10), making us distant, demanding, and defensive. Ask God for love (2 Timothy 1:7) because love can overcome our fear (1 John 4:18). Second, ask God for wisdom (James 1:5). He will teach us what to say and when to say it. Third, begin with your fault. Conflict typically comes from our desires battling within us (James 4:1) and from pride, which leads to argument (Proverbs 13:10). But we can choose to get along, to learn, and to be flexible. Be humble (Matthew 7:3, 5; 19:24; 23:24). We need others to identify our blind spots. Just say, “I am sorry I am only thinking of myself.” Fourth, seek to understand their hurt (Philippians 2:4-8) and perspective. Argument typically happens when someone was abused or humiliated. Listen (James 1:19), particularly to the emotion behind the words. See their perspective. Be considerate, particularly of their fears (can be irrational) and doubts (Romans 15:2). Fifth, speak the truth tactfully, with love (Ephesians 4:15). It is not what you say but how you say it. Being abrasive isn’t persuasive. Don’t say things designed to hurt, belittle, or insult (Colossians 3:8). Usually, it is rude to tell it just as it is. Instead, speak the truth lovingly. Use helpful, not harmful, words (Ephesians 4:29). Speak wisely, not recklessly (Proverbs 12:18). Sixth, attack the issues and problems, not each other. Seventh, focus on reconciliation and accept disagreements, not requiring seeing eye-to-eye. God has forgiven our sins and restored our relationship with Him. Now, bring people together (2 Corinthians 5:18-20). Be peacemakers. Summary of a sermon by Rick Warren: 如何解决冲突和恢复关系 人与人发生冲突是正常的,因为我们都并非完美,并且各有不同。 但冲突会阻碍我们的祈祷(彼得一书 3:7)、幸福(雅各书 3:18)和与上帝的相交(约翰一书 4:20)。 基督希望我们成为使人和睦的人(马太福音 5:9)。使人和睦的人不是通过逃避冲突(这是怯懦)或安抚他人(这是共同依赖)来解决冲突。 和解甚至比敬拜更重要(马太福音 5:23-24)。但怎样才能和解呢? 首先,要主动迈出第一步。 使人和睦的人缔造和平。 和解需用尽快,因为冲突无法自行解决, 并且推迟解决的冲突会更加恶化。 我们害怕被拒绝和被误解, 所以时常避免面对冲突而躲藏起来(创世记 3:10),因而与他人疏远、苛求他人并且持有防御的心态。 求上帝赐下爱(提摩太后书 1:7), 因为爱可以战胜恐惧(约翰一书 4:18)。 第二,向上帝求智慧(雅各书 1:5)。 祂会教导我们当说的话,以及何时说出这些话。 第三, 从自己的错误开始。冲突通常来自私欲在心里的争战(雅各书 4:1),来自引发争论的骄傲(箴言 13:10)。 但我们可以选择与人相处,虚心学习,机动灵活。 我们要谦卑(马太福音 7:3, 5; 19:24; 23:24), 要他人的帮助来识别自己的盲点。 只需说“对不起,我只想到自己。” 第四,倾听和理解他人的伤痛和观点(腓立比书 2:4-8)。 时常当有人受到虐待或羞辱时,争吵就会发生。 当仔细聆听(雅各书 1:19), 特别是话语背后的情感。看见他人的观点。 体谅他人, 特别是他们的恐惧 (可能是不合理的) 和疑虑(罗马书 15:2)。 第五,用爱委婉地讲真话(以弗所书 4:15). 关键不是你说什么,而是你怎么说。粗暴是没有说服力的。不要说旨在伤害、贬低或侮辱人的话(歌罗西书 3:8)。 通常,照原样直话直说是不礼貌的。 相反地,要以爱心说真话。要说造就人而非伤害人的话(以弗所书 4:29)。 说话要有智慧,不要鲁莽(箴言 12:18)。 第六,我们要解决和对付的是面临的问题,而不是彼此。 第七,是专注于和解, 接受大家可以有不同的意见。 上帝已经赦免了我们的罪,恢复了我们与祂的关系。现在,我们要使人与神和好,与人和好(哥林多后书 5:18-20), 成为使人和睦的人。 God despises wickedness. Those He hates get His wrath and punishment, with no mercy (Hosea 9:15, Jeremiah 12:8, Psalm 7:11).
Isaac had two sons, Esau and Jacob. Esau despised the covenant of grace, selling his birthright for a single meal (Genesis 25:30-34, Hebrews 12:16). God hated Esau but loved Jacob (Romans 9:13). Yet, Esau had vastly greater earthly possession than Jacob (Genesis 27:39). To those God hates, God may give them plenty of earthly things—honor, power, thrones, wealth, and pleasures, even the choicest ones (Habakkuk 1:15-16, Job 21:7, Psalm 73:5). God gives them up to the lust of their hearts. They spend so much time and effort on worldly profits and pleasures, though none of it truly satisfies. One day, death will strip away what little they have and leave them with eternal damnation. Those God loves may not have as many earthly possessions, but God is sufficient to carry them through their journeys to heaven. God gives them priceless spiritual blessings, such as the holy love, spiritual joy, peace, and the foretaste of heaven. Many neglect their souls for this world’s pleasures. When invited to a great banquet, many forsake it for paltry earthly things (Luke 14:15-20). Many put off eternal salvation till such and such time. Many put their hand on the plow and look back (Luke 9:62), as the Israelites in the wilderness earnestly yearned for Egypt, and Lot’s wife looked back at Sodom. Consider how miserable and foolish they were, greedy for the husks instead of feasting at the king’s table. Even the best of earthly profits and pleasures cannot satisfy us but only give us great vexation and guilty consciences with no true peace or rest. Don’t sell the blessings of the covenant for a mouthful of meat as Esau (Genesis 25:29-34). How bitter he became. Don’t neglect your soul and things above for earthly pleasures; they are nothing better than what God gives to those He hates. See the great things God has done. See the Kingdom of heaven is at hand. Forsake worldly profit, honor, and pleasure (Luke 14:33). Instead, intensely seek spiritual and heavenly things. Summary of a sermon by Jonathan Edwards: 我恨恶以扫 上帝憎恨邪恶。那些祂恨恶的人将受到祂没有怜悯的忿怒和惩罚(何西阿书 9:15,耶利米书 12:8,诗篇 7:11)。 以撒有以扫和雅各两个儿子。以扫轻看恩典之约,为了一点食物出卖了长子的名分(创世记 25:30-34,希伯来书 12:16)。 上帝恨恶以扫,但爱雅各(罗马书 9:13)。然而,以扫比雅各拥有更多的属世财产(创世记 27:39)。 那些上帝恨恶的人,上帝可能赐给他们许多属世的东西——荣誉、权力、宝座、财富和享乐,甚至是最上等的(哈巴谷书 1:15-16,约伯记 21:7,诗篇 73:5)。上帝任凭他们随心所欲。他们在世俗的利益和享乐上花费了无数的时间和精力,虽然没有一样能让他们真正快乐。有一天死亡会夺去他们仅有的一点点,留给他们永恒的诅咒。 上帝所爱的人可能没有那么多的世俗财产,但上帝的提供足以让他们完成通往天堂的旅程。上帝赐给他们无限宝贵的属灵祝福,例如圣洁的爱、属灵的喜乐、平安和天堂的预尝。 许多人为了享受世界而忽略自己的灵魂。当被邀请参加一个盛大的宴会时,许多人为了微不足道的世事而拒绝参加(路加福音 14:15-20)。许多人将永恒的救恩推迟又推辞。许多人手扶着犁向后看(路加福音 9:62),就像旷野中的以色列人渴望回到埃及,又像罗得的妻子回首所多玛一样。想想他们是多么悲惨和愚蠢, 贪婪地咀嚼毫无价值的食物外壳,而不享受王的盛宴大餐。 即使最好的世俗利益和快乐也不能满足我们,反而带来极大的烦恼和内疚,没有真正的平安或休息。不要像以扫那样为一碗红豆汤而出卖盟约的祝福(创世记 25:29-34)。他后来为此变得痛苦无比。不要为了世俗的享受而忽视您的灵魂和天上的事。没有什么属世的东西比那些上帝给祂恨恶之人的东西更好的。 看看上帝所行的大事,看看天国就在眼前。抛弃世俗的利益、尊荣和享乐(路加福音 14:33)。相反地,追求属灵和属天的事。 When God gives you a dream, clearly communicate it to others and enlist them to fulfill it. A lack of communication and cooperation will get us fired. But getting people to work together leads to promotion.
Nehemiah gathered volunteers to work together to build the Jerusalem wall in two months, a task failed by many for decades (Nehemiah 3). Let’s learn from Nehemiah. First, divide the dream into smaller tasks. To make the work manageable, Nehemiah separated the wall into more than twenty sections. He used the existing ten gates as markers, starting from the Sheep Gate and going counter-clockwise. Second, share ownership of the dream with others. Nehemiah always used the word “we.” Ownership increases motivation. He also showed how the dream would benefit others, for example having people build wall next to their own house (v10, 23, 28, and 29). Third, develop a cohesive team to build something bigger than yourself. Nehemiah used the words “next to him/them” 20 times. Typically, two is better than one (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12). Jesus had a team, and Paul worked with partners (1 Corinthians 3:9). Strive side-by-side with others to bring glory to God (Philippians 1:27). Fourth, create workgroups around pre-existing relationships. Nehemiah organized workgroups based on priest ministry (v1), geography (v2), family (v3, 12), and profession (v32). There was no mention of any professional builders. Fifth, love your neighbors, but invest more in those who bear more responsibility. Nehemiah didn’t waste time on those refusing to join (v5). He didn’t speculate why. We don’t even know our own motivation, let alone others’. Christ had twelve disciples but focused on Peter, James, and John (Galatians 2:8-9). Sixth, never stop saying “thank you.” Live in gratitude and appreciation (Ephesians 1:16). When you recognize others, be specific with their names and tasks done. Nehemiah mentioned 71 names (Nehemiah 3), even the volunteers’ parents. People love to hear their names, and parents love to be proud of their children. Nehemiah recognized detailed work (v6) and great attitudes (v20). Our work in the Lord is never wasted (1 Corinthians 15:58). We are remembered by serving and giving. God rewards by how we serve and give (Proverbs 14:14, 22:9). Work together to bring glory to God and be a great witness to the world. Summarized a sermon by Rick Warren:, starting at 14 minutes. 建立团队,齐心协力 当上帝给我们一个梦想时,我们应该把它清楚地传达给其他人,然后招募他们一起来实现这个梦想。在工作中,缺乏沟通和合作会让我们被解雇,但那些知道如何聚集人一起工作的会得到升迁。 尼希米将志愿者聚集在一起,两个月内重建了耶路撒冷墙,这是一项过去几十年来都失败了的工作(尼希米记 3)。 让我们向尼希米学习这里的功课。 首先,将梦想分解为一个一个小的任务。为了使工作易于管理,尼希米将城墙分成二十多个部分,用现有的十个门作为标记,从羊门开始逆时针方向走。 第二,与他人一起共同拥有这个梦想。尼希米总是使用“我们” 这个词。拥有权增加推动力。他也阐明这个梦想如何使人受益,例如让人建造在自己房子旁边的城墙(10、23、28 和 29 节)。 第三,培养有凝聚力的团队,建立比自己更大的事工。尼希米用了 20 次“在他/他们旁边”这个词。通常两个人比一个人好(传道书4:9-12)。耶稣有自己的团队,保罗与伙伴们一起工作(哥林多前书 3:9)。当并肩努力工作,将荣耀归与上帝(腓立比书 1:27)。 第四,围绕已有的关系建新工作组。 尼希米基于祭司事工(3:1)、地理位置(3:2)、家庭(3:3,12)和职业(3:32)建立不同的工作组。他没有在其中提到任何专业的修建者。 第五,爱你的邻舍,但更多地投资于那些承担更多责任的人。尼希米没有浪费时间在拒绝加入的人身上(3:5)。他没有推测这些人拒绝的原因。我们甚至不知道自己的动机,更不用说其他人的动机了。基督虽然有十二个门徒,但祂专注在彼得、雅各和约翰身上(加拉太书 2:8-9)。 第六,不要停止说“谢谢,” 活在感恩和欣赏中(以弗所书 1:16)。当你表扬他人的成就时,具体说明他们的名字和完成的任务。尼希米提到七十一个名字(尼希米记 3), 甚至提到志愿者父母的名字。 人喜欢听到自己的名字,父母也喜欢为自己的孩子感到骄傲。尼希米认可细致的工作 (3:6) 和优秀的态度 (3:20)。 在主里的工作永远不是徒然的(哥林多前书 15:58)。 我们的服务和付出将被铭记。上帝因为我们如何服务和付出来奖励我们(箴言 14:14, 22:9)。 让我们共同努力来荣耀上帝,向世人作出伟大的见证。 The spirit of charity is one of humility (1 Corinthians 13:4-5) that:
Christ on earth showed humility. He became human (the worm of the dust), lived as a servant, and remained obedient unto death on the cross (Philippians 2:6-8). His behavior should kindle our love for Him; and lead to us following His examples of humble love, and our contempt for all earthly glory (Matthew 10:24-25, 20:25-28; John 13:13-16). Carefully examine yourself (Habakkuk 2:4, James 4:6). Our original nature is arrogant, which God detests and punishes (1 Timothy 3:6; Proverbs 16:5, 6:16, 29:23; 2Samuel 22:28; Isaiah 23:9). Earnestly strive to have a humble, gentle, and loving spirit (1 Peter 3:4). This is the spirit of Christ on earth. Such spirit of charity will lead to getting His rich promises and the crown of glory in heaven. Summary of a sermon by Jonathan Edwards: 仁爱和它的果子 仁爱的精髓是谦卑(哥林多前书 13:4-5):
来到地上的基督表现出谦卑。祂成为人 (尘土中的虫),像仆人一样生活,存心顺服,以至于死,且死在十字架上(腓立比书 2:6-8)。祂的行为应该点燃我们对祂的爱,使我们效法祂谦卑的爱的榜样, 蔑视一切地上的荣耀(马太福音10:24-25, 20:25-28; 约翰福音13:13-16)。 仔细省察自己(哈巴谷书 2:4, 雅各书 4:6)。人狂妄的本性为神所憎恶和会得到惩罚(提摩太前书 3:6;箴言 16:5, 6:16, 29:23;撒母耳记下 22:28;以赛亚书 23:9)。 认真努力追求谦卑、温柔和仁爱的心(彼得前书 3:4),这是基督的灵在地上的彰显。如此可以得到祂丰富的应许和天上荣耀的冠冕。 |
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